
  • 网络residue toxicity;residual toxicity
  1. 酸性氧化电位水是通过电化学反应产生的一种消毒剂,具有安全、简便、高效、快速且无残留毒性的优点。

    Acid oxidation-potential water ( AOW ) was generated from electrochemical process , with the advantage of security , convenience , high-effectiveness , quickness and little residual toxicity .

  2. 便携式农药残留毒性快速测试仪&水果和蔬菜农药残留动力学速测方法

    Portable Unit for Rapid Determination of Pesticides Residues in Vegetables and Fruits

  3. 农药残留毒性快速测试仪的研制

    The Research and Production of Rapid Detector For Pesticide Residues

  4. 对国内外兽药残留毒性及生态毒理研究情况进行了综述。

    This paper was a review about the toxicity and ecotoxicological research of residues of veterinary drugs .

  5. 研制了一种新型的化学动力学测试仪器,适用于水果和蔬菜农药残留毒性的测试。

    A new type of portable unit for the determination of pesticides residues in vegetables and fruits by kinetic spectrophotometry is reported .

  6. 本文通过对该技术消毒机理和临床应用的分析,说明该技术具有低温、快速经济、无残留毒性等特点。

    The text proves this technology has such characteristics as low-temperature , fast economic and without poisonous residue through an analysis of its principle and clinical application .

  7. 结果表明:混合纤维素酯滤膜的残留毒性是影响孤雌胚体外发育的因素之一。

    It was found that the toxic substance released from the mixed cellulose ester filter was one of the factors inhibiting in vitro development of the parthenogenetic embryos .

  8. 因此建议再增加几种易残留且毒性较大的农药的相应的标准,以严格控制土壤质量,保证GAP种植的质量。

    So it is suggested that standards of several more pesticides should be added in order to strictly control the quality of the soil and ensure the quality of the GAP planting .

  9. 食品动物组织中兽药结合残留的毒性

    The toxicity of veterinary drug residues and bound residues in food-producing animals

  10. 药品及个人护理用品(PPCPs)的污染来源、环境残留及生态毒性

    Pollution sources , environmental residues , and ecological toxicity of pharmaceuticals and personal care products ( PPCPs ): A review

  11. 近年来,为了增加产量、获取更大的经济利益,过量使用乙烯利的现象比较严重,使得人们越来越关注乙烯利在果蔬中的残留及残留毒性问题。

    In order to increase the yield and obtain more benefits , the phenomenon of overusing ethephon is comparatively severe in recent years .

  12. 作为食用贝类,其Pb、Cd,特别是Zn、As的残留有可能带来毒性影响。

    The residual contents of Pb , Cd and especially Zn , As in this edible mussel may be deleterious to the health of consumers .

  13. 马杜霉素在鸡组织中残留消除及临床毒性的研究

    Study on residue elimination and clinical toxicity of maduramicin in chicken tissues

  14. 目的研究不同浓度丙烯酰胺单体在聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶中残留量的细胞毒性。

    Objective Cytotoxicity study of the residual amount of acrylamide monomer in different concentrations in polyacrylamide hydrogel .

  15. 该装置基于酶催化动力学原理,以酶抑制率反映蔬菜中残留农药的总毒性。

    Based on the enzyme catalytic dynamics , the total residual toxicity of pesticides in vegetables , can be expressed by enzymatic inhibition rate value which given by the device .

  16. 曾作为除草剂、防腐剂和防虫剂而大量使用,近年虽已禁止生产和使用,但环境中仍有一定残留,其环境毒性效应仍然长期存在。

    It had been widely used as herbicide , antiseptic , insect-resist agents . In recent years , PCP has been forbidden to be produced and be used . However , it still remains in the environment and its noxious effect will be long exiting .