
  • 网络Full aperture
  1. 方位向压缩后,将各子孔径数据按时间先后排序拼接、运算,合成出全孔径分辨率图像。

    After azimuth compression , the sub-apertures are arrayed and synthesized to offer a full-aperture resolution image .

  2. 提高频谱利用率,实现全孔径成像,达到理论分辨率,但多普勒分量提取以及模糊抑制的计算量过大;

    To improve spectrum utilization and realize full | aperture imaging , which results in considerable computational complexity ;

  3. 声点源散射三维物形的全孔径和有限孔径近场重构问题

    Full and Limited Aperture Problem for 3-D Shape Reconstruction from Near Field Data under Acoustic Point Source Scattering

  4. 实验计算结果表明:这种根据入射全孔径远场光斑强度分布直接反演出入射波前相位的线性相位反演新方法原理是可行的。

    In the laboratory , an experiment device was set up to study the characteristic of the new wave-front measuring method using this kind of sensor .

  5. 根据导出公式选择合适的计算全息图的位相函数和滤波光阑孔径,以充分滤掉不需要的级次,实现凸非球面的全孔径检测。

    Suitable phase function of CGH and filtering diaphragm aperture are selected for fully filtering undesirable orders according to the derived expressions , thus full-aperture measurement of convex aspheric surface is realized .

  6. 全极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)高度信息检测技术

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) Three Dimensional Imaging

  7. 本文在全极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)特征分解和最大似然估计(ML)分类的基础上,提出基于全极化SAR极化特征分解及最大似然估计的非监督分类迭代算法。

    Based on the theory of eigen-decomposition of fully polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) and maximum likelihood ( ML ) classifier , an unsupervised iteration classification method is proposed .

  8. 全极化合成孔径雷达图像极化白化滤波参数估计方法的改进研究

    Improvement Research of Parameter Estimation in Polarimetric Whitening Filter of Full-Polarization SAR Image

  9. 全极化合成孔径雷达海浪遥感方法全站仪悬高测量

    Ocean Wave Measured by Fully Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

  10. 多视全极化合成孔径雷达图象的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of multi-look polarimetric SAR Imagery

  11. 全风化花岗岩孔径分布-颗粒组成-矿物成分变化特征及指标相关性分析

    Variation features of pore radius and particle diameter distributions and mineral content of completely decomposed granite and correlation of parameters

  12. 介绍一种双处理机三轴方式的全自动荫罩孔径透过率自动测量装置,给出了系统的设计方案与实现方法。

    This paper presents the design scheme and implementation method of dual processors and three axes , which is used for shadow - mask aperture passthrough rating test system .