
  • 网络phase voltage;three-phase voltage;Ua Ub Uc;L-L ,L-N
  1. 三相电压型PWM整流器滑模变结构直接功率控制

    Sliding-Mode Variable-Structure Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier

  2. 单周期控制无乘法器三相电压型PWM整流器

    Three-Phase Voltage Source Type PWM Rectifier by One-Cycle Control Without Multipliers

  3. 在MATLAB中实现三相电压型逆变器仿真

    Simulating of Three - phase Voltage Inverter in MATLAB

  4. 一种三相电压型PWM整流器控制方法仿真

    The Simulation of a Control Method for Three-phase Voltage-type PWM Rectifier

  5. 用状态空间法对三相电压型PWM整流器建模

    Three Phase Voltage-Source PWM Rectifier Modeling Using the Status Space Method

  6. 基于单周控制的三相电压型PWM整流器的仿真

    Simulation of Three-phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier Based on One-cycle Control

  7. 三相电压型PWM整流器的数学模型和主电路设计

    Mathematical model and main circuit design of three-phase voltage-source PWM rectifier

  8. 基于MATLAB的三相电压型PWM整流系统仿真

    Simulation of Three-phase Voltage-source PWM Rectifier Based on Matlab

  9. 三相电压型PWM高频整流器新型控制算法

    A Novel Control Algorithm for Three-phase Voltage-fed PWM Reversible Rectifier

  10. 三相电压型低谐波PWM整流器主电路参数间的关系

    Relations between Mains Parameters of Three-phase Voltage-type Low-harmonic PWM Rectifier

  11. 三相电压型PWM整流器不平衡控制新策略

    New Control Scheme of Three-phase PWM Rectifier Under Unbalanced Input Voltage Condition

  12. 三相电压型PWM逆变器双闭环控制策略研究

    Research on Double Closed-Loop Controlling Strategy Based on Three-Phase Voltage Source PWM Inverter

  13. 三相电压型PWM整流器空间电压矢量控制仿真

    Simulation for SVPWM Control of Three-Phase Voltage PWM Rectifier

  14. 三相电压型PWM整流器的逆系统内模控制

    Inner Model Control of Inverse System for Three Phase Voltage Mode PWM Rectifier

  15. 三相电压型PWM逆变器电流控制技术的现状和发展

    The Present Situation and Development of Current Control Techniques in Three-phase PWM Converters

  16. 三相电压型PWM整流器间接电流控制方法改进及仿真

    Simulation and Modifying of Indirection Current Control Way for Three-phase PWM Voltage Rectifier

  17. 第四章介绍了电网电压不平衡时三相电压型PWM整流器的控制策略。

    Chapter 4 introduces the control strategy of PWM rectifier under unbalanced grid voltage .

  18. 三相电压型PWM整流电路原理分析

    Principle Analysis of 3-Phase Voltage-Typed PWM Rectifying Circuits

  19. 基于两相静止坐标系三相电压型PWM整流器控制策略的研究

    The Research of There Phases Voltage Source PWM Rectifier Based on Two Phases Stationary Coordinate

  20. 基于三相电压型PWM地铁牵引供电整流器的研究整流器供电直流拖动

    Research of Traction Power Supply System in Subway Base on Three-phase Voltage Type PWM Rectifiers

  21. 三相电压型PWM整流器的反馈线性化解耦模型和仿真

    Decoupled Model and Simulation of Three-phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier Based on Feedback Linearization Theory

  22. T.三相电压及相序的监测电路

    Monitoring Circuit of Three Phase Voltage and Phase Sequence in Grid

  23. 三相电压不对称时带有电压源换流器的HVDC系统的控制策略

    Control strategy for VSC-HVDC System under unsymmetry of three phase voltage

  24. 分析了三相电压源PWM整流器的工作原理和数学模型;

    Secondly , the principle and mathematic model of three phase voltage source rectifier is analyzed .

  25. 提出一种新的用于三相电压型逆变器的空间矢量PWM算法。

    A new algorithm of space vector PWM for three phase voltage fed inverter is described .

  26. 三相电压型PWM整流器状态反馈精确线性化解耦控制研究

    The research of decoupled state variable feedback linearization control method of three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier

  27. PWM控制模式下的三相电压源型SVG等效电路分析与控制

    The Equivalent Circuit Analysis and Control of Three-Phase Voltage Source SVG Basing PWM Controlled

  28. 本文介绍了三相电压型PWM整流器相位-幅值控制的基本原理,对系统的控制策略进行了研究。

    The paper presents the basic principle of Phase - Amplitude control , researches the system control strategy .

  29. 三相电压型整流器SVPWM控制简化算法研究

    Research on simplifier algorithm of the three-phase voltage rectifier with SVPWM

  30. 三相电压型SVPWM整流的控制策略研究与实验

    Research and Experiment of Three-phase Voltage SVPWM Rectifier 's Control Tactics