
  • 网络Operation mode;mode of operation;job way
  1. 井下装载机的作业方式和生产率

    Loader 's Job Way and Efficiency Under the Shaft

  2. CO2角焊中手工与角焊机作业方式的对比研究

    Comparative Research on Manual and Semi-automatic Welding in CO_ ( 2 ) Welding

  3. OA系统代替了低效的传统手工作业方式。

    OA replaces the traditional and inefficient manual operation mode .

  4. GPSRTK测量作业方式的探讨

    The Discuss on the GPS RTK Surveying Mode

  5. 目前Texaco煤气化工艺的技术经济指标评价多采用手工作业方式,工作量大而且繁琐。

    The technical and economic evaluation of Texaco coal gasification technology is usually performed by hand .

  6. ±800kV直流输电线路带电作业方式的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Live-line Operation for ± 800kV DC Transmission Line

  7. 结合作者参与的CRE某项目,提出一种采用标准化集装单元器具,实行小型集装单元一体化运输的运输作业方式。

    Combining with certain CRE project the author join in , it is proposed that a standardizing container unit can be adopted and integrated transport of small size container unit be carried out .

  8. 750kV单回紧凑型线路带电作业方式试验研究

    Experimental Research on Hot-line Work of 750 kV Single Compact Power Transmission Line

  9. 对两种典型的现代管理方法&MRPII和JIT的管理思想以及生产作业方式等方面进行了比较;分析了两者的应用环境,并提出了应用方案。

    Two typical modern management methods ( MRPII and JIT ) were introduced , their purpose , managing ideas and method , and production task were compared , their application conditions were analyzed , and application projects were proposed .

  10. 本文主要探讨了RTK测量所具有的多种作业方式,提出了应根据测区已有控制资料情况和测量成果需求的紧迫程度,灵活选用RTK测量的作业方式。

    In this paper , multi-modes in GPS RTK surveying are studied , at same time , we bring forward the mode of RTK surveying should be agility based on the control data and the degree of pressure in production requirement .

  11. Balint小组,广泛用于全科医疗的作业方式,试图通过简单案例的讨论探究医生对患者的情感问题。

    " Balint " groups , widely used in general practice , attempt to explore doctors'feelings about their patients through facilitated case discussion .

  12. 施工中采用机械化配套施工工艺和成熟先进的立井短段掘砌混合作业方式,严格管理、科学施工,2003-04-01~2003-04-30实现基岩掘砌月成井202m,工程质量全优。

    In the construction , mechanical and advanced well digging way are used , strict , management and scientific construction , realize digging rock 202m in April , 2003 .

  13. 审计机关的作业方式必须做出调整;

    The present situation of manual audit work shall be changed ;

  14. 网络媒介环境给记者作业方式带来的利弊分析

    On Advantages and Disadvantages of Journalists ' Operations in Net Environment

  15. 采穗母株作业方式与定植密度间存在互作效应;

    There is a reciprocal effect between the operation and the density .

  16. 配电线路带电作业方式及安全防护

    Live Line Work Mode and Safe Protection for Distribution Line

  17. 平行-掩护筒作业方式在深井施工中应用前景的讨论

    Prospect of applying the parallel operation with protective shield in deep shaft-sinking

  18. 水电能源产业在我国能源生产中扮演着重要的角色,随着技术的发展,水电厂的检修作业方式已经进入了第三次变革阶段,即以诊断监测为前提的状态检修阶段。

    Hydroelectric power plays an important part of energy industry in China .

  19. 一次料场堆料作业方式对矿石混匀效果的影响

    Influence of stocking method on blending effect in primary raw material yard

  20. 浅谈煤矿掘进的循环作业方式

    Talking about the cyclic operating ways of mine tunnelling

  21. 不同采集作业方式对森林景观生态的影响

    Effects of different harvesting ways on forest landscape ecology

  22. 铣削剥皮是原木剥皮机床的一种作业方式。

    Milling decortication is a kind of job method for log disbarking machine .

  23. 繁忙干线大型养路机械作业方式研究

    Research on the Construction Organization Method of Large Instrument in Rail Whirl Trunks

  24. 立井施工作业方式的最优选择

    Best option of mode of shaft construction operation

  25. 国外高速铁路迅猛发展,线路维修养护技术水平也不断提高,主要表现在采用先进的检测系统、高度机械化作业方式、科学诊断和自动化管理方面。

    Track maintenance technology is raising while high speed railway was developed in abroad .

  26. 但在这个时候,他们决定从事独立作业方式。

    But at this point the man and the woman decided to work independently .

  27. 通过采用现代工具和现代作业方式,它可以极大地提高工作效率。

    With the usage of modern tool and method , it will improve the efficiency greatly .

  28. 商品林营建中整地作业方式分析及机具配套选型

    Analysis of the way of arrange-land working and selection of cultivated machines in commercial forest construction

  29. 线路枕底垫渣作业方式的探讨与应用

    Exploration and Application of the Operating Mode of the Ballast Backing beneath Sleeper on the Railway Lines

  30. 同时提出防治适期、最佳用药量的喷雾作业方式。

    Optimum period for control , optimal chemical using amount and spraying method have been put forward .