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èr lǎo
  • parents;father and mother
二老 [èr lǎo]
  • [father and mother] 对父母双亲的尊称

  1. 二老健在?

    Your parents are in good health , aren 't they ?

  2. 你们二老在这个地方做的事可真多。

    You guys have really done a lot with the place .

  3. 二老今晚气色真不错,看上去好年轻啊。

    You look good tonight . You look young !

  4. 出于二老的要求他们被指派为宙斯所住宫殿的看护者。

    At their request they were made the guardians of the sacred place of Zeus .

  5. 父母又生了一个女儿,她成了二老生活的寄托。

    Meanwhile their parents had a baby girl , who was a great comfort to them .

  6. 刘邦宣布,这就是二老的坟,并在此建了一座巨大的墓碑。

    The emperor declared this to be the correct grave , and ordered a large monument erected .

  7. 他怕父母伤心,索性躺在地上学小孩子哭,二老大笑。

    He thought the parents might be worried about him , he just cried on the floor like a child , which made the parents laughed .

  8. 爹,娘,我信中不是写了朝事繁多,京局紧张,你们二老怎么还跑上来?

    Dad , Niang , in my letter not namely wrote a empire matter many , metropolis bureau tug , you two old how still flee up ?

  9. 美国加州圣里安卓的94岁老太太海苏。苏亚雷斯,在从罗斯福高中毕业78年后,终于将在本月从密尔斯女子大学毕业,据信是全世界年纪第二老的大学毕业生。

    This month , at the 2010 commencement ceremonies for Mills College , 94-year-old Hazel Soares Soares will become a college graduate , 78 years after her high school graduation from then-Roosevelt High School in East Oakland 。

  10. 但就在2006年10月份张娜娜同长相不错的31岁大学讲师王先生结婚时,二老还协同100多位亲友一同出席婚宴。

    But it was only in October 2006 that her parents attended the banquet that gathered together more than 100 relatives and friends , to celebrate their daughter 's marriage to a good-looking , 31-year-old university lecturer surnamed Wang .