
  • 网络floristic composition;flora
  1. 通过植物区系组成及地理成分分析,探讨海南岛野生兰科植物的区系特征;

    The floristic composition and characteristics of wild orchids were analysed .

  2. 徐州植物区系组成及其特点

    The floristic composition and characteristics of Xuzhou

  3. 对南岭石坑尾广东松Pinuskwangtungensis林7200m2的样地进行了调查,分析了广东松林的植物区系组成及其生态特征。

    This paper analyzed the floristic composition of Pinus kwangtungensis forest and its ecological characteristics by investigating the sample plots of 7 200 m ~ 2 P.kwangtungensis forest in Nanling .

  4. 岩溶植被植物区系组成为地域性但带有明显的地带性烙印;

    Karst vegetation flora is regional , but has evident horizontal characteristics .

  5. 海南岛红树林植物区系组成与特征

    Floristic Composition and Characteristics of Mangrove in Hainan Island

  6. 植物区系组成以北温带成分和世界广布成分为主。

    The flora mainly consists of northern temperate element and Cosmopolitan distribution type .

  7. 辉河自然保护区植被及植物区系组成

    Vegetation and plant composition in Hui He Nature Reserve

  8. 中国外来入侵植物区系组成的大尺度格局及其气候解释

    Spatial Patterns of Floristic Composition of Invasive Alien Plants in Large Scale and Their Climatic Interpretation

  9. 该区蕨类植物区系组成共95种,隶属于20科43属。

    The fern flora in this area consist of 95 species , 43 genera of 20 families .

  10. 四川及重庆蕨类植物区系组成、特有现象和珍稀种类

    Floristic composition , endemism , and rare and endangered species of Pteridophytes in Sichuan including chongqing , southwestern China

  11. 分析了浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林的植物区系组成和群落物种多样性。

    The floristic composition and the species diversity of Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest in Gutian Mountain Nature Reserve of Zhejiang province were analyzed .

  12. 坡位梯度不同带来的土壤水分等生态因子梯度的变化对植物区系组成的影响较大;

    Gradients of water and the other ecological factors caused by gradients of slope location had great impact on the floristic composition .

  13. 结果表明:河岸植物区系组成较为复杂,以温带成分为主,有着较高比率的世界分布成分。

    The results showed that the components of flora were complex and dominated by the temperate type in the riparian plant communities .

  14. 研究地区植物区系组成较简单,群落类型较少。

    The results indicated : ( 1 ) The flora components of vegetation and plant community types are simple in investigated area .

  15. 初步分析了鲜为人知的滇西南瑞丽莫里的热带雨林植物区系组成与地理成分。

    A tropical rain forest fragment was recently recognized from Moli , Ruili County in Southwestern Yunnan and its floristic composition was studied .

  16. 本文在野外调查和整理已有资料的基础上,分析了秦岭地区苔类植物区系组成和分布类型。

    Based on the known data and on the field survey , the composition and distribution types of Bryophytes in Qinling mountain are analyzed .

  17. 植被的植物区系组成明显以热带成分为主,其中有些属与近代典型热带草原有联系。

    The floristic component of Yuanmou vegetation distinctly consists of the large part of tropical elements , in which some genera connect to the current typical savannas .

  18. 植物区系组成以北温带分布、东亚-北美洲间断分布和东亚分布类型占优势,其次是泛热带分布类型。

    Floristic composition of North Temperate distribution type , East Asia-North America discontinuous distribution type and East Asia distribution type are dominant , followed by extensive tropical distribution type .

  19. 植物区系组成与马衔山林区相似性最高,其次是莲花山、洮河流域,较远是孟达保护区;

    The floristic composition was highly similar to the Maxian Mountains , and the follows were the Lianhua Mountains , the Tao River basin and the Mengda Nature Reserve ;

  20. 福建华安县木本植物区系组成丰富,共有869种5亚种类48变种8变型,隶属118科365属。

    The woody flora of Hua'an County , Fujian Province , comprises 118 families , 365 genera , 869 species , 5 subspecies , 47 varieties , and 9 forms .

  21. 从植物区系组成来看,热带分布科占总科数的74.67%,热带分布属占总属数的74.21%;

    In the floristic composition of spermatophytes , families of tropical distribution make up 74.67 % , and the recorded genera 74.21 % of the total families and genera , respectively .

  22. 含5属以上的科15科,单、寡种属共330属,这些科、属在植物区系组成中具有重要作用。

    15 families were more than 5 genera and 330 genera were not more than 5 species . These families and genera played ( important ) roles in seed plants flora .

  23. 结果表明,本研究区内的植物区系组成贫乏,群落结构简单,绿洲&荒漠过渡带的多样性指数和丰富度指数均非常低。

    The results show that species in this area are poorer and the configuration of community is simple . Species diversity index and richness index of oasis-desert transitional zone are very low .

  24. 结果表明:严重退化生态系统植被稀少,植物区系组成简单,生物多样性各种指数最低;

    The results showed that the category of vegetation and the amount of vegetation were rare , the flora was simple , the various indexes of biodiversity were the lowest in the serious degraded ecosystem ;

  25. 探讨了海南岛逸出野生状态的外来植物区系组成、特征和由外来植物为建群种或共建种的群落类型,并总结了这些外来植物的生物学特性。

    Studies were made on the floristic composition and characteristics of exotic species in Hainan Island , and the categories of communities composed of exotic plant edificatos or co-edificatos . The biological characteristics of these exotic species are summarized .

  26. 介绍了CEMS的组成与分类。广西石灰岩地区蕨类植物的区系组成与分类研究

    The composition and categories of continuous emission monitoring systems ( CEMS ) are presented . The Pteridophyte Flora From Limestone Area of Guangxi , China

  27. 河南兰科植物的区系组成和特点

    The floristic composition and features of the orchids in Henan Province in China

  28. 越南植物区系的组成与特征

    Floristic Composition and Characteristics of Vietnamese Flora

  29. 对黄土高原区菊科植物区系的组成、分类及其特点进行了研究。

    Study on the Source Apportionment and Physicochemical Characteristics of Foliar Dust on Urban Plants ;

  30. 分析了衢州山地蕨类植物的区系组成,将它们分为12个分布区类型和5种生态类型。

    The composition of flora is preliminarily analyzed . They are divided into 12 distribution types and 5 ecological types .