
guān jìn
  • shut;impound;shut-in
关进[guān jìn]
  1. 有了这扇门,天气不好时我们就可以将鸟关进鸟屋。

    The door enables us to shut the birds in the shelter in bad weather .

  2. 将她关进一座坟墓

    To shut her up in a sepulchre

  3. 把狗关进适于旅行的笼子里。

    Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage .

  4. 晚上狗被关进笼里。

    The dogs are caged at night .

  5. 约翰让人将莫德和她的儿子关进了地牢。

    John had Maude and her son cast into a dungeon .

  6. 你是说他们把太多人关进了监狱?

    You 're saying they are sending too many people to prison ?

  7. 你不认为把动物关进笼里太残忍了吗?

    Don 't you think it 's cruel to cage a creature up ?

  8. 就大多数年轻的犯法者来说,把他们关进监狱不是解决问题的办法。

    Prison is not the answer for most young offenders

  9. 一只鸟被关进了笼子,到现在它都十分狂躁。

    A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic .

  10. 这个女人将被关进精神病院。

    The woman will be confined to a mental institution

  11. 我们被禁止使用母语,违者将被关进监狱。

    We were forbidden , under pain of imprisonment , to use our native language .

  12. 山羊被关进圈里,每天都得铡草运料。

    The goats are penned in and fodder has to be cut and carried each day

  13. 他8次被关进局子里,每次都是朋友保释他出来的。

    He has been jailed eight times . Each time , friends bailed him out .

  14. 牲畜已经喂好并关进厩里了。

    The animals had been fed and stabled

  15. 鼓励农民们把家畜关进栏圈,而不是让它们到处乱跑。

    Farmers were encouraged to keep their livestock in pens rather than letting them roam freely .

  16. 他被关进了精神病房。

    He landed in a psychiatric ward

  17. 他们把我们关进监狱,第二天一个糊涂法官令我们具结保证。

    They put us in a cell , and the next day some bumbling judge bound us over

  18. 花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱。

    Having spent his rich wife 's fortune , the Major ended up in a debtors ' prison .

  19. 他声称,一名警官威胁要陷害他并把他关进监狱。

    He claimed that a police officer had threatened to stitch him up and send him to prison .

  20. 老虎被捉住后关进了笼子。

    After the tiger was caught , it was caged .

  21. 他因伪造罪而被关进监狱。

    He was sent to prison for forgery .

  22. 这个人被关进了一间牢房里。

    The man was put in a cell .

  23. 这些罪犯被关进监狱。

    The criminals were committed to prison .

  24. 他完全骗过了放羊倌,晚上羊群被关进栏里时,他也被一起关了进去。

    He completely deceived the shepherd , and when the flock was penned for the night he was shut in with the rest .

  25. 思想如同小鸟儿,一旦被关进笼子里,或许能展开翅膀,但再也不能飞翔。

    Thought is like a bird , and once in a cage of words it can unfold its wings , but not fly .

  26. 糟糕!ABC动物园内的动物逃走了!你可以帮工作人员把它们关进笼内吗?

    Oh no ! The animals from ABC Zoo have escaped ! Can you help the zookeeper put them back in their cages ?

  27. 在本集中,Stefan和Elena有很多感人的画面,从一起被关进牢笼互表爱意到Stefan把日光戒指戴到Elena手指上。

    Stefan and Elena had a couple of touching scenes , from being caged up next to one another and each saying I love you to Stefan putting the daylight ring on her finger .

  28. 当然,真相会还她的父亲自由。自从Det.Lance(由PaulBlackthorne扮演)被指控与绿箭侠合作并且不愿意透露他的姓名之后,他就被关进了监狱。

    The truth , of course , could also set her father free since Det. Lance ( Paul Blackthorne ) was thrown in jail for working with the vigilante and refusing to give up his name .

  29. 我们把虐待动物的人关进监狱,我们不顾危险在四周布满鲸鱼和捕鲸船的船上游玩,我们带着童年时期关于小鹿斑比(Bambi)妈妈的悲惨遭遇的痛苦回忆。

    We jail people who abuse animals , put ourselves in harm 's way in boats between whales and whalers , carry our childhood traumas of what happened to Bambi 's mother .

  30. 其中包括申淑子(ShinSuk-ja),她是一个被朝鲜关押的韩国人,1987年,因为丈夫叛逃欧洲,她和两个女儿一起被关进劳改营。

    One is Shin Suk-ja , a South Korean prisoner of North Korea who was sent into penal labor with her two daughters in 1987 after her husband defected to Europe .