
  • 网络3dgis;3d gis;3d-gis;DGIS
  1. 本文在这样的背景下旨在研究三维地理信息系统在森林资源管理中的应用,探索了一种崭新的技术手段。

    Under this background , the article aims to study the application of 3D GIS in the field of forestry resource management and has explored a new kind of technological method .

  2. 三维地理信息系统(GIS)是二维GIS在三维空间上的扩展,以其能表达三维现实和再现现实环境的优势备受重视。

    3D GIS is a 2D GIS in the expansion of 3D space , to express their reality and the representation of 3D reality of the advantages of being focused upon .

  3. 基于WEB的城市三维地理信息系统构建方法研究

    Study on construction method of urban 3-D geographic information system based on Web

  4. 在三维地理信息系统(GIS)中,三维数据模型与数据结构是研究的核心。

    In the research of the three-dimensional Geographic Information System ( GIS ), three-dimensional data model and data structure is the core .

  5. 近年来,数字地球及数字城市建设越来越受到各国的重视,三维地理信息系统(3DGIS)作为核心技术得到了快速的发展,并成为数字地球和数字城市领域的研究热点及重点之一。

    As the core technology , three-dimension Geographic Information System ( 3D GIS ) also developed rapidly and become a hot research filed of " Digital Earth " and " Digital City " .

  6. 随着三维地理信息系统(3DGIS)的发展,三维数据建模作为科学计算可视化的核心和关键功能之一广泛地应用于自然科学和工程项目的各个领域。

    With the development of 3D Geographic Information System ( 3D GIS ), 3D data modeling as the core and critical functions of Visualization in Scientific Computing is widely used in various fields of natural sciences and engineering projects .

  7. 三维地理信息系统(3DGIS)在可视化和建模方面具有独特的优势,而三维离散元程序(3DEC)是基于离散单元方法在处理结构控制型的工程围岩破坏问题中最成熟的技术之一。

    Three-dimensional geographic information system ( 3DGIS ) has special advantage in respects of visualization and constructing model ; and the discrete element method program & 3DEC is one of the most matured techniques to solve the problems of structurally controlled failure of engineering rock mass .

  8. 无锡变电所三维地理信息系统的开发与实现

    The development and realization of the Wuxi substation three-dimensional GIS system

  9. 三维地理信息系统与电网数字化管理

    3D Geographic Information System and Digitalization Management in Electric Network

  10. 城市三维地理信息系统建设与应用研究

    Research on Construction and Application of Three Dimensional Urban Geographic Information System

  11. 四川盆地油气勘探三维地理信息系统与应用

    3D Geographic Information System for Petroleum Exploration in Sichuan Basin

  12. 基于几何元素的城市三维地理信息系统空间数据模型

    Spatial Data Models of 3D UGIS Based on Geometric Primitives

  13. 基于空间认知的三维地理信息系统研究

    Study on 3D geographical information system based on spatial recognition

  14. 三维地理信息系统中纹理的非参数映射及矢量剪切

    Non-parameter mapping and vector cut of texture in 3D GIS

  15. 基于三维地理信息系统的块体稳定可视化分析系统

    Visualization analysis system of blocks based on 3D GIS

  16. 三维地理信息系统是数字城市的核心技术之一。

    The three-dimensional GIS is one of key technology of the digital city .

  17. 用计算机实现三维地理信息系统已成为了当前的研究热点。

    Electronic 3D geography system is one of the most popular research issues .

  18. 矿山三维地理信息系统中的数据结构

    Data Structures in 3D Geographical Information Systems in Mine

  19. 三维地理信息系统中几何特征的误差模型

    Error Models for Geometric Features in Three Dimensional GIS

  20. 输电线路勘测设计与三维地理信息系统的结合

    The Connection Between Survey & Design in Transmission Line and 3-Dimensions Geographic Information System

  21. 地理信息系统科学的发展有许多新趋势,三维地理信息系统即为其中之一。

    Three-dimensional GIS is one of the new trend of the GIS scientific development .

  22. 高逼真度三维地理信息系统的研究

    Study of High Fidelity 3D GIS

  23. 珠江口海事三维地理信息系统的研究与开发

    Research and Exploitation in the 3-D Geographic Information Systems of Maritime Safety Administration in Zhujiang Kou

  24. 如何有效地组织和管理城市三维地理信息系统中海量级的三维数据是目前研究的一个核心问题。

    It 's a core problem to organize and manage massive data in three-dimensional urban geographic information system .

  25. 三维地理信息系统面向对象数据结构

    D-GIS Object-oriented Data Structure

  26. 研究了地理信息系统的数据模型和数据结构,重点讨论了三维地理信息系统中主要的数据模型和数据结构的优点和不足;

    Data model and data structure in GIS were studied , and the advantages and disadvantages have been discussed .

  27. 将三维地理信息系统和虚拟现实技术有机的结合为一体,为飞行模拟系统的研究提供了更为可靠的理论数据。

    The combines of GIS and virtual reality have supply a more trusty theory for the research of the flight simulation system .

  28. 电子沙盘,也称三维地理信息系统,是遥感、地理信息系统、三维仿真等高新技术的结合。

    Electronic sand table which is also called 3D geographic information system is a combination of RS , GIS and 3D simulation technology .

  29. 大规模地形可视化在三维地理信息系统、虚拟现实以及虚拟地理环境系统中占有重要地位。

    Visualization of large scale terrain is playing a key role in the study of 3-D GIS 、 virtual reality and virtual geographic environments .

  30. 再介绍了当前的技术,如三维地理信息系统、科学计算可视化和虚拟现实以及地质体建模的方法。

    And it has introduced current technology , such as 3D-GIS , Visualization in Scientific Computing and Virtual Reality and methods of modeling of geological model .