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  1. 自语文独立设科以来,在知识观上一直被西方科学理性主义所绑架。

    Since Chinese became an independent subject , it has been kidnapped by western scientific rationalism over the idea of knowledge .

  2. 中国的语文教育自1904年独立设科以来,一直是一个颇受争议的话题。

    Chinese language teaching in China has always been a topic in dispute since Chinese language was established as an independent subject in1904 .

  3. 语文学科教育学百年发展分段浅见&纪念语文学科独立设科一百周年

    On the Division of the Centennial Development of Philological Pedagogy as a Discipline & In Memorial of Philology as an Independent Discipline for One Hundred Years

  4. 1904年现代语文独立设科以来,诵读教学虽然有专家提倡,但总体还是趋于弱化。

    Since the modern Chinese language become an independent subject in 1904 , although there are experts to advocate , but the overall trend is still weaken .

  5. 自语文独立设科以来,关于教师如何了解并改进学生学的问题,一直是讨论的焦点。

    Since the subject Chinese was set up , it has been the point at issue how the teacher can know and improve the learning of the students .

  6. OIST不设科系,而是将生物学家,化学家,物理学家,数学家,电脑怪才等混杂其间,共享实现器材,师资和资金。

    It has no departments . Instead , its biologists , chemists , physicists , mathematicians and computer geeks intermingle , sharing laboratory equipment , teachers and money .

  7. 自20世纪初语文单独设科以来,近代语文教科书的编制已有百年历史。语文教科书作为语文课程的载体,它的编制一直是颇费神思,同时又是期望最多、非难最多的一个工程。

    The development of modern Chinese textbook sees a history of about 100 years since Chinese was offered as a single subject at the beginning of the 20th century .

  8. 语文课程单独设科以来,曲折向前发展,语文审美教育逐渐受到各方面的关注,成为语文课程与教学论领域研究的热点问题。

    Since established as a separate division , the subject of Chinese has gone through a tortuous development ; its aesthetic education has gradually attracted the attention from all circles and become a hot issue in research fields of both Chinese course and teaching methodology .

  9. 从1904年语文独立设科,语文教育界的前辈们就自觉不自觉地试图建立语文课程的知识体系并且获得了经验性的成果。可见,语文知识体系自语文独立以来就为人们关注。

    Since Chinese became an independent discipline in 1904 , knowledge system of Chinese has attracted people attention , meanwhile the effort has been made to establish knowledge system in Chinese Curriculum by the researchers of Chinese education and a great achievement have been obtained .

  10. 作为教育领域的一个重要组成部分&语文教育,在科学主义的思想、观念和方法的介入下,逐步从传统大语文教育中解放出来,于1904年随着癸卯学制的颁布而独立设科。

    As an important part of education , Chinese language education has , by means of scientism thoughts , concepts and methods , gradually liberated from traditional Chinese language education in broad sense and become an independent discipline in 1904 after the " GuiMao Educational System " .

  11. 论文将中国语文考试的历史粗分为三个阶段:1903年语文独立设科前的中国古代语文考试时期;1903年至1949年中华人民共和国成立的中国现代语文考试时期;

    The history of Chinese test is divided into 3 stages on a primary degree : Period of ancient Chinese test ( before Chinese-teaching becoming subject independently in 1903 ), Period of Contemporary Chinese Test , ( 1903-1949 ), Period of Present Chinese Test ( 1949 - ) .

  12. 但是在我国的发展步伐相当缓慢,目前只是在国内几所大学单独设科,如中国传媒大学,北京、深圳等经济发达地区的部分中小学也在积极探索。

    But a fairly slow pace of development presents in China , the particular discipline only set up in several universities , such as the Communication University of China . Some primary and middle schools are also actively exploring in Beijing , Shenzhen and other economy developed areas .

  13. 浙江省检验检疫科学技术研究院嘉兴分院内设综合业务科、工业消费品实验室、食品安全与动植物检验检疫实验室和机械安全实验室。

    In ZAIQ-JX there are integrated service department , industrial consumer goods laboratory , food safety and animal and plant inspection and quarantine laboratory and mechanical safety laboratory .

  14. 天津开发区社会发展局内设办公室、文教科、卫生科、社区科四个科室。

    The TEDA Social Development Bureau consists of4 sections , which are General Office , Culture and Education Development Section , Public Health Development Section and Community Development Section .

  15. 地方卫生行政方面,逐步形成了省设卫生处、市设卫生局(科)、县设卫生院的三级行政管理部门。

    From the aspect of municipal sanitation administration , we worked up provincial sanitation ministry , city owned sanitation bureau , country owned sanitation clinic such kind of third class administrative supervisory department .