
  1. Green和Pratt使用旋转镜头的摄影机,其具有一种爆发性的楔形物。

    Green and Pratt employed a rotating-mirror camera with an explosively driven wedge .

  2. 更重要的是,其镜头用一个醒目的黄圈标出,还有个旋转镜头盖,这样所有人都能看出它是否正在拍摄。

    More important , its lens is highlighted by a bright yellow circle and has a rotating cover so everyone can see when it is and isn 't watching .

  3. 针对机器人运动时,摄像机在拍摄实景图像过程中可能出现的图像旋转、镜头伸缩和图像传输过程中存在干扰等因素。

    According to robot sport , camcorder image may appear spin , camera lens flexible and image transmission course in existence disturb .

  4. 如果启用,元素底部将始终面对着屏幕的中心,使元素旋转同时镜头光晕在屏幕上移动。

    If enabled , bottom of the Element will always face the center of the screen , making the Element spin as the Lens Flare moves around on the screen .

  5. 镜头控制:通过左击按住鼠标左右移动人物,可以旋转模型镜头,或者单击窗口左上角的箭头按钮。

    Camera controls : To rotate the camera around a character , click and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse left and right , or click the arrow buttons in the top left of the window .

  6. 针对CCD星敏感器光学系统存在焦距不准确、CCD平面倾斜和旋转及光学镜头畸变等误差因素,在理想针孔模型的基础上,用几何方法建立了星敏感器模型。

    A star sensor model is established by geometrical method on the basis of an ideal pinhole model in consideration of the error factors such as inaccurate focal length of the optical system of star sensor , plane tilt and rotating of CCD , and optical lens distortion etc.

  7. 我们观看了芭蕾舞演员单足旋转的慢镜头电影。

    We watched a slow motion film of a ballet dancer doing pirouettes .