
  • 网络phytotoxic;phytotoxicity;phyto-toxicity
  1. 堆肥过程是一个生物过程,腐熟度与未腐熟堆肥中植物毒性物质有关,可采用生物学方法进行评价。

    Because composting is a biochemical process and the compost maturity is related to phytotoxic substances in the immature compost , it can also be assessed by biological methods .

  2. 氯苯甲酸植物毒性实验中两类指标的比较研究

    Comparison on Two Kinds of Endpoints in the Phytotoxicity Test of Chlorobenzoic Acids

  3. 就链格孢属(Alternaria)真菌中产生的9种寄主选择性植物毒性、作用机理及应用研究等方面进行综述和评论。

    The toxicity to plants , mechanism and application of nine host-specific toxins from Alternaria alternata are summarized in this paper .

  4. 光照对焦化废水植物毒性的影响

    Influence of illumination on the phototoxicity of coking plant effluent

  5. 用浮萍试验检测4种污染物的植物毒性

    Phytotoxicity evaluation of four pollutants by Lemna minor test

  6. 水生植物毒性试验及在生态风险评价中的作用

    Role of Aquatic Plant in Toxicity Test and Its Application to Ecological Risk Assessment

  7. 明确了铅在三种蔬菜体内的吸收积累规律及铅的植物毒性临界值和食品安全土壤临界指标,取得的主要结果如下:菜地土壤酸化原因及其对番茄生产的影响

    The Cause of Soil Acidification in Vegetable Farm and Its Effect on Tomato Plant

  8. 铝在土壤中的形态及其植物毒性研究概况

    Aluminum form in soil and its phytotoxicity

  9. 化学品植物毒性的评价和鉴别

    Bioassay and phytotoxicity assessment of chemicals

  10. 为降低土壤中砷的有效性和减轻砷对植物毒性提供依据。

    It provided a basis for reducing the effectiveness of arsenic in soil and its toxicity to plants .

  11. 渗滤液场内处理的有机物去除特征和植物毒性评价

    Study on Removal Characteristics of Organics in Leachates by Treatment Through Recirculation into Landfill and Their Phyto-toxicity Comparison

  12. 酸性淋溶对铅锌尾矿金属行为的影响及植物毒性

    Effects of acid leaching on heavy metals mobility of Pb / Zn tailings and the phyto toxicity of leachate

  13. 有一种植物毒性很大,即使你没有触碰到它也会受到伤害,你相信吗?

    Would you believe that there 's a tree so poisonous that you don 't actually have to touch it to be harmed ?

  14. 文章还讨论了金属离子特征和可能存在的不同代谢活动的抗性诱导体系对植物毒性的影响,以及蛋白质的代谢活动对植物适应性水平的影响。

    Metal ion characteristics and the tolerant inducible system of different metabolism that might exist in plants , and the effects of protein metabolism on the adaptive actions of plants were also discussed .

  15. 在植物毒性试验中,同一浓度下,氯丹和灭蚁灵对4种植物种子根伸长抑制率均明显大于对种子发芽的抑制率,植物根对有机污染物的生态毒性比种子发芽敏感。

    From the plant toxicity tests , results showed that under the same concentrations of chlordane or mirex in soil , root elongation rates were more significantly inhibited than seed germination rates in all four types of plants .

  16. 有些人以为它有剧毒,但专家称这种植物的毒性不大。

    But experts say the plant is not as poisonous as some people think .

  17. 生物相容性测试结果:显示去细胞神经异体移植物细胞毒性试验为1级。

    The cytotoxicity of acellular nerve allograft was proved to be first grade by biocompatibility test .

  18. 植物的毒性来自于马钱子的种子,轻微剂量都可导致死亡。

    The poison is derived from the seeds of the strychnine fruit , and even a tiny amount can cause death .

  19. 天然植物染料毒性小、来源广泛、环保性好,有较好的生物可降解和环境相容性,某些采用植物染料染色的织物还有一定的芳香,同时具有一定的保健功能。

    Natural plants dyes have good qualities of toxicity , wide sources , be friendly to environment , good biodegradable and environmental compatibility .

  20. TCP污染土壤的植物修复及其毒性评价

    The roles of phytoremediation and its toxicity evaluation in TCP contaminated soil

  21. 而许多植物病原细菌毒性因子的产生都依赖于群体感应(QuorumSensing,QS)调节系统的调节。

    While the production of virulence factors in many phytopathogenic bacteria is regulated by Quorum Sensing ( QS ) .

  22. 某些杜鹃花科植物毒素的毒性与电子结构相关性研究

    Studies on Relationship between Toxicity and Electronic Structure of some Ericaceous Toxins

  23. 病原菌的效应分子是导致植物发病的毒性因子。

    Pathogen effectors are virulence factors causing plant diseases .

  24. 目的:研究某些杜鹃花科植物毒素的毒性与电子结构之间的关系。

    Aim To study the relationship between toxicity and electronic structure of some Ericaceous toxins .

  25. 而根长的变化可作为植物受重金属毒性影响的一个重要指标。

    But the root long change may take the plant a heavy metal toxicity influence important target .

  26. 过氧化损伤可能是金属氧化物纳米颗粒对植物生长产生毒性效应的主要机制之一。

    Therefore , oxidative damage induced by metal oxide NPs might play a role in the phytotoxicity of NPs on plant .

  27. 污泥土地应用的主要限制因素为植物富集金属毒性和水体富营养污染。

    Metal toxicity in plants and water pollution from excess nitrates appear to be the limiting factors in land application of sludge .

  28. 这种植物的果实毒性异常,连续几个世纪都用于制造毒药。

    This plant 's fruit is so deadly that it 's been used to create a poison for centuries throughout the world .

  29. 挥发性有机物作为大气污染物的重要组成部分对生态环境和人类健康具有严重的危害,对动植物有直接毒性,而且其在太阳光作用下产生光化学烟雾,造成严重的二次污染。

    As important components of air pollutant , volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are harmful for the environment and human . Most of VOCs are toxic for animals and plants , and some of them may generate photochemical smog in the sunlight , which can cause severe secondary pollution .

  30. 研究了硫酰氟对害虫、植物种子等的毒性。

    Toxicity of sulfuryl fluoride on pest and plant seeds was studied .