
  • 网络Residual Value;salvage value;Scrap value
  1. 并对设备在两种磨损(有形磨损与无形磨损)作用下的残余价值与设备更新进行了探讨。

    The paper also discusses residual value and equipment renewal on the condition of two kinds of attritions ( material attrition and invisible attrition ) .

  2. 前项因权利变换而拆除或迁移之土地改良物,应补偿其价值或建筑物之残余价值,其补偿金额由实施者查定之,代为拆除或迁移费用在应领补偿金额内扣回;

    Land improvements , buildings removed due to the rights transformation mentioned in the preceding paragraph should be compensated value or the remaining price value of the building , the compensation amount is determined by the implementers , and the removing expenses should be deducted from the compensation amount .

  3. 目的:探讨CDFI对VSD修补术后残余疾的价值。

    Purpose : To explore the useful value of CDFI for post - operative residual fistula of VSD .

  4. 纤维胆道镜对防治胆道残余结石的价值

    Fiberoptic choledochoscopy in prevention and treatment of residual biliary tract stones

  5. 报废产品的价值显然等于残余材料的价值,帐簿中的冲销额将等于成本价值减去残值。

    It will obviously have a value equal to the value of scrap material and the write off in your books will be equal to the cost value less the scrap value .

  6. 多巴酚丁胺~(99m)Tc-MIBI心肌断层显像对检测心肌梗塞后残余心肌缺血的价值

    Value of Dobutamine 99m Tc MIBI SPECT in Detecting Residual Ischemia after Myocardial Infarction

  7. ~(99m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像评价重度肾积水患肾残余功能的临床价值

    The clinical value of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-DTPA Renal dynamic imaging in evaluating residual function of the kidney with severe hydronephrosis

  8. 目的:评价多巴酚丁胺99mTc-甲氧基异丁基异晴心肌断层显像(Dobu-ECT)检测心肌梗塞后残余心肌缺血的价值。

    Purpose : To evaluate the value of dobutamine technetium 99m methoxy isobutyl nitrile ( sestamibi ) single photon emission computed tomography ( Dobu ECT ) in detecting residual ischemia after myocardial infarction .

  9. 术前超声内镜检查预防腹腔镜胆囊切除术胆总管残余结石的临床价值

    Value of endoscopic ultrasonography to prevent retained calculus in common bile duct post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy

  10. B超、T管造影及电子胆道镜对胆管残余结石的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of type-B ultrasonography , T-Tube cholangiography and electronic choledochoscopy to retained bile duct stones

  11. 目的:探讨经T管网篮取石术治疗胆总管残余结石的应用价值。

    Objective : To study the value of basket extraction for removal of retained biliary tract stone via T tube .