  • Flipping;turn over;rummage;reverse;plough;capsize;turn around
  • 歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。

  • 数量成倍的增加:~番。

  • 越过:~越。

  • 飞。


(变换位置; 歪倒; 反转) turn over; turn around; reverse:

  • 碰翻

    knock over;

  • 推翻

    overturn; overthrow;

  • 在床上翻来翻去

    toss in bed;

  • 车翻了。

    The truck turned over.

  • 把饼翻个儿再烙一会儿。

    Turn the cake over and bake it some more.


(移动物体寻找) rummage; search:

  • 东找西翻

    rummage all over;

  • 他翻了所有的抽屉找寻那个不见了的文件。

    He searched all the drawers for the missing paper.


(推翻原来的) reverse; retract; withdraw:

  • 后代把这个案子翻了过来。

    The posterity reversed the verdict.


(爬过; 越过) climb over; get over; cross:

  • 翻过高山

    cross a higher mountain;

  • 翻过栅栏

    get over the railings [paling]


(成倍地增加) multiply:

  • 翻两番

    be quadrupled


(翻译) translate:

  • 翻密码

    translate cipher;

  • 把它翻成英文

    translate it into English;

  • 翻电报

    decode a telegram


[口] (翻脸) break up; fall out:

  • 把他惹翻了

    made him angry;

  • 他们闹翻了。

    They quarrelled and split up.; They fell out.

  1. 闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。

    The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn , turn over and go back to sleep .

  2. 先别把这一页翻过去。

    Don 't turn over the page yet .

  3. 汽车撞到马路牙子上,腾空翻了出去。

    The car hit the kerb and somersaulted into the air .

  4. 她翻了个身,让太阳把她的背晒黑点。

    She rolled over to let the sun brown her back .

  5. 他摔了一跤,差一点把全部展品碰翻。

    He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over .

  6. 她在自己的包里翻来翻去找钥匙。

    She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys .

  7. 他在翻她屋子时,冷不防被她撞见了。

    She came upon him unawares when he was searching her room .

  8. 她翻遍衣箱找件穿的。

    She sorted through her suitcase for something to wear .

  9. 你把针织套衫里面翻过来再洗。

    Turn the sweater inside out before you wash it .

  10. 我为了找那些文件,四处都翻遍了。

    I 've searched high and low for those files .

  11. 她在包里翻来翻去找眼镜。

    She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses .

  12. 他很快地翻着他桌上的文件。

    He was riffling through the papers on his desk .

  13. 把包翻过来晾干。

    Turn the bag inside out and let it dry .

  14. 他猛然站起来,弄翻了椅子。

    He stood up quickly , overturning his chair .

  15. 好啦,同学们,翻到第20页。

    All right class , turn to page 20 .

  16. 谁乱翻我的书桌了?

    Who 's been rooting around in my desk ?

  17. 用锹把地翻一遍。

    Turn the soil over with a spade .

  18. 他们学会了将倾覆的独木舟翻过来。

    They learnt to right a capsized canoe .

  19. 她从翻了的车里钻出来,只擦破一点皮,碰了几块淤青。

    She emerged from the overturned car with only a few scrapes and bruises .

  20. 他坐在那里无所事事地翻着书。

    He sat turning the pages idly .

  21. 把书翻到第25页。

    Open your books at page 25 .

  22. 两年内会员数目几乎翻了一番。

    Membership almost doubled in two years .

  23. 大风吹翻了几辆汽车。

    The wind flipped over several cars .

  24. 他翻了一个身坐了起来。

    He flipped over and sat up .

  25. 我把箱子都翻遍了才找到我要的书。

    I rummaged through the contents of the box until I found the book I wanted .

  26. 她翻着白眼。

    She rolled her eyes upwards .

  27. “它一定就在这里的什么地方。”她一边说一边翻着衣箱。

    ' It must be here somewhere , ' she said , rooting through the suitcase .

  28. 她翻过墙去。

    She climbed over the wall .

  29. 请翻到第64页。

    Turn to page 64 .

  30. 职工人数将翻一番,由3000人增加为6000人。

    The strength of the workforce is about to be doubled from 3 000 to 6 000 .