
  • 网络Central field;center field;CENTER COURT
  1. 因此,非对易相空间中的中心场问题也是值得研究的。

    Since study of center field on noncommutative phase space is also interesting .

  2. 设计制作了中心场磁感应强度为3T的200A二元电流引线;

    A200A binary current lead with a central magnetic induction strength of3T is designed .

  3. 在中心场理论的基础上,利用改进的KFR方法,考虑到残留离子势对末态光电子的影响,推导出了原子在强激光场中超阈值电离微分跃迁几率的解析表达式。

    Based on central field approximation and modified Keldysh Faisal Reiss ( KFR ) theory , with the consideration of the effects of the residual ion on the final photoelectron , an expression of ATI differential probability of atoms in strong laser fields is obtained .

  4. 社会治理的多中心场域构建&基于共和主义的一项理论解释

    To Build Multi-center Field of Social Governance & Based on a Theoretical Explanation of Republicanism

  5. 考虑一下太阳系,人们就能弄清中心场近似值的意义。

    The meaning of the central-field approximation can be clarified by thinking about the solar system .

  6. 中国白城兵器试验中心场区鼠疫流行概况与防治措施

    Epidemic situation and the measure of prevention snd treatment in plague in the center of arms experiment , Baicheng , China

  7. 中心场近似的准确性基于太阳的巨大质量以及行星之间的巨大距离。

    The validity of the centralfield approximation rests on the great mass of the sun and on the relatively great separation of the planets .

  8. 在改进的平均原子模型的基础上,在中心场近似下用分波法处理自由电子密度分布函数,提高了电子波函数、电子占据数等原子参数的计算精度。

    On the basis of the improved averaged atomic model , the distribution of the free electrons is dealt with by the partial-wave method to improve the precision of determination of the energy level , electron populations and atomic inner energy .

  9. 结果表明,由于颅骨电导率极低,采用相对激励模式比相邻激励模式对场域、特别是中心场域的敏感性强。

    The equi-potential lines can be gotten in different drive patterns and it shows that the sensitivity for the resolution region , especially the center region in opposite drive pattern is more than others because the head bone has very low conductivity .

  10. 定态Liouville方程的四类精确解:中心力场问题

    Four Exact Solutions for Liouville Equation in Central Force-field Problems

  11. 双中心库仑场中的电子周期轨道可分为P1,P2和P3三类;

    The periodic orbits of an electron in a two-center Coulomb field can be classified into three types P1 , P2 and P3 , and then are labeled by using their winding numbers in the separable ellipsoidal coordinates .

  12. 基于遗传算法的交易中心停车场优化设计

    Optimized Parking Lot Design of Trade Center Based on Genetic Algorithm

  13. 中心势场的对数微扰论近似

    An Approach to Logarithmic Perturbation Theory for the Central Potential Field

  14. 利用爱因斯坦转盘推求中心引力场中的光频红移&在普通物理教学中讲解等效原理的一种尝试

    Einstein turntable and light frequency redshift in Schwarzschild field

  15. 中心势场中粒子运动轨道的研究

    Orbit of particle motion in central force field

  16. 华南野猪的生物学及中心食场狩猎法经验

    Some biological habits of South Chinese boar and hunting at its central feeding ground

  17. 非中心力场中经典粒子的轨道参数方程与对称性

    Parametric orbit equation and symmetries of classical particle in the field of noncentral force

  18. 长沙贺龙体育中心足球场草坪建植与质量评价

    Establishment and quality evaluation of turf football field of He Long sports center in Changsha

  19. 动力学对称的细长体卫星在中心重力场中的最大摆角

    Maximum angle of libration of a dynamically symmetrical long satellite in a central gravitational field

  20. 国家奥林匹克体育中心田径场罩棚设计

    Design of Awning of the Track and Field Stadium Stand in National Olympic Sports Center

  21. 对中心势场的对数微扰论方法作了进一步探讨。

    In this paper , the logarithmic perturbation scheme for the central potential field is investigated .

  22. 球对称中心力场坐标算符平均值计算的特殊方法

    A special method of calculating average value of coordinate operator in central force field of spherical symmetry

  23. 给出了三维线性中心势场不同幂次径向平均值的一般递推公式。

    This paper put forward the recurrence formula for radial average values of three-dimensional line potential central field .

  24. 联校运动中心停车场将会有特别安排,详情请参阅联校运动中心通告。

    Special arrangement of Joint Sports Centre Car Park , please refer to Joint Sports Centre announcement for details .

  25. 中心力场中粒子能量本征值和径向波函数的数值计算

    Numerical Method of the Intrinsic Energy and the Radial Wave Function of a Partical in a Central Force Field

  26. 大连国际水产品交易中心行场综合楼地基振冲加固

    Vibrating and impacting reinforcement of multiple building foundation in the centre square of international aquatic product trade in Dalian

  27. 中心力场坐标算符平均值递推公式的推导及应用

    On the Formula of Calculating Average Value of Coordinate Operator in Central Force Field of Spherical symmetry and the Application

  28. 平面波在中心力场中弹性散射的分波展开式的直接证明

    A direct calculation □ of the plane wave 's expansion equation in partial waves under the condition the central-field and elastic scattering

  29. 以莆田市体育中心田径场主体工程为例,介绍了弧形的建筑放样方法。

    Based on the main project of Pu Tian Stadium , the survey method of arcuate building is introduced in this paper .

  30. 背景磁场由含3个闭合双极场的冕流和带赤道中性电流片的开放场构成,磁绳位于中心双极场的下方,其特性由环向磁通和轴向磁通表征。

    The background field consists of a coronal streamer containing three closed bipolar fields and an open magnetic field with an equatorial current sheet .