
  • 网络translational apparatus
  1. 核糖体蛋白质的翻译特异性&遗传密码翻译装置对信使RNA的选择性

    Translational Specificity of Ribosomal Proteins & The Selectivity of Translational Apparatus Towards mRNAs

  2. 不过,她本人将注意力过多放在考虑该翻译装置可携带性的相关技术细节之上,后来还是她的好朋友黄爽提醒她可以尝试发明可佩带的装置。

    However , she was too focused on technical details to consider the portability of an interpretation device . It was her close friend Huang Shuang who contributed the idea of creating something wearable .

  3. 没有将装置名字翻译成一个装置身份证。

    Failed to translate the device name into a device ID.

  4. 连接电脑系统内部份的设备或连接两个不同系统的装置。它可以从简单的电线到复杂的翻译规约的智能装置。

    The link between parts of a computer system , or between two different systems , It varies from a simple cable connection to an " intelligent " device which translates protocol .

  5. 丝状真菌作为微生物具有结构简单、生长迅速、操作简便的优点,同时作为低等真核生物,又具有真核基因表达机器和真核蛋白质翻译后修饰加工装置,具有与哺乳动物系统相似的蛋白修饰性能。

    Filamentous fungus has the advantages of simple structure and fast growth , so it is easy to manipulate and culture . Being a kind of lower eukaryotes , it also has eukaryotic protein modification apparatus and the post translation modification mechanism , which is similar to that of mammals .

  6. 本发明提供了计算机辅助翻译的方法和计算机辅助翻译的装置。

    The present invention provides a computer-aided translating method and a computer-aided translating device .