
  • 网络Minimum Reinforcement Ratio
  1. 以裂缝宽度控制为标准的受弯构件最小配筋率

    Method of Determining Minimum Reinforcement Ratio of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members With Standard of Controlling Crack Width

  2. 钢筋混凝土深梁抗裂度塑性系数和纵向受力钢筋最小配筋率的研究

    A Research on the Plastic Coefficient of Cracking strength and the Minimum Reinforcement Ratio of Deep Beams

  3. 预应力和部分预应力砼受弯构件最小配筋率P(pmin)的简捷计算方法

    A Simplified Method for Calculating Minimum Steel Ratio of Prestressed and Partially Prestressed Concrete Bar

  4. 钢筋混凝土构件纵向钢筋最小配筋率的功能与取值《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB500102002)修订背景介绍

    Function and Evaluation of Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio of RC Members

  5. 利用该模型,通过算例比较了中国GB50010-2002、美国ACI318-02、澳大利亚AS3600-1988三国规范关于混凝土板温度收缩钢筋的最小配筋率要求,并对此提出了设计建议。

    With the simple model , some examples are shown to compare the provisions for minimum shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in GB 50010-2002 Code , ACI 318-02 Code and AS 3600-1988 Code . Finally , some recommendations are proposed .

  6. 关于受弯及受拉构件最小配筋率的若干问题

    Several problems of minimum steel ratio of flexural and tensile members

  7. 预应力混凝土空心板最小配筋率的讨论

    The discussion of the minimum reinforcement ration of prestressing concrete hollow slab

  8. 因此,对预应力混凝土构件的最小配筋率限制得更严格。

    So , the reinfercement ratio of prestress concrete structure was restricted strictly .

  9. 预应力混凝土压弯构件受拉筋最小配筋率的计算

    Calculation of minimum percentag of reinforcement of tensile tendons in prestressed concrete beam-column elements

  10. 轻骨料混凝土剪扭构件的最小配筋率

    The minimum steel ratio of Reinforced Light-Weight Aggregate Concrete Member under shear and torsion

  11. 这类结构的裂缝调查。提出了钢筋混凝土剪力墙的强度、延性和最小配筋率。

    Strength , ductility and minimum percentage of reinforcement in the shear wall were presented .

  12. 钢筋混凝土矩形截面受扭最小配筋率构件的钢筋受力分析

    The mechanics analysis of reinforced concrete rectangle cross-section beams with minimum reinforcement requirement under torsion

  13. 非抗震梁受拉钢筋最小配筋率取值分析与建议

    A Study of Limiting Values for Minimal Ratio of Longitudinal Tensile Reinforcement in Non-seismic Reinforced Concrete Beams

  14. 对扩展基础底板配筋计算是否要验算最小配筋率的问题提出了自己的观点。

    This paper presents the authors'viewpoint on the choice of minimum reinforcement for isolated foundation bottom slab .

  15. 横行霸道专横地自行其事对导致混凝土后浇带失效的横穿钢筋最小配筋率的研究

    Research on the Minimum and Invalidated Ratio of Reinforcing Steel Bars Across the Post-Casting Band in Concrete Structures

  16. 钢筋混凝土受扭构件最小配筋率是为防止构件受扭一开裂就出现突然脆性破坏所需的最低配筋率,目前国内外对此尚无较为深入的研究。

    There are no thorough research on the minimum steel ratio of reinforced concrete member under torsion at home and abroad .

  17. 钢筋混凝土受扭构件的构造配筋,是配置相当于受扭最小配筋率的钢筋用量并需符合构造要求的最低配筋设计方法。

    The constructional reinforcement for RC members under torsion is the minimum ratio and needs to satisfy with the construction demand .

  18. 介绍了此次《混凝土结构设计规范》修订中纵向钢筋最小配筋率有关条文的修订背景。

    Background to provisions in Code for design of concrete structures with regard to minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio in RC members is presented .

  19. 本文提出了提高墙体裂后变形能力及维持墙体整体性所需的水平钢筋最小配筋率。

    The minimum horizontal reinforcement percentage ( which raises deformation ability of wall after crack and sustains wall integrity ) has been put forward .

  20. 其中着重说明了构件中受拉和受压纵向钢筋最小配筋率在非抗震结构及抗震结构中所起的作用及其取值思路;对确定最小配筋率的探讨

    The function and evaluation of minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio both under compression and tension are analysed . Research of determination of lowest rate of reinforcement steel

  21. 当按单向板设计时,在垂直受力方向单位长度上分布钢筋的截面面积且应该满足最小配筋率的要求。

    Designing as the one-way slab , the cross sectional area of the distributing concrete every unit length on the vertical direction of the stress should be satisfied the requirement of the ratio of reinforcement .

  22. 本文以梁端截面的开裂弯矩与屈服弯矩的关系为基础,分析了梁端正、负弯矩受拉钢筋最小配筋率在保证框架抗震性能中的作用。

    Based on the relation between cracking moment and yield moment of beam end section , the functions of minimum ratios of reinforcement for tension reinforcement of the beam end in positive and negative moment areas in ensuring seismic behavior of the structure are studied in this paper .