
  • 网络phytolith analysis
  1. 对内蒙古中东部14个典型植被表土样品进行植硅体分析,同时将其结果作对应分析。

    Phytolith analysis of fourteen surface samples from central eastern Inner Mongolia was carried out , and the results were tested by correspondence analysis .

  2. 表土沉积物中的植硅体分析是了解第四纪沉积物中植硅体组成的重要途径,也是重建第四纪古环境的基础。

    Phytolith analysis in the surface soils is not only an important approach of studying phytolith assemblages in the Quaternary sediments , but also a basis of Quaternary environment reconstruction .

  3. 含火山灰层沉积的植硅体分析为了解植被对从空中下降的火山灰的反应提供新的信息。

    New information on the response of vegetation to air-fall volcanic ash is provided by analysis of phytoliths from sediments containing major tephra beds .

  4. 作为分析古代人类与植物关系的手段之一,植硅体分析在研究考古遗址中的人类活动、栽培作物及加工方式等方面,都越来越显示巨大的潜力。

    As an important way for the research of the relationship between ancient people and plants , phytolith analysis from the archaeological sites has become attractive to more and more researchers .

  5. 芒的有无、长短和表面微形态在不同稻种间差异也很大。2、稻属植物叶片扇形植硅体的比较分析。

    The length and epidermal microstructure of awn showed some difference among rice species . ( 2 ) Comparison of fan phytolith of leaf in Oryza .

  6. 拉曼光谱、植硅体和淀粉粒分析在纸质文物研究中的应用

    The Application of Raman Spectroscopy , Phytolith and Starch Analyses to Research of Paper-based Materials