
  • 网络Flipped Class;the flipped classroom;SPOCS
  1. 近年来,翻转课堂(TheFlippedClassroom)掀起了国内外教育改革的浪潮,为教与学的发展提供了新思路。

    In recent years , The Flipped Classroom set off a wave of education reform at home and abroad , providing a new idea for the development of teaching and learning .

  2. 翻转课堂作为一种流行的教学模式,具有独特的优越性。

    As one of the popular instruction modes , the flipped classroom has its own advantages .

  3. 翻转课堂将更多课堂时间给了实际操作性的任务。

    Flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work .

  4. 阿格沃尔说EdX不会对圣何塞州立大学收取使用课程费用,但从本秋季学期起,EdX将面向所有加州大学,对翻转课堂收取使用费。

    Agarwal says edX didn 't charge San Jose State for the pilot program , but starting this fall , it will be offering the flipped course to all California State University campuses for a fee .

  5. 一学期之后,通过翻转课堂学习这门课程的学生不通过率降到了9%。

    After one semester , the failure rate for students in the flipped classroom dropped to just 9 percent .

  6. 在美国,每个实施翻转课堂教学模式的学校根据本校本地区的特点采取不同的实施方式。

    In America , each school which implements this teaching model adopts different ways of implementation based on their own characters .

  7. 在论文第二部分,对翻转课堂教学模式的理论基础做出详细的阐述。

    In the second part of thesis , the author will state the theoretical basis of flipped classroom model in detail .

  8. 但另一方面,翻转课堂却能保证严格的监督指导,迫使学生参与课堂活动。

    The flipped classroom , on the other hand , actually enhances that oversight , forcing students to participate in class .

  9. 信息技术的发展带来了教育上的革命,为我们实现翻转课堂教学模式提供发展的机会。

    The development of information and technology has brought the education revolution , which provides us the opportunity of realizing the Flipped Classroom Model .

  10. 翻转课堂有助于学生的个性化学习,学习者可以根据自己的学习风格和能力来控制自己的学习进度,以提高学习效率。

    The Flipped Classroom helps students in personalized learning that learners can control their own learning progress according to their own learning style and ability .

  11. 理论上,改进后的模型使得知识内化阶段的教学更具有针对性,从而能够更好地体现翻转课堂的优势。

    Theoretically , the improved model makes the " knowledge internalization " more targeted , which can better reflect the advantage of the flipped classroom .

  12. 翻转课堂满足学生的个性化的学习需求,实践证明翻转课堂教学模式在美国的课堂教学中产生巨大的成效。

    This model meets the needs of students ' personalized learning , which is proved to produce huge effect in classroom teaching in the United States .

  13. 研究表明,电子双板环境下基于课前小组任务的翻转课堂教学在促进教学效果及学习者能力的培养方面具有积极的作用。

    The research claims that the flipped classroom instruction based on electronic dual-board environment has a positive influence on the instruction result and the development of the learners ' abilities .

  14. 考勒认为翻转课堂在海外有着巨大的发展机会,她说:我认为这将是公司保证可持续发展的一大重要经济来源。

    I think this will be a big part of how we make ourselves sustainable financially , Koller says , noting that the biggest growth opportunity for the flipped classroom is overseas .

  15. 于是她将自己的讲座录制成视频后上传网络,这样就可以省出时间和学生课堂互动。现在这种教学方式被称为翻转课堂。

    So , she began offloading her lecture time to video so she could spend more time interacting with students in class , a method now widely referred to as the flipped classroom .

  16. 正如普利策奖得主蒂娜-罗森堡最近在纽约时报中所言,在线教育含有极大的争议性,但翻转课堂是大家都赞同的策略。

    As Pulitzer Prize winner Tina Rosenberg recently wrote in the New York Times , online education is highly controversial . But the flipped classroom is a strategy that nearly everyone agrees on .

  17. 其次,笔者列举了国内外多个翻转课堂的经典案例,分析各模型的特点及优势,设计出基于翻转课堂的教学模型。

    Secondly , the writer cites a number of classic cases at home and abroad , and analyzes the characteristics and advantages of each model , based on which I design the teaching model in my paper .

  18. 在论文的第三部分,以美国林地公园高中所实施的翻转课堂课堂教学模式为蓝本,具体详尽论述翻转课堂教学模式的教学过程、教学策略和教学评价。

    In the third part , the author discusses the teaching process , the teaching strategy and the creative teaching evaluation of the Flipped Classroom Model which adopted by the Woodland Park High School in the United States .

  19. 在此基础上,遵循电子双板环境下翻转课堂教学的原则,结合电子双板环境的特点及课程教学目标,进行电子双板环境下翻转课堂教学流程的设计。

    Then according to the principles of the flipped classroom instruction based on the features of the electronic dual-board environment and the goal of the course , designs the instruction process of the flipped classroom instruction based on electronic dual-board environment .

  20. 通过本论文的分析与论述,为教育信息化环境下的高中美术课堂的改革提供了一个方向;为在课堂中开展微课程或翻转课堂教学的教育工作者提供了一个参考和思路。

    Through analysis and discussion of this paper , for the reform of high school art class educational information environment provides a new direction ; to carry out micro-courses or flipped classroom educators in the classroom provides a reference and ideas .

  21. 这样,我们才能避免表面化跟风效仿的趋势,找到翻转课堂教学模式在我国生根发芽的节点,真正实现课堂教学以以生为本的真谛。

    Only in this way can we avoid superficial following the trend , find a " nodes " where the Flip Classroom Model can take root in our country , and realize the " students & centered " teaching goal in classroom teaching .

  22. 翻转课堂转变了传统课堂中教师讲学生听的教学方式,使得学生拥有充足的时间进行学习反思,在遇到困难的时候能得到师长的及时帮助。

    As a new teaching mode , the flipped classroom changes the teaching method of " teaching and listening " . It makes students have sufficient time for reflection , and they can get teachers ' help in time when they have difficulties .

  23. 本研究首先对翻转课堂及电子双板的相关研究进行系统的梳理与介绍,分析了《网络教育资源设计与开发》课程使用电子双板环境下的翻转课堂教学的可行性。

    Firstly , this paper introduces the relative research of the flipped classroom and electronic dual-board , analyze the ability of the course " the Design and Development of Internet Educational Resources " using the flipped classroom instruction based on electronic dual-board environment .

  24. 通过本次研究,我们希望翻转课堂实验教学模式能推广应用于其它实验课的教学,提高实验课教学质量,真正做到提升师范生在教育工作中的信息技术应用能力。

    Through this research , we hope that the flipped classroom experimental teaching model can be applied in other experiment teaching , to improve the quality of experimental courses , and enhance the normal students ' ability of information technology in education application .

  25. 并通过基于微课程支撑下翻转课堂的实施,以提高高中美术课堂的教学效率,为学生提供一个快乐的课堂,让学生在轻松的氛围中学习,从而获得更多的知识和更大的发展。

    And micro-based support programs implemented under the flipped classroom to improve teaching efficiency and high school art class , to provide students with a happy classroom , allowing students to learn in a relaxed atmosphere , to obtain more knowledge and greater development .