
  • 网络vignetting;Vignette
  1. 分析了内视仪中影响成像质量的各个因素的特性,提出了相应的校正方法。包括CCD暗电流不一致性,CCD光响应不一致性,光学系统渐晕,转换屏对射线响应不一致性。

    Some Influencing imaging quality factors of this inspector are analyzed from theory to experiment , and corresponding calibration methods are put forward , including CCD dark current nonuniformity , CCD photon response nonuniformity , vignetting effect of optical system , converting screen nonuniformity of response to X-ray radiation .

  2. 关于变焦系统优化过程中渐晕系数问题的讨论

    Concerning the Vignetting Coefficients in the Optimization Design of Zoom Lenses

  3. 针对R-C系统的特点,考虑轴外渐晕的影响,推导出主、次镜内遮光罩尺寸设计的约束公式。

    The constraint formulas for designing the geometries of primary baffle and secondary baffle are deduced when taking account of vignette of R-C system .

  4. 在应用平面镜自准直测角系统中渐晕函数的理论研究

    The Research of Restrictive Function in Angle Measurement Using Mirror

  5. 基于高斯曲面拟合的影像渐晕复原方法

    Vignetting Correction Method of Image Based on Gaussian Quadrics Fitting

  6. 文章同时给出了计算渐晕系数的新方法。

    Meanwhile a new method to compute the vignetting coefficients has been given .

  7. 红外系统中渐晕的研究

    Research on vignetting in thermal imaging system

  8. 基于这两点提出了减小渐晕的几种新方案,并从减小像差上进行了理论分析。

    We put forward some new solution and analyze theoretically how to reduce aberration based on the two considerations .

  9. 大口径、长焦距光学系统杂光系数、渐晕系数、像面照度均匀性等参数的测试

    Test of stray light coeffcient vignetting coeffcient and image surface illumination uniformity of optical system with large aperture and long focal length

  10. 本文对同轴散斑干涉条纹渐晕斑的不良影响进行了分析。并提出了消除渐晕斑的方法,进行了比较实验。

    The pernicious effects of vignetting spot on the coaxial speckle inference fringes are analysed and a method for eliminating the vignetting spot is given .

  11. 热像仪观察的景物亮度或对比度通常很低,所以渐晕对热像仪性能的影响显得比较严重。

    The brightness and contrast of scenery which are observed by thermal imager are always very low , so the effect of vignetting on the performance of thermal imager is high .

  12. 以双振镜光学扫描头作为反射式光纤共焦扫描显微镜的平面扫描机构可以实现对平面图像的快速扫描,但存在着畸变和渐晕问题。

    Using dual galvanometer optical scanning head as the reflecting type optic fiber confocal scanning microscope 's scanning outfit can achieve the fast scanning to plane image , but there exists distortion and vignetting .

  13. 提出充分利用像差渐晕改善像面照度均匀性的方法;论述标定轴外光束边界的逐次渐近过程和运用入瞳距离变量实现孔径光阑位置全域优化的技术。

    In the end , it expounds the successive approach method to confirm the boundary of abaxial beams , and how to realize global optimization of the aperture stop ′ s position using the entrance pupil ′ s distance variable .