
  • 网络space water
  1. 不仅银行大厅里的太空水可以白喝,而且大商场里欢迎品尝的点心也可以白吃。

    He could drink bottled water in the hall of a bank and eat sample snacks at a supermarket free of charge .

  2. 但在太空中没有水,因而也没法用来产生更多的空气。

    In space , there 's no water , [ citation needed ] so they wouldn 't be able to manufacture more air .

  3. 这项研究或许可以解释2008年凤凰号着陆器的腿上带有神秘的液态球状物体了。说不定,这就是来自外太空的液态水。

    The finding study could explain mysterious globules seen on the leg of the Phoenix in 2008 . The lander may have been dotted with drops of otherworldly water .

  4. 和曾经在南极区域向太空喷射巨大水蒸汽流的土卫二不一样,土卫四相对“安静”,但是研究人员认为它的表面远古时期活动性更强。

    Unlike Enceladus , which has geysers of water that spurt from the southern polar region , Dione appears " quiet " now , but researchers say it likely had a more active past .

  5. 于上周二发表的这则声明,是该政府太空机构的系统水下生物地球化学科学和勘探模拟(SUBSEA)项目的一部分。该项目将帮助NASA探索海底火山口附近存在的生命体,并更好地了解我们自己的星球。

    The announcement , made last Tuesday , is part of the government space agency 's Systematic Underwater Biogeochemical Science and Exploration Analog ( SUBSEA ) project and will help aid NASA 's search for life in deep space , as well as better understanding of our own planet .

  6. 太空中有大量氧和氢,这些太空资源可以合成水;

    With abundant cosmic sources of hydrogen and oxygen to make water ;