
  1. 转轨经济的路径选择:渐进式变迁与激进主义

    Path Choice in Transitional Economy : Gradual Change and Radical Change

  2. 由于制度变迁的初期目标不明确,决定了我国城镇企业职工基本养老保险制度变迁的渐进式变迁的形式。

    The initial objective of the institutional change is not clear , which decided it is a gradual change .

  3. 中国选择渐进式制度变迁模式的原因分析

    A Cause Analysis of Selecting the Change Pattern of Evolutionary Systemin China

  4. 文章还论述了政府主导型制度变迁和渐进式制度变迁各自的优缺点。

    The paper also dis - cusses some advantages and disadvantages of the two ways of institutional change .

  5. 从其方式来分,有渐进式制度变迁与激进式制度变迁。从不同角度来研究制度变迁,对于我们深入认识制度变迁的过程及其规律具有重要的意义。

    It is of important significance for us to realize the process and law of institutional transition from different perspectives .

  6. 典型的自上而下的渐进式制度变迁具有历史的路径依赖性,金融制度始终依赖并滞后于经济制度的变迁。

    This kind of mode has some history limiting factor that is financial system is always depending on and lagging to the changing of economic system .

  7. 我国的强制性、渐进式制度变迁,不仅可以分解为宏观经济制度变迁、城市经济制度变迁和农村经济制度变迁,而且具有产业偏向、城市偏向、区域偏向和社会基础设施建设偏向的特点。

    Our nationally compulsory and gradual system change may not only be decomposed into macroeconomic system change , urban economy system change , rural economy system change , but also has the industrial tendency , the city tendency , the region tendency and the social infrastructure construction tendency on characteristic .

  8. 各种非正规制度是如何促使在计划经济体系内部顺利实现了一种渐进式的制度变迁的?

    How does the informal institution promote the gradual institutional change in the system of planning economy ?

  9. 明中叶以前,刘氏家族一直处于缓慢而有序的传统渐进式的社会变迁中。

    Before mid Ming Dynasty , Liu family had been in a process of slow and innovative social transition .

  10. 在这种情况下,出版行业必然遵循路径依赖的规律,在政府的主导下进行渐进式的制度变迁。

    In this case , the publishing industry must follow the law depended by the path and lead to gradual institutional change under the guidance of the government .

  11. 中国渐进式制度改革的微观动力机制&一个渐进式制度变迁的供求模型

    The Micro-Driving Mechanism in the Progressively Reforming Progress in China : A Demand-Supply Model about Progressive institution Change