
  • 网络Marginal cost pricing;marginal-cost pricing
  1. 基于机制设计理论和边际成本定价理论,发展了一种具有激励相容特性的发电市场竞价机制。

    Using mechanism design theory and marginal cost pricing theory , an incentive compatible bidding mechanism is introduced for power generation competition in electricity markets .

  2. 利用边际成本定价模式确定飞机所需交纳的起降费从经济学角度来说是富于效率的,并且相关的原则也为越来越多的机场所采纳。

    It argues that charging policy , based on marginal cost pricing , is economically efficient , and facts show that relevant principles are more widely accepted by airport operators .

  3. 对于电价是在成本分析的基础上,建立了采用成本加和边际成本定价原则的模型;

    This dissertation gives model based on cost adding and marginal cost .

  4. 本文中所用到的定价方法主要有边际成本定价方法。

    The marginal cost method is adopted in the paper .

  5. 农村电价定价的新方法&远期边际成本定价法

    The new method of tariff setting-long-run marginal cost tariff

  6. 实时电力交易中平均成本和边际成本定价理论研究

    Research on marginal cost and average cost pricing theories in spot power transactions

  7. 电力边际成本定价类型及特点

    Types of Electricity Marginal Pricing and its Specialties

  8. 边际成本定价下的成本补偿

    Cost recovery under marginal - cost pricing

  9. 边际成本定价原则并不适合于自然垄断厂商。

    The rule of marginal cost is not appropriate to pricing for firms in natural monopoly industries .

  10. 该方法既保留了边际成本定价中的经济信息,又有利于电网的年收支平衡。

    This method keeps economic information in marginal cost method and benefits to make both ends meet .

  11. 然后,对会计成本定价法和边际成本定价法进行了系统、深入的分析和研究。

    Then the author makes profound and system analysis on the account cost price and the marginal cost price .

  12. 用图标明这个价格,以及相对于边际成本定价对社会的无谓损失。

    On a diagram , label the price charged and the deadweight loss to society relative to marginal-cost pricing .

  13. 这时,企业的定价介于垄断定价与边际成本定价之间。

    In this case , the enterprises ' pricing is between the marginal cost pricing and the monopoly pricing .

  14. 自然垄断使按照效率原则的边际成本定价和企业财务平衡(不亏损)不可同时兼得,于是产生了定价的两难选择问题。

    Natural monopoly makes it not available to obtain margin cost pricing and financial balance ( no deficit ) simultaneously , and then comes the dilemma of pricing .

  15. 在当前已提出的电力市场定价方法中,一般都以机组在某一时段内的平均发电成本作为竞价参数,它只是对边际成本定价的一种近似。

    There existed several pricing methods for power market . The usual methods are used the average generating cost during a period as the bidding parameters , which are approximate .

  16. 由于比特产品具有新特性,一些传统的经济学规律变得不再适用,在定价领域表现为:边际成本定价等方法的失效,即比特产品出现定价怪象&部分产品价格大大高出了其成本。

    As the bit products with new features , some of the traditional economic laws obsolete . Performance in the field of pricing : the marginal cost pricing method becomes invalid .

  17. 根据电力零售市场的特点,基于负荷价格响应的定义以及边际成本定价理论,推导出了考虑负荷价格响应的有功实时电价的表达式。

    Based on the concept of load-price elasticity , the principle of marginal cost pricing , and conditions of the deregulated retail electricity market , the model of spot pricing was deduced .

  18. 短期边际成本定价趋势与固定成本长期补偿之间的矛盾决定了完全竞争均衡结构内生着不稳定性。

    The contradiction between the pricing mode by the short - run marginal cost and the long - run compensation of the fixed cost creates the endogenous instability in the market structure of perfect competition .

  19. 指出在中国航空运输业迅速发展的背景下,边际成本定价模式可以为改革现有机场起降时段分配机制提供一种指导思路。

    It also suggests that in the circumstance of china 's fast growing air transportation industry , marginal cost pricing can he used in providing guidance to airport 's reform of the slot allocation mechanism .

  20. 计算基础电价的方法主要有三种,即边际成本定价方法、会计成本定价方法、实时电价理论。

    There are three kinds of method of calculating basic electric price , includes : marginal cost method , account cost method , and spot price theory . The marginal cost method is adopted in the paper .

  21. 文中提出应用边际成本定价理论可以给出资源利用的合理分析,边际成本定价采用增量成本代替平均会计成本,可以反映经济成本变动趋势和电力资源消费变化,指出了销售电价的改革发展趋势。

    A reasonable analysis on resource utility is given by applying marginal cost price theory , marginal cost price theory replacing the average account cost with increment cost , shows economic cost variation and consumption of electricity resource .

  22. 通过以边际成本定价理论为依据,对铁路客运高峰负荷定价问题进行分析,初步计算了我国铁路客运高峰运价综合水平。

    In this paper , the theme of the peak pricing of the railway passenger transport is analyzed based on marginal cost theory , and the specific price level of the railway passenger transport in peak and off-peak is calculated .

  23. 利用机制设计和边际成本定价理论,将薄膜生产厂家报价曲线的斜率和截矩分别作为策略变量设计了一种具有激励相容特性的薄膜市场竞价机制并推导出相关公式。

    Based on mechanism design theory and marginal pricing theory , the slope and intercept of offer curves of factories are used as strategy variates , and a kind of inspiriting compatible bid mechanism is designed and relative formula are given .

  24. 公益服务机构由于存在固定成本、管理费用等共同成本,按照边际成本定价容易出现亏损,因此公益服务机构的价格决策应当考虑共同成本因素。

    For charity service organizations due to the presence of fixed costs , management fees and other common costs . In accordance with marginal cost pricing they may suffer losses , thus charity service institutions should take these cost factors into consideration .

  25. 以边际成本定价理论为依据,对公路旅客运输高峰期运价进行研究,并将研究成果应用到四川省公路旅客运输高峰期运价制定实际中。

    Based on the theory of marginal cost pricing , research is made on the tariff of passenger transport in the high peak , and applied those research result into the tariff of passenger transport in the high peak of Sichuan province .

  26. 以电价为研究对象,针对带有独立电厂和抽水蓄能电厂等独立电源的电力公司,在综合分时电价形式和边际成本定价方法的基础上,提出了其相应的分时电价模型。

    A timed electricity pricing model for power corporation with independent power source such as independent power plant and pumped storage is proposed as the result of study on electricity price , which is based on timed electricity pricing form and marginal cost .

  27. 经济学上的纯粹的边际成本定价方法尽管可以提供有用的经济学信息,但是输电网的规模经济效益却使得依赖边际成本定价的输电收入远远不能满足输电投资成本的收支平衡。

    Though pure marginal cost pricing method in economics can offer the useful economic information , the scale economic benefits of transmission network can ′ t make the transmission income based on marginal cost pricing satisfy the revenue reconciliation of transmission investment by far .

  28. 长期边际成本电力定价方法研究

    A Study of Power Tariff according to Long Term Marginal Cost

  29. 在电力市场环境下网嵌入的边际成本输电定价新方法

    Grid Embedded Marginal cost Transmission Pricing ( GEMP ) in Power Market

  30. 再生水资源边际机会成本定价

    Marginal opportunity cost of the reclaimed wastewater resource pricing