
  • 网络Akebia trifoliata;akebia trifoliate;Akebia trifoliata Koidz
  1. 三叶木通种子脂肪酸成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis on chemical constituents of fatty acids from seeds of Akebia trifoliata

  2. 三叶木通齐墩果酸的超声提取工艺研究

    Study on Ultrasonic Extraction Technics of Oleanolic Acid in Akebia trifoliata

  3. 结果显示三叶木通多糖具有很好的抗氧化活性,当达到一定浓度时其抗氧化能力仅次于VC。

    Results showed that polysaccharide have very good antioxidant activity . When they reach a certain concentration , its antioxidant ability is after VC .

  4. 结果表明对于三叶木通的新鲜叶片和硅胶干燥叶片,无论从产率上还是质量上,CTAB法都明显优于其他两种方法。

    Trifoliata . The results suggested that the method of CTAB is obviously better than the other two methods .

  5. 通过DPPH自由基体系、羟基自由基(·OH)体系和还原能力体系比较了三叶木通粗黄酮和纯化后黄酮的抗氧化能力。

    Akebia cottonwood coarse and purified flavonoids oxidation resistance are compared through the DPPH free radicals system , hydroxyl radicals (· OH ) system and restore ability system .

  6. 用11个不同产地的野生三叶木通(Akebiatrifoliate)自然单株进行栽培试验,对其5个茎藤生长性状与5个气候因子进行了典型相关分析。

    Artificial cultivation with Akebia trifoliate wild plant in 11 different habitats , and 5 ( stem 's ) character and 5 climate factors were carried out to analyze the canonical correlation .

  7. 影响三叶木通生长的主要气象因子分析

    Analysis of principal components of effect of meteorological factors on

  8. 三叶木通果实为我国传统野生水果,营养丰富,果肉乳白多汁,香甜可口。

    Akebia trifoliate fruit is a traditional wild fruit in our country .

  9. 三叶木通茎藤及果实性状评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of Stem and Fruit Characteristics of Akebia trifoliata

  10. 三叶木通籽成分及三叶木通籽油的理化指标分析

    Components of Akebia trifoliate seed and the physicochemical indexes of the seed oil

  11. 三叶木通指纹图谱研究

    Study on HPLC Fingerprint Chromatography of Akebia trifoliata ( Thunb . ) Koidz

  12. 三叶木通理化诱变技术及其成熟期变异研究

    Studies on mature period mutation and mutagenic technology Akebia trifoliata by physics and chemistry

  13. 三叶木通果实呼吸生理与贮藏保鲜条件的研究

    Study on the Respiration Physiology of Akebia trifoliate Fruit and the Suitable Storage Conditions

  14. 三叶木通果实对小鼠急性毒性的初步研究

    The Primary Study of Acute Toxicity Induced by Fruits of Akebia trifoliate on Mice

  15. 目的探讨影响三叶木通扦插育苗的因素。

    Objects To explore the factors of influencing for the cuttage seedling of Akebia trifoliate .

  16. 三叶木通枝条扦插属于综合型生根类型。

    The branch cuttage of Akebia trifoliate Koidz belongs to the type of integrated rooting .

  17. 栽培条件下三叶木通茎藤生长与主要气候因子的关系研究

    Relationships between Principal Climate Factor and Traits in Stem Growth of Akebia trifoliate under Artificial Cultivation

  18. 三叶木通种子品质性状研究

    Seed quality characteristics of Akebia trifoliata

  19. 家兔急性尿路感染模型的建立及三叶木通、关木通药效学比较研究

    Establishment of Acute Urinary Tract Infection Model in Rabbit and Comparison Study on Pharmacodynamics of Akebiae Trifoliate and Aristolochia Manshuriensis

  20. 应用一元回归研究了三叶木通三片小叶叶面积与长宽之间的关系。

    Single regression analysis approach was applied to search the relationship among leaf area length and width of A. trifoliate .

  21. 三叶木通果中主要营养成分含量的测定三叶木通果实对小鼠急性毒性的初步研究

    Determination of nutritional components in truit of Akebia trifoliata koidz ; The Primary Study of Acute Toxicity Induced by Fruits of Akebia trifoliate on Mice

  22. 结果显示三叶木通粗黄酮和纯化后黄酮均有一定的抗氧化活性,其中纯化后黄酮抗氧化性高于粗黄酮。

    Results showed that coarse flavonoids and purified flavonoids all have certain antioxidant activity , but purified flavonoids oxidation resistance is better than coarse flavonoids .

  23. 三叶木通茎的次生结构,其横切面近似圆形,生长轮明显,散孔材。

    The secondary structure of stem of A. trifoliata : the transverse section of stem is circinal , with obvious growth ring . It is diffuse-porous wood .

  24. 并对陕西、湖南、湖北等省的三叶木通进行了调查,从生态学的角度进行了研究,初步探讨了三叶木通形态特征与环境的关系。

    The relationship between the structure and environment was discussed through the ecological research of A. trifoliata of Shaanxi , Hunan , Hubei and other provinces in China .

  25. 5~12℃温度下,三叶木通种子发芽率80%以上,持续发芽时间26~35天。

    Suitable germination temperature for Akebia Trifoliata were 5 ~ 12 ℃ temperature , its germination rate was over 80 percent and duration time was 26 ~ 35 day .

  26. 人工栽培三叶木通褐斑病病原菌鉴定及防治药剂室内筛选三唑类杀菌剂对苹果褐斑病菌生长发育的毒力及其防病作用

    Identification of the pathogen of the brown spot on cultivated Akebia trifoliate and screening of fungicides Control Effect of Triazole Fungicides in controlling Marssonina coronaria in Vitro and in Field

  27. 结果表明:三叶木通的花芽是混合芽,主要着生于短缩枝的顶芽和攀援茎2至10节的叶腋间。

    The results of which indicated that the flower buds were the mixed ones that grew mainly in terminal buds ot spurs and certain lateral buds from the second to the tenth nodes on twining branches .

  28. 老根由外向内依次为:周皮、次生韧皮部、形成层、次生木质部、初生木质部。在根中五叶木通木质部导管口径比三叶木通的大很多。

    While for older roots , there are periderm , secondary phloem , cambium , secondary xylem and primary xylem . In root , the duct caliber of xylem in Akebia quinata ( Thunb . ) Decne .

  29. 髓射线也是一个重要的显色部位,三叶木通的根和茎都拥有很宽阔的髓射线,从幼嫩茎尖到老茎、老根都能看到此区域强烈显色。

    Pith is also an important colored part . The root and stem of A. trifoliata have broad pith ray and it can be strongly colored in this aero no matter infancy stem , old stem or old root .

  30. 通过对不同营养器官的不同发育阶段及不同部位材料进行的组织化学定位研究,初步认为,三叶木通中的皂苷类成分产生于植株的同化组织,包括叶和幼茎的绿色部分。

    The materials of different developmental stages and different parts of vegetative organs have been done and the rudiment conclusion is that saponins derived from the assimilation tissue of plants in A. trifoliata , including leaves and young green stems .