
  • 网络cyclicity;Turning ability
  1. 潜山内幕地层的旋回性及其对储集性能的影响

    Sedimentary Cyclicity of Internal Strata and Its Effects on Reservoir Characteristics

  2. 这种旋回性主要与板缘的拉张裂解、俯冲消减和碰撞闭合等板块构造运动体制有关。

    The cyclicity of the basin evolution is mainly related to plate tectonic regime of extension , subduction and collision .

  3. 研究区PⅠ油层组沉积时由于水体变化频繁,水下分流河道经常变动,水流强度频繁变化,因此沉积旋回性明显。

    When the sedimentary of PI group in the study area , water frequent changes , the distributary channel changes frequently and flow intensity frequent changes , so there are obvious sedimentary cycles .

  4. 盆地内沉积了上三叠统以上地层,沉积岩厚度达5000m,具有多旋回性。

    The multi-cycle strata above the Upper Triassic are deposited , with the thickness of up to 5 000 m.

  5. 克拉通盆地旋回性沉积记录与成因岩石地层学

    Records of cyclic sedimentation and genetic lithostratigraphy in Craton Basin

  6. 滑行艇航向稳定性与旋回性理论分析

    The analysis of course stability and the turning quality about the skimming boat

  7. 试论古水动力演化的旋回性与油气的多期次运聚

    A View on Cycles of Paleo-Hydrodynamics Evolution and Phases of Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation

  8. 本文从沉积环境、沉积旋回性研究出发,对南堡凹陷下第三系层序地层学特征进行了研究。

    Sequence stratigraphy of Eogene system in Nanpu depression is studied mainly from sedimentary environments and sedimentary cycles .

  9. 这些圈闭分布受控于坡折带类型、水系方向与古地貌的配置关系、基准面的旋回性变化等多种因素。

    Belt type , river system direction and ancient landform relations , base level cycle changes controlled its distribution .

  10. 构造沉降的幕次、周期性控制层序的旋回性与层序内部发展的阶段性;

    The episodes and cyclicity of tectonic subsidence controlled the cyclicity of the sequence and the stage of sequence development ;

  11. 倾转旋翼机气动弹性稳定性研究进展滑行艇航向稳定性与旋回性理论分析

    Review of Aeroelastic Stability Investigations for Tiltrotor Aircraft The analysis of course stability and the turning quality about the skimming boat

  12. 层序地层的可旋回性是建立层序地层学的理论基础,而周期性气候变化导致了地层的旋回性或可复制性。

    Repetitions and cycles in stratigraphy are the cores of the Sequence Stratigraphy , which are induced by the cyclic climate change .

  13. 结果表明潮汐层偶的厚度变化与大小潮周期潮差旋回性变化密切相关。

    The result shows that the variation of tidal-couplet thickness is closely related to the changes of tidal energy in neap-spring cycles .

  14. 开、合往往导致突变与质变,剪切经常表现为渐变与量变.开、合、剪的辩证关系体现其运动的整体性、层次性、旋回性、互补性、共生性和互为因果等特征。

    The system of opening , closing and shearing movement is possessed of the characteristics of unity , cyclicity , complementarity , hierarchy association and interaction .

  15. 层序体内部旋回性结构的地震响应是带通的,且依层序体的级别不同,分别占有不同的频率位置。

    The seismic response of cyclic textures within sequence body is bandpass ; they possess different frequency position according to the grade of the sequence body .

  16. 上部为中薄层状富泥的含石膏质夹层的泥质泥晶灰岩、微晶白云岩组成的旋回性清楚的似蒸发潮坪层序。

    The upper part is a set of evaporite quasi-tidal sequence with clear cycles which is made up of middle-thin-bedded , gypsum-bearing muddy limestone and dolomicrite .

  17. 按盆地的旋回性和改造程度可将西部盆地群分为弱改造多旋回盆地等六类。

    According to cycle characteristics and evolution degree , the west basins can be divided into 6 types such as mild conversion and polycyclic basin , etc.

  18. 该区的深部找矿经验还指出,层控矿床具有明显的时控特征,并具有多发性和多旋回性。

    Our experience in exploiting ore deposits at depths in this area shows that strata-bound deposits are distinctly time-bound and also possess polygenetic and polycyclic characteristics .

  19. 地震层序模型由两部分组成:即层序体分界面反射和层序体内部旋回性结构的地震响应。

    The seismic sequence model is composed of two parts & the boundary reflection of sequence body and the seismic response of cyclic textures within sequence body .

  20. 层序纵向上叠加使盆地边缘形成明显的砂泥岩旋回性沉积,盆地中心主要为泥岩夹浊积砂岩。

    Sand-shale cyclic sedimentation developed at margin of the basin formed by longitudinal stacking of the sequences and shale contained turbidite was at center of the basin .

  21. 塔里木盆地形成演化的多旋回性决定了油气成藏的旋回性,成藏旋回反映了油气运聚演化史。

    Geological evolution determined the cycle of hydrocarbon generation , and the reservoir formation cycles reflect the history of petroleum migration and accumulation in the Tarim Basin .

  22. 陆相断陷湖盆多沉降中心、多物源和充填演化的多旋回性,形成了多套生油层系和多种油气储集相带组合,并在空间上形成了多个含油气系统。

    There are more than one sedimentation centers , material sources and infilling-evolution cycles in the depression lake basin , resulting in multiple combinations of source rocks .

  23. 测井曲线包含了丰富的地质信息,对研究地层多级别旋回性及识别地层信息多分辨突变具有优势。

    Logging curve contains a great amount of geologic information and it has advantage in studying multilevel cycle of strata and in recognizing multi-resolution abrupt change of strata .

  24. 我国盆地具有小陆块拼合、多旋回性和强烈的后期陆内构造活动等区域构造特征。

    China 's basins are characterized with regional structural features , such as making-up of small continental blocks multi-cycling , and strong inland structural activities in later periods .

  25. 华北中部太原组火山事件层与煤岩层对比&火山事件层的旋回性与煤岩层对比(Ⅱ)

    Volcanic Event Strata and Correlation of Coals and Rocks of Taiyuan Formation in Central North China Cyclicity of Volcanic Event Strata and Correlation of Coals and Rocks (ⅱ)

  26. 在沉积盆地中,旋回性薄互层和定向排列的裂隙等都会引起地震各向异性。

    In the sediment basin , there are phenomena such as period thin-layer and directional arrangement of vertical fracture , all of them can cause the seismic anisotropy .

  27. 针对中国大地构造演化的多旋回性,采用波动分析方法是叠合盆地分析的有效方法之一。

    In view of the multicycle nature of geotectonic evolution in China , wave analysis is one of the effective methods that can be used to study superimposed basins .

  28. 研究表明,储层微观孔隙结构的复杂度在注水后较注水前增加,储层微观非均质性增强,且微观旋回性得到增强;试论古水动力演化的旋回性与油气的多期次运聚

    It shows that the complexity level of microscopic pore structures increase higher after water drive . A View on Cycles of Paleo-Hydrodynamics Evolution and Phases of Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation

  29. 沉积充填演化过程的阶段性和多旋回性,形成的多套富含有机质的有效烃源岩,组成了复合生烃系统。

    Several sets of effective source rocks with rich organic materials that have been formed due to multiple phases and multicycle of sedimentary evolutionary process constitute a composite hydrocarbon-generating system .

  30. 由多旋回性构造运动造成沉积基准面的升降变化控制了隐蔽圈闭在斜坡带同一位置的垂向变化。

    The tectonic movement with multi - cyclicity caused fluctuation change of sedimentary base level , which controlled the vertical variety of the subtle trap at same place at the slope belt .