
  • 网络Maximum working pressure;Bar;mwp;Mop;Pmax
  1. 采用20MPa的充气压力,蓄能器皮囊在最大工作压力下体积变化小于公称体积的75%,仍有较大的补压余量。

    When precharge pressure is 20 MPa , bladder volume change is less than 75 % of nominal volume under maximum working pressure , while some compensation margin is still preserved .

  2. 法兰压板的最大工作压力是其安全正常工作的重要技术参数。

    The maximum working pressure is an important parameter for safe working of flange .

  3. 最大工作压力等于或大于69兆帕。

    Maximum working pressure of69 MPa or greater .

  4. 防喷器最大工作压力

    Maximum working pressure of blowout preventer

  5. 为在建筑给水系统中合理应用紫铜管,并方便设计计算,建立了常用紫铜管水力计算表和最大工作压力表;

    The tables for hydraulic calculation and maximum allowable working pressure of red copper pipes have been established by the authors .

  6. 每个热水供暖锅炉都必须配置压力安全阀,其设置的泄压压力必须小于锅炉的最大工作压力。

    Each hot water space heating boiler shall be equipped with a pressure relief valve set to relieve below the maximum boiler working pressure .

  7. 应在最大允许工作压力下测量泄漏率。

    The leak ratio shall be measured at mawp .

  8. 最大容许工作压力;最大允许工作压力;最高允许工作压力

    Maximum allowable working pressure

  9. 法兰最大允许工作压力应不小于该法兰在使用条件下的计算压力。

    The flange maximum allowable working pressure should not be smaller than the computed pressure of this flange in operation .

  10. 其中,最大的工作压力是来自社会方面的压力;其次是来自学生的压力;再次是来自考试与升学的压力。

    Among them , the greatest pressure comes from social pressure . The secondly pressure comes from the students . More again , the pressure comes from exams and studies .

  11. 蜗壳的最大工作水头加水锤压力为775m,最大过流量为72.2m~3/s。

    The working head plus water hammer pressure in the spiral case is 775 m. The spiral case has a maximum discharge of 72.2 m ~ 3 / s.

  12. 这种安全阀必须标注不能超过的最大设置压力和热水器的最大工作压力。

    This valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to exceed the working pressure on the water heater .