
  • 网络fracture dynamic;dynamic fracture mechanics
  1. 我们根据JD,J(DN)和J(DP)给出了弹塑性断裂动力学的一组新判据。

    We give some criterions of elastic-plastic fracture dynamics by J_pJ_ ( DN ) and J_ ( DP ) .

  2. 用断裂动力学对混凝土平面杆系进行破损评估

    Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures by Fracture Dynamics

  3. Fourier本征变换在断裂动力学边界元法中的应用

    Use of Fourier Eigen Transform in Boundary Element Method of Dynamic Fracture Mechanics

  4. 本文研究了断裂动力学中的传播裂纹问题,运用Fourier分析与对偶积分方程理论,得到了应力场与位移场的精确解析表达式,以及表征动态断裂的特征参量-动态应力强度因子。

    : This paper studies the propagation of crack problem in dynamic fracture mechanics , and obtains the analytical expressions of the stress and displacement fields and dynamic stress intensity factor by using Fourier analysis and theory of dual integral equation .

  5. 分级破碎机转速的断裂动力学分析

    Analysis on Breaking Dynamics Based on Rotation Speed of Classification Crusher

  6. 非线性阻尼作用时Ⅲ型断裂动力学的解析解

    Analytical solution for mode ⅲ dynamic rupture subjected to nonlinear damping

  7. 非线性断裂动力学中的路径无关积分和断裂准则

    On Path-Independent Integrals and Fracture Criteria in Nonlinear Fracture Dynamics

  8. 正交异性体某些断裂动力学问题

    Some dynamic problems of crack in the orthotropic material

  9. 复合材料桥连的断裂动力学模型

    A Fracture Dynamics Model on Bridge of Composite Materials

  10. 轴对称断裂动力学问题的自相似解

    Self-Similar Solutions of Fracture Dynamics Problems on Axially Symmetry

  11. 平面断裂动力学问题的奇异积分方程解法

    Singular Integral Equation Method for Plane Fracture Dynamic Problems

  12. 大处理能力分级破碎机的断裂动力学分析与工业应用

    Kinetic Analysis on Breaking Mechanism of Large - capacity Siz - ing Breaker

  13. 用断裂动力学制定地震烈度区划初探

    A primitive study on Application of fracture dynamics to define the earthquakes intensity zoning

  14. 环境断裂动力学及寿命控制

    Dynamics and life control of environmental sensitive fracture

  15. 对于任意的自相似指数断裂动力学问题给出了自相似解。

    Self-similar solutions are given for fracture dynamics problems of arbitrary index of self-similarity .

  16. 并以冲击载荷为算例,考查了外层厚度和拉、剪模量变化对裂纹尖端应力强度因子的影响,为改善复合材料的断裂动力学性能提供了参考依据。

    Fracture apex stress strength factors are studied under different thickness and different tensile and shear modulus of composites .

  17. 某水坝船闸人字门拉杆破坏的断裂动力学分析

    Fracture Dynamics Analysis for an Event of Failure in the Gudgeon Link for the Miter Gate of a Dam

  18. 本文从弹塑性断裂动力学的理论出发研究了传播的裂缝尖端附近的温度场。

    This work has studied the temperature fields near a running crack tip from the theory of dynamic fracture mechanics .

  19. 基于断裂动力学理论,文章论述了切缝药包定向断裂控制爆破炮孔间贯通裂纹形成的机理。

    Based on the theory of dynamic fracture mechanics , the mechanism of crack-forming among shot holes in the directional split of rock by controlled blasting is expounded .

  20. 根据断裂动力学模型、近场地面峰值加速度衰减曲线和场地附近的加速度谱来标定震源模型;

    The source rupture model is constructed by the dynamic rupture analysis , as well as the peak acceleration attenuation curve and the acceleration Fourier spectra near the site .

  21. 在现有断裂动力学问题文献中,一般采用拉氏变换与积分变换方法,得到的回路积分最后还需借助于数值方法求解。

    In present research on fracture dynamic problems , Laplace or integral transformation was generally used , and numerical methods had to be adopted to solve the loop integral .

  22. 从断裂动力学问题的非线性性质和能量观点出发,讨论了运动裂纹止裂判据的正确提法;

    On the basis of view of the non linear property and energy of the dynamic fracture problems , a correct expression of the moving crack arrest criterion is systematically discussed .

  23. 本文用复变函数论的方法,对在不同正交异性材料结合面上扩展的具有任意自相似指数的断裂动力学问题,导出了解的一般表示,给出了一般解法。

    By the theory of complex functions , the general representation of the solution is derived for crack problems of arbitrary index of self-similarity expanding along the interfaces between dissimilar orthotropic media .

  24. 根据断裂动力学和应力波理论,对其试验结果进行了分析,得出带裂纹石膏板试件在动载作用下产生破裂所遵循的规律。

    Based on the theories of fracture dynamics and stress wave , the testing results are analysed , and the fracture law followed by the plates with cracks under dynamic loading is given .

  25. 最后,给出了这种路径无关积分的力学意义.说明它可用来作为非线性断裂动力学的一种断裂准则。

    Lastly , we give the mechanical meaning of this path-independent integral as the crack extension force , and make it possible to use the path-independent integral as fracture criterion in nonlinear fracture dynamics .

  26. 依据矿石中缺陷存在的情况,应用断裂动力学和损伤力学的观点,着重分析了爆炸应力波能量加载对矿石破裂、损伤行为产生的影响;

    According to the distribution of nature and explosion induced flaw in the ore , and the principle in advanced fracture mechanics and damage mechanics , authors mainly analyzed how the loading of explosive stress waves ' energy affected the breakage or damage behavior of the ore.

  27. 在此基础上,作者从断裂动力学的观点出发分析了振动加载对钴结壳切削破碎机理的影响,从理论上得出振动加载相对于静态加载能有效降低破碎剥离钴结壳时的切削力和单位能耗。

    Based on that , the author in review of fracturing dynamics , analyzed the effect of vibration on the breaking mechanism of cobalt-rich crusts , and concluded that the cutting force and unit energy consumption will be reduced if cobalt-rich crusts are broken by vibration cutting .

  28. 首先,将文[1]建立的非线性介质断裂动力学路径无关积分理论扩充于有限变形情况,然后,建立起液体空化动力学中的路径无关积分,并给出相应的力学解释,提出了空穴扩张能力的新概念。

    In this paper we discuss such problems for finite fracture dynamics of nonlinear media and cavitation dynamics of elastic fluids with the common methodology of path-independent integrals [ 1 ] Some path-independent integrals are worked out and related physical meaning for them are given as the extension force .

  29. 在具有任意自相似指数的正交异性体断裂动力学问题解的一般表示基础上,给出了裂纹在两种形式位移边界条件下的自相似解,验证了用自相似方法解决位移边界条件问题的可行性。

    Based on general expressions of the solution to dynamics fracture problems of orthotropic bodies with arbitrary self-similar index , self-similar solutions are given of the cracks under two kinds of displacement boundary conditions . It verified the feasibility of solving the problems of displacement boundary conditions with self-similar method .

  30. 按照我们在文献[1]中给出的辐射诱发含修复DNA主链断裂随机动力学理论数学模型,在此基础上,本文进一步导出了两种不同形成过程的双链断裂变化规律。

    According to our stochastic dynamic theory of DNA 's strand breaks with repair induced by irradiation given in the literature [ 1 ] . some theoretical results are given in this paper .