
fān liǎng fān
  • quadruple;double and redouble
翻两番[fān liǎng fān]
  1. 我们有雄心壮志,到本世纪末,使工农业生产总值翻两番。

    We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century , which is a lofty aim .

  2. 邱晓华认为,到2020年gdp翻两番,既是一个宏伟目标,也是符合实际、实事求是的。

    Qiu noted that the grand goal to quadruple the 2000 GDP by 2020 is practical as it conforms to China 's reality .

  3. 工农业总产值预计翻两番。

    It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled .

  4. 在这一基础上,2002年,中国又提出了在20年里使GDP再翻两番的新的长期经济增长目标。

    And on this basis , in 2002 , China set a new long-term economic growth target of quadrupling her GDP in 20 years .

  5. 分析为实现2020年GDP翻两番和长期可持续发展的目标,资源供给和对环境影响的挑战。

    Analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact in order to achieve China 's goal of quadrupling its GDP by2020 and sustainable development in long term .

  6. 我国已成为世界能源生产和消费大国,预测2020年中国一次能源的需求为29亿tce,有可能继续实现能源翻一番,GDP翻两番。

    China is a big energy production and consumption country . It is estimated that , in 2020 , the energy consumption will be up to 2.9 billion tce .

  7. 10年间GDP年均增长18.5%,到2004年,国民经济总产值实现了翻两番的目标。GDP增加了,经济蛋糕做大了,但是,我们为经济的增长支付了相当昂贵的生态环境成本。

    During the last ten years , the average rate of GDP growth is 18 . 5 % every year , which is nearly quadruple by 2004 . The GDP increased and economy developed quickly , but our economy developed at the cost of ecological environment .

  8. 三星公司电视产品营销事务副总裁比尔o李表示,4K电视去年的出货量为80万台,三星预计这一数值将在2015年翻两番。

    Bill Lee , vice president of television product marketing at Samsung , says the television industry shipped 800,000 4K / UHD sets last year – and Samsung expects to see a four-fold increase to that number in 2015 .

  9. 乐购(Tesco)誓言将在今后五年内实现中国年销售额翻两番,达到大约40亿英镑。该公司正加大扩张亚洲业务的努力,称计划在中国支出20亿英镑建设新的购物中心。

    Tesco has pledged to quadruple annual sales in China over the next five years to about £ 4bn as it steps up its expansion efforts in Asia and said it plans to spend £ 2bn on new shopping malls in the country .

  10. 结果显示,仅以二氧化碳为例,如果不对交通出行模式进行控制(BAU),则到2030年城市二氧化碳排放将比2009年翻两番以上。

    The results illustrate , taking only carbon dioxide as an example , if no restrictions are in place on the transportation mode share ( BAU ), emissions will quadruple by 2030 using 2009 as the baseline .

  11. 较之于去年,我们今年的产量翻两番。

    Compared with last year , our production has quadrupled this year .

  12. 这么一点进出口,就能实现翻两番呀?

    How can we quadruple the GNP with such meagre imports and exports ?

  13. 铁道部表示到2020年,高速铁轨总量将翻两番。

    The Ministry says it will more than doublethe amount of high-speed track by2020 .

  14. 翻两番是个了不起的事情。

    This is a matter of utmost importance .

  15. 可这能让你生意翻番,不,翻两番。

    This would double , triple your business .

  16. 翻两番、把经济搞上去才是真正治本的途径。

    The real , permanent solution is to quadruple the GNP and develop the economy .

  17. 到本世纪末翻两番有没有可能?

    Will we be able to quadruple the GNP by the end of the century ?

  18. 到2020年国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到4万亿美元以上。

    Its GDP will quadruple the 2000 volume , exceeding $ 4 trillion by 2020 .

  19. 论2001-2020年中国经济总量翻两番的可行性

    On the Feasibility of Quadrupling China 's Aggregate Economic Volume of the year 2001 by 2020

  20. 中国能达到国民生产总值翻两番的目标。

    China will have quadrupled its gross national product and reached a level of comparative prosperity .

  21. 确保国内生产总值翻两番的2001~2020年电力工业发展研究

    Research on development of electric power industry in China to ensure GDP quadrupled from 2001 to 2020

  22. 只是讲翻两番有可能实现,但是要花很大的力气。

    We used to say only that with strenuous efforts we might be able to do it .

  23. 但究竟是谁推动了中国股市在两年内市值翻两番?

    But who is really driving the Chinese market , which has quadrupled in value in two years ?

  24. 与此同时,陆路货运量将翻两番,因此中国也需要加强其物流实力。

    At the same time additional logistics will be needed to support the quadrupling of land freight volume .

  25. 翻两番,小康社会和中国式的现代化,这都是我们的新概念。

    Quadrupling production , attaining a fairly comfortable level of life and modernization are all new conception we have formed .

  26. 到2000年,中国人均国民生产总值的增长率将翻两番。

    The growth rate of GNP ( gross national product ) per capita for China will be quadrupled by 2000 .

  27. 许多这些稀土矿产品的世界价格继去年翻两番之后,在2011年已翻了一倍。

    World prices for many of these minerals have doubled in2011 , on top of a fourfold increase last year .

  28. 本世纪末实现翻两番,要稳扎稳打。

    To reach the goal of quadrupling GNP by the end of the century we shall have to do solid work .

  29. 到2000年在人口增长3亿的情况下,我国将实现人均国民生产总值比1980年翻两番

    By the year 2000 China expects to quadruple its 1980 per capita GNP despite a net population increase of 300 million

  30. 第一步,到本世纪末翻两番,达到小康水平。

    The first goal we set was to quadruple the GNP and achieve comparative prosperity by the end of the century .