
  • 网络Geothermics in China
  1. 中国地热系统类型图及其简要说明

    The map of geothermal system types in China and its brief explanation

  2. 中国地热资源的地理分布与勘探

    Geographic distribution and application of geothermal energy in China

  3. 面向循环经济的中国地热资源开发战略探讨

    Discussion of the Chinese Development Strategies of Geothermal Resources Based on the Circular Economy

  4. 中国地热能发展趋势

    Development Trend of Geothermal Energy Resource in China

  5. 中国地热资源研究的进展

    Advances of studies of geothermal resources in China

  6. 中国地热发电综述

    Survey of Geothermal Power Generation in Chine

  7. 蒙特卡罗法在中国典型地热资源评价中的应用

    Application on Monte Carlo Method in the Typical Geothermal Assessment in China

  8. 中国城市地热勘查开发的产业化实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Industrialization of Geothermal Exploration and Development in Chinese Cities

  9. 二是市场运作能实现经济循环,目前在中国有地热资源的地区已经可以得到市场的认可。

    As a matter of fact , in China , plenty of areas with the geothermal resources have accepted market qualification .

  10. 中国有地热资源地区与巨大的供热市场相结合可以有许多开拓地热供暖的机会。

    Many areas with rich resources combining with huge market potentialities are offering us lots of opportunities to develop the geothermal heating in China .

  11. 中国石油地热资源开发利用应坚持依托油田,发挥优势,降低能耗,改善油区工作和生活环境。

    This paper suggests that Chinese oil companies should rely on their oil fields to develop geothermal energy so as to reduce energy consumption and improve their working and living environment .

  12. 本文运用构造动力学、地热学和地球化学的原理和方法分析了中国东部地热场特征、温泉形成的控制因素及气体组成特征。

    The geothermal field characteristics , thermal spring genesis and its gas composition in East China are analyzed by use of the principles and methods of tectonic dynamics , geothermics and geochemistry in the paper .

  13. 中国南方现今地热特征

    Present-day geothermal characteristics in South China

  14. 中国北方沉积盆地热演化史的对比

    Comparison of thermal evolution history in sedimentary basins , north China

  15. 中国中、低温地热资源十分丰富,地热直接利用走在世界前列,地热发电具有一定的基础。

    China possesses huge geothermal resource with high-and medium-temperature and the direct usage level of this resource has reached an international advanced level especially for the power generation .

  16. 认知语言学在中国的研究现状和展望中国的地热学研究

    Present state and future prospect of geothermal investigations in China