
  1. 成本管理方法的创新&板块成本法基于改进PSO算法的多传感器管理方法

    The innovation of cost management & continent - based cost management ; Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Multisensor Fusion

  2. 本文通过对ERP中成本管理方法的分析,结合企业的实际生产过程,提出了基于标准成本的成本核算与控制方法。

    On the analysis of costing management in ERP , this paper proposes a costing and controlling method based on standard costing in production .

  3. 最后,以X公司为例,验证了基于价值链理论的生命周期成本管理方法的可行性。

    Finally , with X company as an example , based on the value chain theory proved the life cycle cost management of the feasibility of the method .

  4. 这需要JS银行进一步改进成本管理方法,提高成本管理水平。

    All these need JS bank to further improve its cost management method and enhance its cost management level .

  5. 施工项目工程进度&成本管理方法的研究与实践

    The Study and Practice of Progress-Cost Management Approach in Construction Project

  6. 浅谈黄金企业目标成本管理方法及应用

    Method of objective cost control of gold business and its application

  7. 目标成本管理方法在汽车企业新产品开发中的应用

    The Application of Target Costing Management in Automotive Enterprises New Products Development

  8. 企业成本管理方法研究综述

    The General Survey on the Approaches to Enterprise Cost Management

  9. 建筑企业以项目部为中心的成本管理方法

    The Project Department-Centered Cost Management Method of Construction Enterprises Avenue

  10. 基于价值链理论的成本管理方法及应用研究

    The Method and Its Application for Cost Management Based on Value Chain Theory

  11. 对资源和成本管理方法进行了系统的研究。

    This dissertation examines methods on resource and cost management of project management .

  12. 精益成本管理方法在施工企业的应用

    The Application of Lean Cost Management in Construction Enterprises

  13. 关于公路施工过程成本管理方法的探讨

    Discuss for cost management method during road construct process

  14. 基于虚拟利润的高新技术企业成本管理方法研究

    A Research on the Cost Management of High-tech Enterprises Based on Fictitious Profit

  15. 轧钢生产随机物流网络的成本管理方法及应用

    A Method of Cost Management for Random Material-Flow Net in Steel-Rolling and Application

  16. 对企业成本管理方法综合应用模式的探讨

    An Inquiry into the models How to Comprehensively Apply Cost Management Methods in Company

  17. 战略成本管理方法体系研究

    Study on System of Strategic Cost Management Methods

  18. 基于作业层次的钢铁生产成本管理方法研究

    Research on Production Cost Management Method for Iron & Steel Enterprise Based on Activity-Hierarchy

  19. 成本管理方法落后;

    Cost management method is out of date ;

  20. 建筑施工项目目标成本管理方法研究

    Objective Cost Management Method Investigate of Construction Project

  21. 多种成本管理方法的融合应用

    Synthesis and Application of Multi-cost Management Methods

  22. 构建基于价值链的成本管理方法和业绩评价指标体系,充分发挥价值链会计的管理职能,更好地为企业实现价值最大化服务。

    The value chain accounting will perform its function of management to serve the enterprise well .

  23. 因此寻找行之有效的降低成本管理方法也就成为A公司的追求目标。

    So searching an effective way to lower production costs became the aim of A company .

  24. 本文分析与研究交通施工企业的成本管理方法。

    This paper analyses and studies the method of the cost management in traffic construction enterprise .

  25. 把清洁生产融入现代成本管理方法&作业制管理,是突破清洁生产障碍的一种思路。

    There is a design that blends cleaner production with activity-based management to overcome these blocks .

  26. 面临激烈竞争,先进的成本管理方法是创造价值的有效手段之一。

    Faced with fierce competition , advanced cost management approach is an effective means of creating value .

  27. 论企业成本管理方法的完善

    The Improvement of Cost Management

  28. 注重总结、推广我国行之有效的成本管理方法。

    The valid cost management method paid attention to summary , expansion an our country to go .

  29. 两种成本管理方法在我国企业中也广泛使用,但是使用的效果不好,效率不佳。

    They are also widely used in our country , but it has a low the use-efficiency .

  30. 总结出一套适用于无线网络优化项目的成本管理方法。

    In this paper , we concluded a cost management which fit to wireless network optimization project management .