
  • 网络Panorama shot;panorama
  1. 这则广告展现了某人想要为一群穿着戏服的孩子们拍照,他使用iPhone的全景拍摄功能捕捉下了所有人。

    The ad shows a man trying to take a picture of a group of kids in costumes , using the iPhones Panorama functionality to capture the whole group .

  2. 上周六,这面近100平米的墙实践了最先进的全景拍摄和数码投影技术。

    The most advanced panoramic shooting and digital projecting techniques were practiced on the nearly one hundred square meter wall last Saturday .

  3. 结合全景同步拍摄装置的特点,本文采用摄像机标定的方式来消除镜头畸变,完成图像预处理工作。

    We adopt the way of camera calibration to eliminate the lens distortion and to complete the work of image pre-processing considering the characteristics of the new device which is called panorama synchronization camera .

  4. 传统窄视角的普通摄像头已经不能满足场景信息宏观层次的分析需求,而新兴的全景视觉拍摄装置能够一次性抓拍周围场景的全部信息。

    The traditional image capture device of which the field of view is narrow could not meet the demand of macro information of the whole scene , but panoramic vision can achieve a comprehensive capture of the scene information .

  5. 虚拟全景照片的拍摄&虚拟现实系列之四

    Shooting Pictures For a Panorama

  6. 然而全景视觉系统拍摄得到的大视野图像是以图像畸变为代价的,畸变产生的原因很多,包括全景的结构设计、镜面参数的选择和相机性能参数等。

    However , panoramic vision system shot to get the perspective image is at the expense of the image distortion .

  7. 首先对全景图的投影模型进行比较,最终选择柱面全景图作为研究对象,然后对柱面全景图的拍摄方式进行了讨论。

    Paper first compare panorama projection model , and choose cylindrical panorama as a research object , and then the cylindrical panorama shooting mode was introduced .