
  • 网络binary optics;Binary Optical
  1. 实现ICF均匀照明的二元光学器件的混合优化设计

    Design Binary Optics Elements for ICF Uniform Illumination with Hybrid Optimization Method

  2. 基于二元光学的多通道SPR传感芯片及其系统设计

    Design of the Multi-Channel SPR Sensor Chip Based on Binary Optics and the Chip System

  3. LED光束整形的二元光学元件研究

    Studies on Light Emitting Diodes Beam Shaping Using Binary Optical Elements

  4. MATLAB在二元光学元件设计中的应用

    Design of binary optical element with MATLAB

  5. 用二元光学器件实现对CO2激光束的圆形光斑到均匀光强分布的矩形光斑的变换

    Transformation from the Circular Facula to the Homogeneous Intensity Rectangle Facula for co_2 Laser Beam by Binary Optical Element

  6. 二元光学反/衍混合Schmidt望远系统光学设计

    Optical Design of Hybrid Reflective / Diffractive Binary Optics Schmidt Telescope

  7. 实现ICF束匀滑的二元光学器件设计与制作

    Study and fabrication of binary optical element for ICF target uniform illumination

  8. 该二元光学器件的有效孔径为10mm×10mm。

    The effective aperture of that binary optical element is 10mm × 10mm .

  9. 提出了采用二元光学元件(BOE)进行三维形貌测量的新方法。

    A novel approach by using binary optical elements ( BOE ) of3D measurement is presented .

  10. 设计了用于将HeNe激光基模光束整形为环形光强分布的光束二元光学元件;

    A binary optical element which is designed to convert a single mode He Ne laser beam into a ring shaped intensity distribution is investigated experimentally .

  11. 利用该方法制作了菲涅尔透镜、Dammann光栅和闪耀光栅等二元光学元件,取得了较好的效果。

    Fresnel lens , Dammann gratings and blazed gratings were manufactured by this method .

  12. 利用方光点激光光刻系统分别制作了两台阶和四台阶的倾斜多焦点Fresnel二元光学元件,给出了实验结果并进行了分析。

    We fabricate the tilted multi-focus Fresnel binary optical elements of two phase levels and four phase levels using square-shaped spot photolithographic systems . The experimental results are given .

  13. 针对空间光学系统轻型的特点,采用衍射光学元件取代Schmidt校正板来校正系统像差,设计了一个二元光学反/衍混合Schmidt望远系统。

    A binary optics reflective / diffractive Schmidt telescope was designed using diffractive optical element ( BOE ) to replace the Schmidt corrector to correct aberrations .

  14. 二元光学元件(BOE)用于常规光学系统可以提供附加设计参数和选择光学材料的自由度。

    Binary optics element ( BOE ) used in conventioi1al system can provide addition alparamemeters , freedom for material selection in optical design .

  15. 运用计算全息原理与二元光学技术设计制作了用于波面变换的计算全息CGH元件。

    A CGH element is designed and fabricated based on the computer generated hologram and the binary optical technique , and is applied in wavefront transformation .

  16. 传感器是以二维Dammann光栅和Fresnel波带板所组成的集成二元光学分束器为核心设计的。

    The sensor is designed with the core of a binary optical splitter , which is made up of a two-dimension Dammann grating and a Fresnel zone plate .

  17. 二元光学元件(DOE)在实现光波变换上具有许多卓越的、传统光学难以具备的功能,在现代科技的诸多领域中得到了广泛的应用。

    There are rapid development and extensive applications of Diffraction Optical Elements in modern scientific and technical field , it takes great advantages which the traditional optics not has in optical waves transition .

  18. 介绍了研制的极坐标激光直接写入系统.该系统可用于二元光学掩模的制作.最大掩模直径为100mm;

    The developed polar coordinate Laser Direct Writing System ( LDWS ) is described here . The system can be used to manufacture the masks of binary optical elements .

  19. 以标量衍射理论为基础,分析了菲涅耳衍射的物理意义,并详细推导了倾斜焦平面的菲涅耳衍射公式,以此为理论依据设计倾斜多焦点Fresnel二元光学元件。

    Based on the scalar diffraction theory , physics meaning of Fresnel diffraction is analysed , and tilted multi-focus Fresnel diffractive formula is presented in detail . According to the theory , tilted multi-focus Fresnel binary optical elements are fabricated .

  20. 用二元光学技术制作了8台阶透射式双通道kinoform,再现时获得了清晰的像,衍射效率较高,达到58.5%。

    An eight-phase-level kinoform was fabricated by using the binary optical technique . The reconstruction images are clear and efficiency of the diffraction is 58.5 % .

  21. 针对高速PAT角度偏差检测的需要,设计了一种基于二元光学器件(BOE)的新型角度探测装置,并给出用于此装置的改进光斑形心算法。

    To satisfy the need of high speed PAT angular error detection devices , a new detection device based on binary optics element ( BOE ) and an improved facular centroid algorithm adopted in this device are presented .

  22. 要制作尺寸达200mm×200mm、最小线宽为1μm的二元光学元件,设备传动系统必须满足大行程、亚微米级定位精度的需求。

    Drive system needs have long stroke and sub-micron positioning precision for fabrication of binary optics elements which have character dimension 200mm × 200mm and line width 1 μ m.

  23. 详细地介绍了一种可用于分析大口径大视场二元光学系统的光栅矢量分析法BKK方法。

    A rigorous vector grating analysis approach BKK approach , which can be used to analyze the big caliber and big view binary optical system , is introduced .

  24. 本文研究二元光学元件(BOE)在三维轮廓测量中的应用,以BOE作为结构光发生器,设计并搭建一套基于三角测量法的三维测量系统。

    The application of the BOE in the 3-D measurement has been investigated in this paper . A 3-D measurement system is designed and established based on the triangle method , in which BOE working as the producer of the structural light .

  25. 基于HIO算法,设计了用于光束整形的二元光学元件,从两条不同的途径给出了高斯光束的整形结果。

    Based on HIO algorithm , binary optical elements for spatial beam shaping are designed . For Gaussian beams , the shaping result is put forward through two different ways .

  26. 该方法应用二元光学整形原理将HCMS中两探测器探测到的光强响应曲线的半高宽拓宽,继而达到扩展量程范围的目的。

    The method proposed uses binary optical shaping method to expand full width at half maximum of intensity response curve detected by two detectors in HCMS , thereby expanding the measurement range of the system .

  27. 相控阵激光雷达中的关键器件即为光学相控阵器件,在设计相控阵激光雷达系统时引入了二元光学器件Dammann光栅,提高了相控阵激光雷达系统的成像速率。

    The most important device of the OPA laser radar is the optical phased arrays , we introduced the binary optics device & Dammann grating into the OPA laser radar system design to solve the problem of low imaging speed caused by the long response time of the OPA device .

  28. 机载光电系统中二元光学技术的应用分析

    Application of binary optical technology in airborne opto - electronic system

  29. 二元光学元件和新型超分辨光盘读写头的设计研究

    A binary optical element and superresolution in an optical disk head

  30. 基于二元光学的红外成像光谱仪离轴系统设计

    Design of Off-axial Optical System for Binary Optic Infrared Imaging Spectrometer