
jiàn yǐn
  • fade-out
渐隐[jiàn yǐn]
  1. 影片的画面渐隐而转成一府教堂的外景。

    The picture then dissolved into a view of the church from the outside .

  2. 用VB定时器和API函数编程方法.实现文字和图形的动态缩放和渐现渐隐效果。

    VB timer and API function programming methods can be used to get the result of dynamic zoom-in and zoom-out 、 fade-in and fade-out .

  3. 渐隐铭文-提高你的渐隐法术的持续时间和冷却时间50%。

    Glyph of Fade-Increases the duration and cooldown of your Fade spell by50 % .

  4. 在笔刷形状动态窗口改变“渐隐”到“钢笔压力”,并且最小直径设置成1%。

    In the brush Shape Dynamics Window change the Control from Fade to Pen Pressure , and the Minimum Diameter to1 % .

  5. 她在影片中运用了定格、双重曝光、渐隐、叠化等效果来制作奇特新鲜的电影。

    Her fanciful and inventive films included the use of stop-action , double exposures , fade-outs , dissolves , and other special effects .

  6. 他一整天都在沙丘间徘徊,想要逃离那些公寓房,公寓房矗立在远处那渐隐的山峰之上。

    All day he had been wandering among the sand-hills , trying to escape the apartment houses which rose in the distance above the dissolving crests .

  7. 而在对乡土小说的研究方面,我们也有待进一步深入的探讨,尤其是对于还乡这条日渐隐显的小说叙事脉络。

    In the study of local stories , we also need to be further explored in depth , especially for the " return home " of this increasingly significant implicit narrative context of fiction .