
zuì dà chénɡ xìn
  • utmost good faith;uberrima fides
  1. 保险合同首要原则是最大诚信原则,保险合同双方都必须遵守这个原则。

    The first principle of insurance contract is utmost good faith ;

  2. 论保险要遵循最大诚信原则

    Honesty and Trust Being Priceless On the Principle of Utmost Good Faith in Insurance

  3. 本文通过对最大诚信原则(theutmostgoodfaith)的分析,介绍并论述了作为保险法基本原则的最大诚信原则在保险法上的适用。

    The article introduces and addresses the application of the utmost good faith as the elementary principle of Insurance Law in the fields of Insurance Law through the analysis into the utmost good faith .

  4. 以最大诚信提升保险业竞争力

    Promote the Competitive Potential of the Insurance Industry with Greatest Honesty

  5. 最大诚信原则在保险实务中的运用

    Apply the principle of utmost good faith to insurance business

  6. 这与保险制度倡导的最大诚信格格不入。

    This insurance system and promote the integrity of the largest alien .

  7. 保险的特点决定了必须要遵循最大诚信原则。

    The characteristics of insurance require the adoption of greatest honesty principle .

  8. 最大诚信原则在海上保险合同履行过程中的适用

    Application of Utmost Good Faith in the Performance of Marine Insurance Contract

  9. 保险合同是最大诚信原则的体现。

    The insurance contract is based on the principle of utmost good faith .

  10. 保险合同中的最大诚信原则

    On Good - faith Principle in Insurance Contract

  11. 最大诚信原则是对保险当事人双方的要求。

    This principle is an elemental requirement for the parties in the insurance contract .

  12. 最大诚信原则是海上保险法的基本原则。

    The doctrine of Umberrimae Fidei is a basic principle of marine insurance law .

  13. 最大诚信是保险知识经济的生存线和最高准则。

    Utmost faith is the life line and the highest criterion of insurance knowledge economy .

  14. 最大诚信原则与保险合同的成立与履行

    Application of the Utmost Good Faith to the Forming and Performance of the Insurance Law

  15. 然而对除外责任制度的研究却需要以最大诚信原则为前提。

    To study excepted liability should take the principle of utmost good faith as the prerequisite .

  16. 最大诚信原则是海上保险实践的一项最基本的原则。

    The principle of utmost good faith is the most basic principle of marine insurance practice .

  17. 告知义务是保险法最大诚信原则的重要组成部分。

    The notification liability is a major component for the maximum trust principle of the insurance law .

  18. 射聿合同的射幸性决定了其订立必须遵循最大诚信原则。

    The uncertainty nature of aleatory contract determines that the principle of utmost good faith should be applied .

  19. 保险最大诚信原则是保险企业生存与发展的重要因素

    Insurance biggest trust principle is the important factor of the survival and development ability of the insurance enterprise

  20. 同时,告知也是最大诚信原则和对价平衡原则的要求。

    Balancing Your Life Furthermore , disclosure is also required by the principle of the utmost good faith .

  21. 关于最大诚信原则规定(包括告知、说明义务和通知义务)的修改思考;

    Issues of the principle of utmost good faith ( including liability of disclosure , representation and notice );

  22. 本文着重对保险最大诚信原则的最大性和完善机制进行分析论证。

    This paper analyzes and demonstrates the insurance principle of good faith of the largest and most comprehensive mechanism .

  23. 彩票合同的主体是彩票发行机构与彩票购买人,彩票合同属于民事合同、有偿合同、诺成合同、双务合同、定型化合同、射幸合同和最大诚信合同。

    The two parties of lottery contract are the distributor of lottery tickets and the buyer of lottery tickets .

  24. 并且最大诚信原则在海上保险条款中的适用也是随着海上保险条款的发展变化而随之发展的。

    And the principle is developing by the development of the hull insurance in the practice of the hull - clause .

  25. 实践中,因海上保险合同一方当事人不遵守最大诚信原则而引发的纠纷时有发生,这严重影响了正常的交易秩序和保险业的正常发展。

    In practice , there are many disputes arose because of one party of the contract not abide by the principle .

  26. 最大诚信原则是保险合同的基本原则之一,是保险合同生效的必要条件。

    The principle of utmost good faith is one of insurance contracts and essential condition to make it effective as well .

  27. 从理论上深化对最大诚信原则的认识,对其本质、地位、功能进行进一步的剖析。

    In theory their understanding of the principle of utmost good faith is deepened and its nature , status and function are analyzed .

  28. 同时涉猎最大诚信原则对保险人的具体要求以及它对第三人的效力这两方面学者较少讨论的内容;

    Additionally , the author analyzes the specific request on the insurer by this principle of which was seldom focused on by scholars before .

  29. 最大诚信原则最早源于海上保险,随着社会经济日新月异的发展,现代保险也对最大诚信原则提出了新的要求。

    The principle of Utmost Good Faith stemmed from marine insurance ; but as time goes on , it should constantly make necessary amendments .

  30. 最大诚信原则,作为保险契约的基本原则,对保险契约的影响是全面而深远的。

    The principle of max good faith , as the basic principle of insurance contract , has influenced the insurance contract entirely and deeply .