
  1. 如果能有如果,我会不会是你生命中最后一个女人。

    If you can have if , I will be your last woman .

  2. 她是你最后一个女人。

    Make her your last woman .

  3. 我不会去跟玛丽约就算她是世界上的最后一个女人。

    I wouldn 't go out on a date with Mary if she was the last woman in the world .

  4. 由于起步晚,发展慢,迄今为止仅有少数学者发表此类研究性文章。尤其是关于鲜为人知的作家及其作品研究基本上处于空白,如格尔曼·卡丘洛夫的《李舟》和《最后一个中国女人》。

    Because of its late and slow development , only some scholars have published such a kind of articles about it , particularly about the research on the unknown writers and their works such as Li Zhou and The Last Chinese Woman , which is almost blank .