
  1. 第五章根据功能翻译论观点,对文学翻译中的非语言要素的影响及它们在MomentinPeking的译本中的体现进行对比分析。

    According to functionalism , chapter 5 conducts comparative analyses on the influence of non-linguistic factors and their indications in the two Chinese translation versions of Moment in Peking .

  2. 英汉衔接手段的比较与翻译论汉英亲属称谓语的泛化及翻译策略

    Cohesive devices of English and Chinese : a comparison and translation

  3. 功能翻译论与中文导游词英译的文化信息处理

    A Functionalist Approach to English Translation of Chinese Tour Guide Manuals

  4. 我国传统译论中的风格翻译论评述

    Review of Style Translation Studies of Traditional Translation Theories in China

  5. 等值翻译论视角下的公共演讲词翻译研究

    The Translation of Public Speeches from the Theory of Equal Value Translation

  6. 语言哲学翻译论&兼论工具性语言扩展式

    The Theory of Translation Originated from the Philosophy of Language

  7. 关联翻译论与跨文化商务谈判

    Relevance Theory of Translation and Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation

  8. 关联翻译论;关联理论;解释力;译学研究;

    Relevance-Theoretic Account of Translation ; Relevance Theory ; explanatory power ; translation studies ;

  9. 从功能翻译论谈湖南风味特产的口译

    Interpretation of Hunan 's Flavor and Specialty From the Perspective of Functionalist Translation Theory

  10. 语用顺应论与旅游翻译论旅游翻译中文化差异的处理

    Adaptation Theory and Tourist Translation On the Treatment of the Cultural Differences in Tourist Translation

  11. 变体翻译论

    On Variation in Translation Teaching

  12. 意境翻译论

    The Artistic Conception Translation

  13. 语篇意识与翻译论外语教学中文化差异的导入

    Importance of Textual Awareness in the Process of Translation An Awareness of Cultural Difference in Foreign Languages Teaching

  14. 英汉句子表达方式差异及翻译论英语句子语法性对句中信息冗余的制约

    The differences between English and Chinese sentences and translation On the Restriction of the Grammaticality to the Information Redundancy in English Sentences

  15. 意图、形式与功能&从功能翻译论角度对比研究中国古典诗歌英译

    Purposeful Activity , Form and Function & A Comparative Study on Classical Chinese Poetry and its English Version from Perspective of Functionalism

  16. 文学翻译论中关于“神似”与“形似”的争论由来已久。

    The dispute of " spirit likeness " and " appearance likeness " in literature translation has been argued for a long time .

  17. 作为对传统等值观的一大突破,功能翻译论为旅游宣传材料的翻译策略研究开辟了新视角。

    As an approach different from traditional equivalence theory , functionalist translation theory provides a new perspective for the researches of translating strategies in tourist publicity texts .

  18. 汉英诗歌音韵美的相异性及翻译论汉诗英译中的音韵美的认知共识与翻译

    On Commonsense and Difference in Cognition Translation of Rhyme Beauty of classical Chinese Poems into English Ones On Commonsense of Recognition of Poetic Rhythm Beauty and Its Translation

  19. 尽管解构主义翻译论有其缺点,但其创造性及开放性思维,拓展了翻译研究的视野,使翻译研究出现了多元化趋势。

    Regardless of its shortcomings , the creative and open thinking in deconstruction theory broadens the view of translation and the trend of pluralism rises in the translation research .

  20. 就等效翻译论而言,本文作者认为,等效是翻译的最佳目标,且切实可行,等效翻译是实现源语语篇精髓极好的思想和方法。

    Then the author turns to the theory of equivalence in translation , to persuade that translation equivalence is the best goal of translation and the realization of it is feasible .

  21. 隐含信息可以表现在语义、语用及句法等诸多方面,关联翻译论为其分析和处理提供了新的视角。

    Implicit information can be represented as semantics , pragmatics , and syntax , etc. The relevance-theoretic account of translation provides a new perspective to the analysis and treatment of implicit information .

  22. 一方面,本文尝试性地发展经典标记论成为语用标记价值假说;另一方面,把经典等效翻译论发展为语用标记等效翻译假说。

    This paper is a tentative development of classic markedness theory into pragmatic markedness hypothesis on the one hand , and Nida 's Dynamic / Functional Equivalent Translation into pragmatic-markedness equivalence hypothesis .

  23. 因此,将两者有机地结合起来,即将文体翻译论的相关理论应用到儿童文学翻译实践中作为其理论指导,必将成为儿童文学翻译领域的一个新动向。

    As a result , the appliance of the relevant theories of stylistic translation theories into the practices of children 's literature translation will become a new orientation in the field of children 's literature translation .

  24. 解构主义意义不确定论以宣称作者死亡来否定作者意图,与这一思潮一脉相承的解构主义翻译论则以作者死亡,译者诞生来强化译者的能动作用。

    The meaning uncertainty of the deconstruction denies the author 's intention by sentencing him to death , whereas theories of translation indebted to deconstruction acclaim the birth of the translator at the cost of the author 's death .

  25. 在这种情况之下,作为一个重大突破和补充,由德国学者提出的功能翻译论为翻译研究开辟了一个新视角,功能主义在当代翻译研究领域中的影响日益加强。

    Under such circumstances that German scholars put forward the functionalist approach to translation as a great breakthrough and an important complement to traditional theories . It has opened up a new perspective and become increasingly popular in the contemporary translation studies .

  26. 笔者在文章中始终以客观的批判态度将功能翻译论运用于两中译本的对比研究中,挖掘其积极贡献,同时也尽量减少其局限性带来的消极影响。

    In the application of functionalism to the comparative study of the two Chinese translation versions , the author , in critical and objective attitude , tries to deep (?) n its positive contributions and reduce the negative effect caused by its limitation .

  27. 本文试图从功能翻译论的角度出发,通过分析旅游资料和导游词的特点,对比中西方文化差异,探讨在翻译中文导游词时怎样处理其中的文化信息。

    Starting from a functionalist approach , this thesis attempts to discuss the ways of processing the cultural information in translating the Chinese tour guide manuals by analyzing the characteristics of tour guide manuals and other materials and comparing the differences between Chinese and Western culture .

  28. 文化翻译论被称为操纵学派,侧重描述和分析译文,比较同一著作的不同译本,研究译文的接受程度,主要是对译文中源语文化因子的流失、保留的研究。

    Cultural translation is dubbed the " Manipulation School ", which concentrates on describing and analyzing translations , comparing different translations of the same work and investigating the reception of translations . The theory belongs to literary-oriented school with the help of target-oriented approaches in translation studies .

  29. 辩证性&关联理论的翻译本体论阐释

    The Ontological Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  30. 功能主义翻译目的论在翻译教学方面多有建树。

    Functionalist skopos theory has contributed a lot to translation teaching .