
  • 网络SUN;Sun Valley;Solar Valley;Valley of the Sun;Sunnyvale
  1. 当谢里尔公主大步穿过太阳谷时,鲍勃对她大加赞赏。他还得到了Facebook“马克大王”(KingMark)的许可将她招募至自己的枢密院。

    He had admired Princess Sheryl as she strode through Sun Valley , and had gained permission from King Mark of Facebook to recruit her to his privy council .

  2. 十几天前,在太阳谷出席艾伦公司(AllenandCompany)举办的媒体与科技管理人员研讨会时,谷歌首席执行官埃里克•施密特(EricSchmidt)明确表示,抵制谷歌是无用的。

    Eric Schmidt , its chief executive , made clear at Allen and Company 's Sun Valley conference for media and technology executives 10 days ago that resistance to Google is useless .

  3. 当年长的媒体大亨在爱达荷州太阳谷(SunValley)Allen&Co会议上对Twitter大加赞扬,并对自己的商业模式感到烦恼之际,罗布森提出了一个令人警醒的观点:未来的消费者正在更多地使用媒体,但不愿为此付费。

    As elderly media gathered at the Allen & Co conference in Sun Valley , Idaho , to fawn over Twitter and fret over their business models , Mr Robson set out a sobering case that tomorrow 's consumers are using more and more media but are unwilling to pay for it .

  4. 在爱达荷州太阳谷度假时,艺术顾问WillKopelman用格拉夫戒指向德鲁•巴里摩尔求婚了。

    Drew Barrymore and Will KopelmanArt consultant Will Kopelman popped the question to Drew Barrymore while vacationing in Sun Vally , Idaho with a ring by Graff .

  5. 1982年美国,爱达茶州太阳谷,太阳谷艺术中心。

    1982 sun valley center for arts , sun valley , idaho , usa.

  6. 所在地:爱德华州,太阳谷,凯彻姆

    Location : Ketchum , Sun Valley , Idaho

  7. 培尼亚·涅托目前正在爱达荷州太阳谷出席商务会议。

    Pena Nieto is in Sun Valley , Idaho , attending a business conference .

  8. 经理:玛雷小姐,我知道您过去曾住在太阳谷,是吗?

    Manager : Ms. Murray , I understand you used to live in Sun Valley ?

  9. 重返太阳谷

    Returning to the Sunshine Valley

  10. 这场大火正威胁要摧毁爱达荷州的凯彻姆及太阳谷的社区,度假屋及滑雪地区。

    The so-called Beaver Creek fire is now threatening to destroy neighborhoods , vacation homes , and ski areas in Ketchum and Sun Valley , Idaho .

  11. 鲍勃记得在太阳谷令人痛苦的一天(每年的这一天各商业帝国的君主聚在一起进行比拼),那天,迈克尔大王事先承诺要宣布鲍勃为他的继任者。

    Bob remembered one bitter day in Sun Valley , where rival monarchs gathered for jousts each year , when the king had promised to introduce Bob as his successor .

  12. 从解剖学关系探讨太阳透率谷治疗偏头痛的机理

    Discussion Mechanism on Treatment of Migraine by Taiyang-through-Shuaigu Acupuncture Therapy from Relationship Anatomical

  13. 治疗组主穴取百会、太阳、率谷、风池、太溪、太冲、阿是穴。

    The treatment group main points to take BaiHui , TaiYang , ShuaiGu , FengChi , TaiChong and Ashi points .

  14. 当我们开进一条浅浅的山道时,我依然清醒着。太阳从我们身后照过来,折射在太阳谷酒店的平顶屋顶上。

    I was still awake when we came through a shallow mountain pass and the sun , behind us now , reflected off the tiled rooftops of the Valley of the Sun .