
  • 网络elongation after fracture
  1. 在下屈服强度降低的同时,其抗拉强度和断后伸长率变化不大。在这两种机制作用下,温度越高失稳应变εb越小,断后伸长率5δ0越大;

    The tensile strength and elongation after fracture vary little after rolling . As the result , the unstable strain ε _b decreases , while the percentage elongation after fracture δ _ ( 50 ) increases with increasing temperature ;

  2. 用非比例试样获取比例试样断后伸长率的方法短袜断裂伸长率的测定

    Method of Measuring Percentage Elongation after Fracture of Standard Proportional Sample by Non-proportional Sample

  3. TWIP钢的锰含量为15% ̄30%,抗拉强度为600 ̄1100MPa,断后伸长率高达95%。

    Manganese content ( wMn % ) in the TWIP steel was 0.15 % ~ 0.30 % . Its tensile strength and elongation amounted respectively to 600 ~ 1000MPa and 95 % .

  4. 机械振动能大幅提高AZ91D消失模铸件试样的力学性能,其中抗拉强度和断后伸长率相比于铸态的,分别提高了23.2%和20.8%。

    Mechanical vibration can also improve its mechanical properties to a great extent , and the values of tensile strength , elongation are respectively improved by 23.2 % 、 20.8 % , compared to as-cast .

  5. 用电镜对邯钢Q235,Q345中板伸长率低的典型试样进行了断口、金相组织分析,找出了试样断后伸长率低的原因,提出了相应的改进建议。

    With electron microscope the fracture surface and metallographic structure analysis is done for typical sample of Q235 , Q345 plate of low elongation , its reason found out , some suggestions proposed .

  6. 结论纳米CeO2能够显著提高SY-1硅橡胶在断后伸长率、永久变形率及撕裂强度3个方面的耐臭氧老化性能。

    Conclusion : The nanometer CeO_2 at 1.5 % can improve the resistance to ozone aging of SY-1 silicone elastomer especially to the elongation at break ( % ), permanent deformation rate ( 3 minutes ) and the tear strength ( kN / m ) .

  7. 断后伸长率换算新方法

    A New Method for Convesion of Scales of Elongation at Rupture

  8. 金属材料断后伸长率A测量结果的不确定度评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation for the Measurement Results of the Elongation A of Metallic Materials

  9. 带钢断后伸长率低的原因探析

    Reason diagnosis of low extensibility of the strip steel

  10. 用拉伸试验机横梁位移值计算断后伸长率

    Percentage elongation calculated by crosshead displacement values after fracture

  11. 检测结果表明:圆形横截面试样比矩形横截面试样的断后伸长率高。

    The examination results showed that the elongation after break of sample with circle cross section was higher than that of sample with rectangle cross section .

  12. 通过测量线材的冲击压下率来判断线材的加工性,并与传统的测量线材的抗拉强度和断后伸长率方法进行了比较。

    By check up strike-push down rate of wire , judge mechanical working properties of wire , and compare with conventional method by check up tensile and elongation of wire .

  13. 用HOOCr21Ni10不锈钢进行了不同搭接参数的成形试验,并对成形件进行了表面平整度、抗拉强度和断后伸长率的测试。

    Some HOOCr_ ( 21 ) Ni_ ( 10 ) stainless steel parts are built using different overlapping parameters and the surface smoothness , tensile strength and elongation are tested .

  14. 实验结果表明:反复镦压与其他剧烈塑性变形技术一样能使纯铜的晶粒明显细化,纯铜的硬度和抗拉强度明显提高,但断后伸长率和电导率下降。

    The results show that grains can be obviously refined by CCDC same as other SPD technologies . The microhardness and tensile strength increase obviously , but the elongation to failure and electrical conductivity decrease .

  15. 并对固化后的碳纤维复合材料板进行了性能测试:抗拉强度>2875MPa,弹性模量>158.5GPa,断后伸长率1.7%。

    The mechanical properties of the cured CFRP were tested . The experiment results show that the tensile strength reaches 2 875 MPa and tensile modulus reaches 158.5 GPa and the failure elongation is 1.7 % .

  16. 此外,通过试验采集的应变数据并结合OpenSees模拟分析,发现低周疲劳对循环受力下的钢筋影响显著,这将导致钢筋在远未达到其单调拉伸时的断后伸长率就过早地破坏。

    Besides , through research the strain data of reinforcing steel in experiment and software simulation , found that the low cycle fatigue affects reinforcing steel significantly . This will lead the steel to damage prematurely .