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tài pó
  • grandmother;great-grandmother
太婆 [tài pó]
  • (1) [great-grandmother] 〈方〉∶曾祖母

  • (2) [grandmother]∶祖母

太婆[tài pó]
  1. 一个疯老太婆租了楼上那个房间。

    A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room .

  2. 我们不只是一大群唠唠叨叨地谈论果酱的老太婆。

    We 're not just a lot of old biddies going on about jam .

  3. 一个疯老太婆住在那个房间里。

    A crazy / mad old woman lived in that room .

  4. 那个老太婆是个母夜叉。

    The old lady is a she-devil .

  5. 她原是个好看的丰满的妇女,四十来岁;现在却是个七十上下年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老太婆了。

    The good-looking buxom woman , betwixt forty and fifty , was now a fat , red-faced , old dam of seventy , or thereabouts .

  6. 那老太婆一天到晚地挑剔儿媳妇的不是

    The old woman nagged ( at ) her daughter-in-law all day long .

  7. 有一天,老太婆没有看到她的丈夫,就大声喊他:“老头,你在哪里呀?”

    One day the old woman missed her husband . She called out : " Old man , where are you ? "

  8. 那老太婆,确也当得起这个称呼,她是r侯爵夫人。“睡在这石凳上吗?”她又问。

    The good woman , who was well worthy the name , in fact , was the Marquise de r & " on this bench ?" she went on .

  9. 家家户户门外都有一个老头或是老太婆在剥竹笋当晚餐,或在编织,或在磨刀石上打磨镰刀;这完全是一幅布鲁盖尔(bruegel)笔下世界的亚洲版。

    Outside every doorway is an old man or woman stripping bamboo shoots for dinner , or knitting , or sharpening a scythe with a whetstone ; an Asian version of the world according to Bruegel .

  10. 几个老太婆在角落里聊天。

    A couple of old women were chinning in the corner .

  11. 对老太婆来说,这本是极大的收获。

    It had been a big haul for the old woman .

  12. 偷了老太婆钱的那个卑鄙的家伙。

    The despicable wretch who stole the old woman 's money .

  13. 这位老太婆爱打听别人家的事。

    The old woman is curious about other people 's business .

  14. 那老太婆向海丝特摇着一个指头喊道。

    Cried the old lady , shaking her finger at Hester .

  15. 大宗财产掌握在这个老太婆手里。

    Large fortune is in the possession of the old woman .

  16. 那老太婆早就该把猫给我。

    The old lady should have just given me the cat .

  17. 而是一位皱纹满面的老太婆,她蹒跚地走进房来。

    a very old and wrinkled woman hobbled into the apartment .

  18. 办公桌旁的老太婆会心地斜睨了她一眼。

    The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly .

  19. 两腿内弯,像丑陋的老太婆在咳嗽,我们咒骂着穿过污秽,

    Knock-kneed , coughing like hags , we cursed through sludge ,

  20. 那个老太婆一点也不像搞技术的。

    That woman didn 't seem like the technical type .

  21. 刚才和你谈话的那个老太婆是谁?

    Who was that old girl you were speaking to just now ?

  22. 大多数的鸟都是无齿的;一个无齿的丑老太婆。

    Most birds are toothless ; a toothless old crone .

  23. 我给了一个可怜的老太婆,他回答说。

    I gave it to a poor old woman , he answered .

  24. 我一整天一句话都不说,给一个可怕的老太婆干活,

    Im shut up all day working for a terrible old lady ,

  25. 他还管他母亲叫“老太婆”呢。

    He called his mother " old girl ", too .

  26. 老太婆也许神志昏迷了。

    Perhaps the old woman was out of her head .

  27. 有一个老太婆拄着手杖沿路走过来。

    An old woman came along the road leaning on her staff .

  28. 他骗那老太婆在文件上签名。

    He cozened the old woman into signing the paper .

  29. 你是个可怕的胖老太婆!

    You 're a horrible , fat old woman ! '

  30. “请不要动这朵花!”那个老太婆说:“不过请你等在这儿。

    " Don 't touch the flower !" said the old woman .