
cán yú wù
  • remnant;leftover;residual;oddment
  1. 扫除北非战争残余物会议;

    Conference on the removal of war remnants from North africa ;

  2. 通过分析材料的燃烧性能和燃烧残余物,探讨了其可能的阻燃机理。

    The possible mechanism of flame retardancy for the composites was discussed .

  3. 一般而言,每个蜂巢都含有120多种杀虫剂残余物。

    A typical honeybee colony contains residue from more than 120 pesticides .

  4. 柴油车尾气残余物有机污染特征及其环境危害

    Research of Organic Pollution Characteristics for the Residue of Diesel Vehicle Discharges

  5. 锶与碳酸盐岩中不溶残余物关系的探讨

    Study on Relationship Between Sr and Insoluble Residues in Limestone

  6. 土壤有机质平均残留期有机磷除害剂残余物

    Mean residual time of soil organic matter organophosphorus pesticide residue

  7. 残余物(烟头,烟灰等)弃置于有标记的容器内。

    Residue ( cigarette butts , ashes , etc. ) discarded in labeled receptacles .

  8. 然后用浮石擦一下皮肤,冲洗干净任何残余物。

    Then scrub your skin with the pumice stone and wash away any residue .

  9. 所得产物在700.8℃下仍有75.3%的固体残余物。

    There was still the residual solid 75.3 % of the sample at 700.8 ℃ .

  10. 藻体中不同组分(固体残余物、水溶性蛋白、非蛋白水溶性物质)均有结合碲,这些组分主要是水溶性蛋白。

    Tellurium combined with different components of spirulina ( solid remains , water-soluble protein and nonprotein water-soluble substances ) .

  11. 一些厚的混杂沉积物看来是块状流沉积和山麓堆积物,另一些是早期原地的溶解残余物。

    Some thick chaotic deposits appear to be mass flows and talus deposites ; others are early insituated dissolution residues .

  12. 废轮胎经过热解以后,得到的产物包括热解焦油、固体残余物(热解炭)以及热解尾气。

    The pyrolytic products of scrape tires include pyrolytic oil , solid residue that is also referred to as char and gas .

  13. 它是由轻质原油、碱残余物、火油、海水和氯化钙组成。

    The reducer is consisted of light oil , alkaline resideuces , kerosene , sea-water and calcium chloride , The mixture of No.

  14. 壁虎的脚印上存有模糊的油脂性残余物,这最终可能会揭开壁虎之谜,使我们明白壁虎为何能够粘贴在墙上和天花板上。

    A faint , fatty residue found in gecko footprints may finally solve the riddle of these lizards'ability to stick to walls and ceilings .

  15. 首先要清洁和检查驱动轴末端的组件,清除所有污染物和润滑油残余物,更换密封件、车轴法兰垫圈,以及任何可疑的部件。

    First clean and inspect the wheel end components , removing all contaminants and lubricant residue and replacing seal , axle flange gasket and any questionable parts .

  16. 流化床粉煤灰是煤粉在沸腾炉中燃烧后形成的细粒分散状残余物,主要来源于矸石电厂。

    Circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) fly ash is a granule by combustion in fluidized bed furnace , which mostly comes from the coal gangue power plant .

  17. 那些为了避免接触到细菌而选择稍微抬高一点,不直接坐在马桶上的女性也应该在便后检查一下坐垫上是否有残余物。

    Women who choose to stay perched slightly above the seat to avoid wetness and germs should also make a quick check for splatter when they 're finished .

  18. 通过田间试验比较了沼气发酵残余物(沼渣和沼液)和化肥对金丝小枣部分形态特征、土壤肥力和果实品质等的影响。

    With field experiment , this paper studied the effects of applying biogas fermentation residue ( dregs and slurry ) on jujube growth , its fruit quality , and soil fertility .

  19. 一个像这一个只的意见确定我们已经知道的:丹尼尔是演员和一个艺术家谁严重地轮流他的飞机和谁残余物令人惊奇地对地球尽管他的名人状态落。

    A comment like this one only confirms what we already know : Daniel is an actor and an artist who takes his craft seriously and who remains wonderfully down to earth despite his celebrity status .