
  • 网络Chinese Scenic Spots;BEST SCENERY AND SIGHTSIN
  1. 这些几乎是大多数中国风景名胜区都具有的特点。

    These almost all the scenic spots in China have features .

  2. 中国风景名胜区与美国国家公园比较研究

    Comparision between China 's Scenic Spots and US National Parks

  3. 中国风景名胜名称的来源十分广泛。

    The names source of scenic spots in China is very comprehensive .

  4. 中国风景名胜区和美国国家公园开发与保护比较

    Comparison of National Parks between America and China in Development and Protection

  5. 世界遗产分类体系背景下的中国风景名胜区

    Chinese Famous Scenic Sites under the Background of World Heritage Classification System

  6. 中国风景名胜的命名研究

    The Denomination of Scenic Spots in China

  7. 美国国家公园体系的管理经验&兼谈对中国风景名胜区的启示

    Management Experience of American National Park System

  8. 初论中国风景名胜区制度初创期的特点与历史局限

    Preliminary Study on the Characteristics and the Historical Limitations of the Chinese National Scenic Area System in Its Early Period

  9. 从中国风景名胜名称的来源可以看出其中蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。

    From the names of sceneries and key points of interest in China , we can find rich culture connotation .

  10. 因此研究中国风景名胜区经营管理现状以九寨沟风景名胜区为研究对象,具有显著的典型性和代表性意义。

    Therefore the study of Chinese management situation scenic spots of Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area for the study , a significant typicality and representativeness .

  11. 目的探讨中国风景名胜区的本质任务,寻找解决风景名胜区保护问题的有效途径。

    Aim To discuss the essential mission of landscape and famous scenery , and to find out the effectively ways of protecting scenery resource .

  12. 景象是中国风景名胜区的重要特点,有别于国外的纯自然风景。川西北自然风景中钙华景观的形成与发育


  13. 比较研究了国外国家公园管理、城市保护、环境保护等的管理经验和技术手段,提出对保护监管中国风景名胜区的启示;

    The development status indicates that new techniques are feasible in our study . ④ We inspired from comparative analysis on national park management , city conservation , environment preservation in foreign countries .

  14. 中国风景名胜区作为人类与自然对话的物质空间载体,承载着丰富多样的自然景源,而其背后的生态支撑往往被人们忽视。

    The Chinese Scenic Area camera on which person rely for dialog to nature , which is full of all kinds of natural scenery source , but it 's behind ecology fuction is often neglected by people .

  15. 中国国家风景名胜区管理的性质&法与经济分析

    The Nature of Scenic Spots Adminis-tration in China : Law and Economics Analysis

  16. 鼓浪屿,中国重点风景名胜区,全国35个名牌景点之一。

    Gulangyu Islet , one of35 key national scenic resorts , covers an area of1.78 square kilometers .

  17. 它真的是一个非常美丽的地方,绝对值得的中国顶级风景名胜区行列。

    It is such a beautiful place and definitely deserves its rank among China 's top scenic spots .

  18. 二十多年的发展,中国的风景名胜事业已取得一些进展,为国家保留了大批宝贵的自然文化遗产。

    20 years of development , China has made some progress of the Scenic Spot , and retain a large number of valuable natural historical heritage for the country .

  19. 然而,随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游开发的狂潮也不断冲击着中国的风景名胜区,对风景名胜区的破坏性开发事件层出不穷。

    However , following the rapid growth of Chinese tourism industry , the national parks are encountering the large scale of developments within their area , in which many destructive developments have been involved .

  20. 基于DEA的中国国家级风景名胜区使用效率评价

    Evaluating the using efficiencies of Chinese national parks with DEA

  21. 中国国家级风景名胜区旅游发展要素组合分析

    A Study on Chinese National Park Tourism Development Factor Compounding Situation

  22. 基于铁路廊道的中国国家级风景名胜区市场域分析

    An Analysis for Market Area of Chinese National Park Based on Railway Corridor

  23. 本文对中国西部著名风景名胜区的气候、旅游舒适气候进行了系统研究。

    In the article , the climate and comfort climate for tourism of 180 famous sceneries in western China have been systematically studied .

  24. 长江三峡作为中国十大风景名胜之一,但长久以来长江三峡在旅游经济收益上却与其举世无双的资源优势和颇具世界影响力的品牌价值不相符。

    As one of the ten natural sceneries of China , the tourism economy income of Three Gorges is not in line with its unique natural resources and world famous brand value .

  25. 中国国家重点风景名胜区共有119处,其中著名的有桂林漓江和杭州的西湖。

    There are 119 key scenic spots designated by the state in China , and the Lijiang River in Guilin and the West Lake in Hangzhou are the most well-known among them .

  26. 另外,九寨沟经过三十年的开发建设,在中国众多的风景名胜区中脱颖而出,无论在管理方面还是在硬件设施方面都具有一定的先进性。

    In addition , Jiuzhaigou after three years of development and construction in China , a large number of scenic spots to stand out , both in management or in the hardware has some advanced aspects .