
zuì yōu huà biāo zhǔn
  • optimal standards
  1. 最优化标准曲线制作介绍

    Introduce the facture of an optimum standard curve

  2. 本文结合A算法,将换乘次数最少作为一个默认的最优化标准,探索出了一种基于公共交通网络的路径分析算法。

    In this paper , applying A Star Algorithm , considering the least transfer number as default optimal standard , a path-planning algorithm based on public transportation network is put forward .

  3. 一种基于最优化的标准波形提取方法

    A Method of Extracting the Standard Waveform Based on the Optimization

  4. 不同行业实现行业最优化的标准是不同的。

    The criteria for achieving industry-optimization differs by industry .

  5. 数学教学过程最优化的标准与控制

    Optimization of Mathematics Teaching

  6. 本文通过地理教学设计的实例,详细阐述了优化教学设计的过程。并从不同侧面论述了教学设计最优化的标准;

    Based on the living examples , this article explains in detail the process of making a good teaching design and talks about what kind of teaching design is the best from different sides ;

  7. 解非线性最小二乘问题的结构化拟Newton方法是求解无约束最优化问题的标准拟Newton方法的推广。

    The structured BFGS method is a quasi-Newton method for solving the nonlinear least squares problem .

  8. 按照劳动充实度组织生产,对作业动作进行分析、分解,使之最优化并按作业标准干,以人的作业为中心。

    In accordance with the production of enriched labor , the analysis of operating action , decomposition , so that optimum operating standards and dry , the people operating as the center .

  9. 运用教学最优化理论,从教学过程的最优化,最优化的相对性,最优化的标准与评判,教学方法的最优化等方面,论述了排球技战术教学的最优化问题。

    The Present paper discusses the optimization of teaching volleyball technique and tactics from the optimization of teaching process , the relativity or the optimization , the standards and evolution of optimization , the optimization of teaching methods .