
  • 网络critical success factors;Csf;csfs;ksf
  1. 第二部分讲述了ERP导入的关键成功因素。

    The second part we describe the critical success factors .

  2. 中国企业ERP实施关键成功因素的实证研究

    The Empirical Study of Critical Success Factors of ERP Implementation in China

  3. 关键成功因素是保持SOA项目的有序进行。

    The critical success factor was keeping SOA project on track .

  4. 中国企业的ERP关键成功因素

    Study on the Successful Key Factors of China 's Enterprises ERP

  5. 医院CRM和关键成功因素分析

    CRM in Hospitals and Analysis of its Critical Successful Factors

  6. 本文采用调查研究方法,以前人的成熟量表为基础,开发了问卷用以测量和描述关键成功因素、ERP系统成功和情境因素。

    A survey instrument is developed to measure CSFs , ERP success and context factors .

  7. CRM系统实施的关键成功因素

    Critical success factors of implementing customer relationship management system

  8. SOA的一个关键成功因素是能够在体系结构中重用现有资产。

    A critical success factor for SOA is the ability to reuse existing assets in the architecture .

  9. 论文从这些特殊性质和特殊的市场状况导出了AUTO公司项目管理的关键成功因素,并引入了魔力金字塔这一概念。

    Thesis analyzed these special characteristics and proved out the project key success factors for AUTO company project management .

  10. 论文最后制定了系统实施步骤并对CRM系统实施的关键成功因素进行了分析。

    The article draws up the course about system application and analyses the critical success factors .

  11. 然而由于应用环境的差异,与国外企业相比,我国企业ERP实施的关键成功因素有所差别。

    However , for the difference of the ERP application environment , the CSF for Chinese Enterprises are different .

  12. 座谈会暗示了设立一个卓越中心并将一组广泛的技能作为交付SOA的关键成功因素的重要性。

    The panel hints the importance of establishing a CoE with a broad set of skills as a key success factor .

  13. 最后给出了ERP实施项目关键成功因素模型,以达到提高国内企业ERP实施的成功率,推动信息化建设之目的。

    The conclusion helps Chinese enterprises to improve the ERP implementation and provides some references for the practice of informatization .

  14. 我国B2C网站经营的关键成功因素及实证分析

    Empirical Study on Key Factors for Successful B2C Enterprises in China

  15. ESB是实现成功SOA采用的重要入口点,并且是任何面向服务的解决方案的关键成功因素。

    ESB is an important entry point to successful SOA adoption and is a key success factor in any service-oriented solution .

  16. 本文的基本目的是在中国的具体环境下,以实证方法找到并验证中国企业实施ERP系统的关键成功因素。

    The primary purpose of this study is to empirically identify and test the Critical Success Factors ( CSFs ) of ERP implementation in China .

  17. 本文详细研究了建立电子商务企业中CRM的关键成功因素,并分析了企业综合销售信息的特征。

    The CSFs of building up CRM in electronic business enterprises , together with the analysis on features of integrated management information , are carefully studied .

  18. NJ:我目前认为最重要的关键成功因素是

    NJ : The most important key success factors I see currently are

  19. 本文试图采用关键成功因素(CSF)管理方法来研究BPR的实施,重点研究BPR关键成功因素、BPR评价方法、情境因素对BPR的影响。

    This essay tries to apply the management method of Critical Success Factors ( CSF ) to study the implement of BPR .

  20. 企业资源计划(ERP)在国内企业信息化建设工作中举足轻重,对钢铁企业ERP实施及其关键成功因素进行实证分析,具有非常重要的现实意义和应用价值。

    ERP holds the balance in internal enterprise 's informationalization . It is very important and valuable to study the ERP implementation and its critical success factors in steel enterprise .

  21. 通过大规模文献回顾,作者提出了一个ERP关键成功因素模型。该模型将主要ERP关键成功因素分成5类:领导因素、业务流程重组、项目管理、变革管理和外部支持。

    Based on widely literature review , five CSFs categories are proposed , namely : leadership , business process reengineering , project management , change management , and external support .

  22. 由于关键成功因素间的相互影响,项目管理和ERP厂商支持对ERP系统成功的作用不如前3个因素明显,但它们仍然对ERP系统成功有积极影响。

    Project Management and Vender Support are not completely tested to be the CSFs due to the inter-correlation between independent variables . But these two factors still have positive effect on ERP success .

  23. 分销资源计划(DRP)实施的关键成功因素研究&以上海白猫(集团)公司为例

    An Investigation on Critical Success Factors of DRP Implementation & Take Shanghai White Cat Group as A Case

  24. 研究了ERP实施关键成功因素,并在此基础上建立了ERP实施全过程的评价指标体系,该评价指标体系涵盖了ERP实施各个过程,实现了ERP系统实施评价的全面化和系统化。

    On the basis of the research of the critical success factors , the evaluation index systems to the whole process of ERP implementation were established , which included every stage of ERP implementation and realized the all-around and systemic evaluation .

  25. IT改造的一个关键成功因素是建立一个项目管理办公室(PMO)功能,并且使其与所有涉众一起工作。

    A critical success factor for the IT transformation was establishing a project management office ( PMO ) function and having it work with all stakeholders .

  26. 第四部分对CMK公司大客户管理关键成功因素及业务应对策略作了分析。

    The fourth part analysis the critical success factors ( CSF ) and the business development strategies of the key account management of CMK company .

  27. 基于KPI的考核思想,结合企业信息化项目管理的关键成功因素,从企业的角度出发,构建了企业信息化项目管理绩效评价指标体系,从过程和总体两个角度来分别进行衡量。

    Based on the thought of KPI inspection , the union critical success factor of enterprise informatization project management , constructs index system of the enterprise informatization project management performance evaluation , separately carries on the weight from the process and the overall two angles .

  28. 在探讨国内外有关行业关键成功因素(KSFs)研究和应用现状的基础上,首先依据行业KSFs的性质,提出了行业KSFs识别标准;

    Firstly , based on the study and application of the industry key success factors ( KSFs ), the paper presents the identifying standards of KSFs in terms of the property of KSFs ;

  29. 关键成功因素:部署,训练,和用户支持

    Critical success factors : Deployment , training , and user support

  30. 基于粗糙集的关键成功因素识别方法

    A Method of Recognizing Critical Success Factors Based on Rough Set