
  1. 涤纶FDY六头纺生产设备技术改造

    Technological innovation in PET FDY 6-end spinning line

  2. 分析了POY设备技术改造为纺程加热式一步法设备的可行性,并对改造费用和经济效益进行了预测。

    The feasibility on technical innovation , and cost of the innovation and economic benefits are analysed .

  3. 本论文以AW烟厂工艺设备技术改造为研究对象,探讨在该项目的寿命周期中如何运用现代项目管理的具体方法和工具,实现该项目全过程的有效管理与控制。

    This paper supposing the technical reform of process equipments in AW Cigarette Factory as studying object discusses how to make use of the concrete methods to get effective management and control in the whole process .

  4. 以瑞典SSAB热连轧厂的设备技术改造为例,介绍多种在线计算机控制模型以及在带钢轧制中全新的轧制工艺:奥氏体/铁素体复合轧制。

    Many kinds of on line computer control models , as well as the new processes of austenite / ferrite composite rolling , were introduced in illustration of technical and equipment reformation of the continuous hot strip mill in SSAB Sweden .

  5. 米波仪表着陆设备技术改造研究

    Study of Technological Renovation for the Equipment of Instrument Landing System

  6. 介绍了各工段主要设备技术改造具体措施。

    The detail measures for technical reform of main equipment were introduced .

  7. 引进食品真空冷冻脱水设备技术改造初探

    Preliminary study on technical transformation of vacuum dehydrofrozen equipment introduced from abroad

  8. 发电、供电设备技术改造的可行性研究

    Feasibility study of technical innovation plans of power generating or supply equipment

  9. 分离塔设备技术改造专家支持系统

    Expert Supporting System for the Revamp of Separation Column

  10. 水电设备技术改造与效率测试

    Technology Transforming and efficiency test of hydropower equipment

  11. 轧钢区水处理系统设备技术改造与工艺优化

    Equipment Technical Transformation and Technological Optimization of Water Handling System in Steel Rolling Workplace

  12. 关于航空叶片锻造工艺及其设备技术改造的建议

    Proposals Concerning the Technology Reform of Forging Process and Its Equipments for Jet Engine Blades

  13. 首钢特殊钢公司炼钢二厂电弧炉除尘设备技术改造

    Technical Innovation for Dedusting Facilities of Electric-Arc Furnace of NO.2 Steelwork of The Capital Steelworks

  14. 高压变频器在煤矿大型机电设备技术改造中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of High Voltage Transformer in Technical Renovation for Big-Scale Equipment in Coal Mine

  15. 介绍了陈村水电站厂用电系统设备技术改造情况。

    This paper introduces the reformation of the station-service power supply equipment at Chencun Hydropower Station .

  16. 本文结合案例,对设备技术改造项目进行充分调研、搜集资料和后评价分析,后评价分析结果反映了项目的实际情况,能对项目改进提供切实可行的意见和建议。

    The post-evaluation of equipment technical innovation project was analyzed by combining with the actual project .

  17. 高锍磨浮车间设备技术改造综述

    A Review on Technical Modifications of the Equipment in the First High grade Nickel Matte Separating Plant

  18. 是一种简便易行、经济实用的设备技术改造方法。

    This is a good means that easily to achieve and economically to apply for equipments reconstructed .

  19. 介绍在开发生产A3562铝合金竖井铸造产品中所进行的设备技术改造和生产工艺实践。

    This paper introduces technical innovation of the equipment and production technics to develop A356.2 aluminium alloy shaft cast equipment .

  20. 烧结厂通过加强各方面的管理和进行设备技术改造,使槽下返矿率明显下降,取得了明显的效果和经济效益。

    The return fines ratio has obviously been declined and remarkable economic profit was obtained after strengthening management and retrofitting the equipments and technology .

  21. 新临钢炼钢厂通过工艺及设备技术改造,提高生产效率,节约能源,降低消耗。

    The productive efficiency was raised , energy was saved , and consumption was reduced by improving the process and equipment in Steel making Plant of Lingang .

  22. 对梅山选矿厂在新工艺生产应用、设备技术改造、试验研究和生产实践等方面进行了论述。

    In Meishan Irom Ore Dressing Plant , technological optimizations concerning application of new technique , improvement of equipment , research & experiment are carried out without break .

  23. 该系统硬件设计原理及控制软件开发的基本思路与方法,可为同类试验设备技术改造工作提供参考。

    The hardware de - sign and the control software of development method of structure test are concluded , which can provide reference for the improvement of others testing device .

  24. 为其他强噪声区的通信设备技术改造提供数据和经验,促进工业通信抗噪声技术发展与应用。

    The research would provide data and experience for other technical innovation of communication equipment working in loud noisy areas and promote the development and application of anti noise communication technology in industry .

  25. 本文重点分析了生产实践中在石灰制成石灰乳液(即石灰乳化)过程中石灰乳化效率偏低的原因,在原料质量控制、石灰投加方式、设备技术改造方面提出了改进措施。

    This article emphatically analyzes the reason of lower lime emulsification efficiency and puts forward measures for improvement in terms of raw material quality control , lime charging style and equipment and technology modifications .

  26. 全面地系统地阐述了武汉铁路枢纽存在的问题,并从运输设备技术改造和加强运输组织工作两方面提出了切实可行的有力措施。

    He paper expounds comprehensively and systematically the existing problems of Wuhan railway terminal , and puts forward realistic and forceful measures from the two aspects of technical upgrading of transportation equipments and strengthening transportation organization .

  27. 介绍企业设备技术改造的要求、目的以及层次分析法的概念与特点,分析层次分析法在决策中的应用步骤,并给出该方法在某一企业设备技改中的应用实例。

    The requirements and goals of the equipment technological - transformation , as well as the concept and characteristics of AHP-method are introduced first . Then the steps of AHP - method and examples are discussed .

  28. 通过喷煤设备技术改造,优化高炉操作,强化冶炼,短时间内实现了高炉利用系数2.8t/m3.d以上和最低入炉焦比315kg/t。

    Through the technological transformations of the coal injection facilities , optimizing the blast furnace operation and strengthening smelting , the productivity reaches 2.8t / m3 . d above and the lowest charge coke ratio is 315kg / t.

  29. 通过对传统教学设备技术改造,分别采用C/S和B/S结构创建了中山大学跨校区物理实验教学平台。

    With improving the performance of teaching instrumentation and using virtual instrument technology , the teaching platform for physics experiment are developed in Sun Yat-sen University and it can be accessed over campus networks in both of C / S and B / S formats .

  30. 简述机电设备PLC技术改造方法

    The Method of Electromechanical Equipment Alteration Based on PLC Technology