
  1. 它采用集散控制技术、变频调速技术及冗余技术,运用FUZZY-P1算法,解决了机场供油的自动化、水击、能耗、设备磨损等许多问题,有很高的实用价值。

    And FUZZY-P1 calculation method and resolves such problems as fuel supply automatization in airport , water hammer , high energy consumption and equipment wear and tear , having high practical value .

  2. 结果表明,同轴双锥两级气固分离器的分离效率在98%以上,气固分离器的压力损失在100Pa以下,设备磨损小,能够满足下行循环流化床反应器的要求。

    The results indicate that the separating efficiency is more than 98 % , the pressure drop of the separator is less than 100 Pa , and the abrasion is very little .

  3. 机械设备磨损状态的远程监测诊断系统研究

    Study of Remote Monitoring and Diagnosis System on Wear Condition of Machinery

  4. 高梯度磁力分离在设备磨损监测诊断中的应用

    Application of High Gradient Magnetic Seperation into Machine 's Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis

  5. 铁谱技术在设备磨损状态监测中的应用研究

    Application of Ferrography Technology in Equipment Wearing Condition Monitoring

  6. 关于医疗设备磨损的探讨

    Discussion about wear and tear of medical equipment

  7. 重型机械设备磨损故障识别研究

    Study on wear fault recognition of heavy machinery

  8. 根据设备磨损的规律说明了预知性维修的必要性;

    Necessity of predictive maintenance was illustrated according to the wear law of equipments .

  9. 基于模型的机械设备磨损剩余寿命预测方法的研究

    The Study on Model_Based Abrasion Method of the Remain Life Time Prediction for Machine

  10. 浅析高等学校设备磨损

    On Equipment Abrasion in Institutions of Higher Learning

  11. 提出了设备磨损与更新的数学模型。

    The mathematical model of equipment attrition and renewal is worked out in the paper .

  12. 基于灰色理论的设备磨损状态辨识参数监测法的研究

    Research on the Monitoring Method of Recognized Parameters for Wear State Based on Grey Theory

  13. 诊断实例表明,用神经网络方法可以准确地识别出重型机械设备磨损故障类型、程度和部位。

    The diagnosis example shows that this system can promote the accuracy and speed of wear particles identification .

  14. 基于设备磨损的基本原理,为偏最小二乘算法理论分析结果提供了合理的解释。

    Based on principle of equipment wear , an appropriate explaining for PLS 's analysis result is made .

  15. 根据上述磨损变量组,运用灰色关联理论判断可能的设备磨损部位。

    Then , possible wear place is judged by using Gray Association Degree theory plus the above variable group .

  16. 搅拌强度是一个经济值,既要保证溶液充分混和,又要减少能耗和设备磨损;

    Degreeof agitation is a optimization factor which shall both agitate the solution and reduce energy losing and equipment abrading .

  17. 由于石英碎屑岩的强度高、硬度大和二氧化硅含量高,造成机械加工设备磨损严重。

    The equipment was heavily damaged due to wearing of the quartz-clastic rock with high strength , high hardness and great content of SiO_2 .

  18. 讨论了设备磨损及其后果与补偿,系统研究了设备大修和更新的技术经济评价方法。

    The equipment wear and its consequences and compensation methods are discussed . The technical and economic evaluation method on big repairs and renew of equipment are researched .

  19. 轧机振动易加速设备磨损,影响产品质量,导致产品出现振动纹等,有时甚至出现断裂等缺陷。

    Chatter is easy to accelerate destroyequipments , influence the product quantity , and cause marks covering the strip width etc , sometimes and even appear to break phenomenon .

  20. 磨损微粒是机械设备磨损的重要信息载体,基于电感测量原理和磨损颗粒的检测要求,提出了电感式传感器的设计。

    Wear particle is an important information carrier , on the basis of inductive principle and monitoring requirement of wear particle , the design of inductive transducer is presented .

  21. 本文对这种材料力学性能、使用寿命、价格以及加工机械设备磨损等问题进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the mechanical properties , service life and price of this material were discussed and the abrasion problem of the processing machine and equipment as well .

  22. 根据智能化铁谱诊断的要求,本文给出了机械设备磨损故障的定义并对机械设备磨损故障进行了系统的分类。

    In the light of the need of intellectualized ferrographic technology , a definition of mechanical device wear fault is given and a classification of mechanical device wear fault is made .

  23. 下行循环流化床反应器要求气固分离器具有分离效率高、气相停留时间短、压力损失小、设备磨损小等特点。

    New kind of gas-solid fast separator with high separating efficiency , short gas resident time , low pressure loss and long life is urgently needed to couple with concurrent downer reactor .

  24. 油液磨粒监测是机械设备磨损状态监测的重要手段之一,可以为机械设备故障诊断和视情维修提供分析依据。

    Oil wear particle monitoring is one of the important means for condition monitoring of mechanical equipments , which can provide analysis basis for fault diagnosis and condition based maintenance of mechanical equipments .

  25. 机械系统中的耗散力是引起能量消耗和设备磨损的主要因素,同时耗散力对机械系统的动态性能及运转精度也有重要的影响。

    Dissipation force is the main reason for energy dissipation and equipment wear in mechanical system . In addition , dissipation force also affects the dynamic characteristics and running precision of machine sharply .

  26. 监测实例表明,该系统显著地提高了机械设备磨损状态监测与故障诊断的准确性和自动化水平,具有较高的推广应用价值。

    It is shown in the monitoring instance that the system is valuable to put into practice widely because it can raise the precision and automation level of machine wear condition monitoring and fault diagnosing .

  27. 同时研究了神经网络技术在磨损故障诊断专家系统中的应用,最后讨论了该技术在机械设备磨损状态监测中的应用前景。

    At the same time , studying the application of neutral network technique on the expert system of wear diagnosis . The application prospect of this technique in mechanical wear condition monitoring is discussed finally .

  28. 但一味强调高强化熔炼将导致熔炉炉衬寿命低、喷枪等关键设备磨损严重,不当的吹喷操作甚至会引起泡沫渣等严重事故。

    But blindly emphasizes high intensified smelting will lead smelting furnace lining life of low , spray gun and other key equipment wear , improper injection operation even serious accidents caused by the slag foaming .

  29. 其优异的特性使其在极端条件下提高油品的使用性能和减少设备磨损,更好地节能和环保,并延长设备使用寿命等方面,发挥了独特的作用。

    Their excellent performances make them play an unique role in upgrading oils under extreme conditions to reduce wear , gain better energy saving and environment protection as well as expand the service life of equipment .

  30. 采用模拟器解决方案,周期长,投入大,还存在设备磨损、维护困难、同时投入训练人数受限等具体问题。

    If we adopt the simulators to solve the problem , we have the problems of long development period , great costs , the abrasion of equipment , hard maintenance and small number of the trainees etc.