
zuì hòu yī jī
  • knockout
  1. 欧文·克里斯托尔在6月12日的一封信中发出了最后一击:他们已经决定驳回该提议。

    Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12 : they had decided to reject the proposal .

  2. 对萨达特来说,莫斯科最高级会谈的公报是他不能忍受的最后一击。

    For Sadat , the Moscow summit communique was the last straw .

  3. 你的意思是让我给你最后一击吗?我拒绝。

    You mean that I give you one last ? I refused .

  4. 是最后一击把大石头断开的吗?

    Did the final blow break the boulder open ?

  5. 林肯竭尽北方工业之全力,来推进最后一击

    Lincoln puts the North 's entire industrial might behind one final push .

  6. 留着你的冷血剔骨做为最后一击。

    Save your cold blood eviscerate as a finisher .

  7. 午饭前比赛的最后一击使琼斯出局了。

    Jones was run out in the final over of play before lunch .

  8. 刚才身体上的最后一击让赫尔南德斯摇摇晃晃。

    That last body shot inside wobbled hernandez .

  9. 最后一击最后的西海固掷标枪最后用力技术教学方法研究

    Research on the Teaching Methods of Techniques of Throwing Javelins at the Last Exertion

  10. 吕洋幸运地完成了最后一击。

    As luck would have it , Lu Yang had dealt the final blow .

  11. 但我知道,在我最后一击中

    I knowing that in my final act ,

  12. 同时也擅长带球突入禁区并献出最后一击得分。

    He is good at getting into the box and scoring goals and a good finisher .

  13. 我还是会有机会的,我要做的只是完成最后一击。

    I still have the opportunity , I have to do is complete the final blow .

  14. 这是一首让某人的最后一击成为“欢迎来到Bootytown”的歌曲。

    It 's a song for someone who 's last hit was " welcome to Bootytown . "

  15. 他又找到了禁区内的约书亚。金,挪威人完成最后一击打入远角。

    He picked out Joshua King in the box and the Norwegian coolly finished at the far post .

  16. 然而,这是他们最后一击了,去摧毁那些所有阻挡的障碍。

    However , it is part of their final fling to destroy what has already been put into place .

  17. 他需要队伍的进攻,创造条件以及战术结构来完成最后一击。

    He needs the team to have the sharpness and condition and technical structure to play in the last third .

  18. 常常有人说,这场风暴是将佛罗里达带进大萧条的最后一击。

    It often has been said that the storm was the final push that brought Florida into the Great Depression .

  19. 任何最高级会谈都必须在精心的准备之后举行。对萨达特来说,莫斯科最高级会谈的公报是他不能忍受的最后一击。

    Any summit meeting should come at the end of careful preparation . For Sadat , the Moscow summit communique was the last straw .

  20. 他说,他知道,新的选举将引发更多暴力,但也可能是把穆加贝赶下台的最后一击。

    He said he knew that another election will bring more violence , but he said it could also deliver a final knock out to Mr.

  21. 她现在出现在法官葛恩的最后一击电视节目上,该节目展现了药物对使用者及其家庭的影响。

    She now appears on " Last Shot With Judge Gunn ," a television program that shows the effect of drugs on users and their families .

  22. 广告中对共和党候选人的名字只字未提,但这却是奥巴马对约翰-麦凯恩的发动的最后一击。

    The ad amounted to a closing argument for Obama 's bid to defeat John McCain , though the Republican nominee 's name was never uttered .

  23. 摩瑞根:考虑这个可能性:瑞奥登也许无法按照计划由他作出最后一击。然后呢?你要逃走吗?

    Morrigan : Consider the possibility that Riordan may not be there to make the final blow as he plans , what then ? Do you run away ?

  24. 当你杀死东西后(你做了最后一击),尸体上会有魔法影响告诉你先掠夺尸体。

    When you kill something ( you actually deliver the killing blow ), there will be a magical effect on the corpse telling you you can loot it first .

  25. “我们缺少必要的最后一击来打破比赛的平衡。然而,我们创造的机会本就不多,但是亚特兰大的反击也确实有影响。”

    " We lacked the necessary finishing to break the balance . however , we did not create a lot , but it 's also true that Atalanta played with counter attack . "

  26. 大家都认为这个吻将是周倪两人感情的最后一击,虽然倪后来解释说他喝醉后无意识的行为。

    The incident was widely believed to be the last straw in the couple 's relationship , although Nieh later explained that he was drunk and didn 't even know the girl 's name .

  27. 最后一击出现在作为金融体系核心的银行间借贷中断之际,中断的原因是各家银行不得不保护自己的资源,不再信任对方。

    The final blow came when interbank lending , which is at the heart of the financial system , was disrupted because banks had to husband their resources and could not trust their counterparties .

  28. 当平淡的比赛即将以互交白卷结尾,当所有人决定在赛后得好好庆祝一番这难忘的日子,只见得弗兰克-兰帕德突入禁区,发起最后一击。

    With a tame game fizzling out into scoreless draw and everyone deciding we 'd have to make the most of the post-match celebrations for a day to remember , Frank Lampard went on one final surge towards the box .

  29. 英国著名历史学家汤因比曾说过:一个国家乃至一个民族,其衰亡往往是从内部开始的,外部力量不过是其衰亡前的最后一击。企业的兴衰存亡亦是如此。

    British historian Arnold Toynbee once said : " A country and a nation , and its decline is often from the inside , and outside forces , but its decline before the final blow . " Rise and fall of the enterprise is all about .

  30. 他说,他知道,新的选举将引发更多暴力,但也可能是把穆加贝赶下台的最后一击。他说,这可能是津巴布韦人民最终把自己从原来的救星穆加贝的统治下解放出来的漫长斗争的最后一场较量。

    He said he knew that another election will bring more violence , but he said it could also deliver a final knock out to Mr. Mugabe , the last round he said , in a very long fight for Zimbabweans to liberate themselves from the former liberator .