
  • 网络Bond Girl
  1. 普斯·格洛(PussyGalore)在本书中回归,这也是首次有邦女郎在邦德身边昙花一现后,拥有了自己的故事线。

    For the first time a Bond girl 's storyline will be followed beyond her fleeting experience with 007 , with the return of Pussy Galore .

  2. 除了赛杜,《007:幽灵党》中还有另外一位特别的邦女郎——51岁的意大利女星莫妮卡贝鲁奇。

    Aside from Seydoux , Spectre stars another unique Bond girl , 51-year-old Italian actress Monica Bellucci .

  3. 但如果你打算用邦女郎来指代51岁的莫妮卡·贝鲁奇(MonicaBellucci)、30岁的蕾雅·赛杜(LeaSeydoux)和39岁的娜奥米·哈里斯(NaomieHarris),那你不妨重新考虑一下。

    But if you 're thinking of referring to Monica Bellucci , 51 , Lea Seydoux , 30 , and Naomie Harris , 39 , as Bond girls , then think again .

  4. 起初,赛杜对出演邦女郎心存担忧,因为这和她之前演的角色完全不同。

    At first , the actress was afraid to take the role .

  5. 她是史上年纪最大的邦女郎。

    She 's the oldest actress ever to play a Bond girl .

  6. 丹尼尔·奎格(37岁):这位新007邦德的扮演者可以与曾经饰演过“邦女郎”的贝瑞分享007影片的惊险刺激。

    Daniel Craig , 37 : The Bond girl can share the thrill of the chase with the new007 .

  7. 她演绎的邦女郎可不是个花瓶,她是解开电影中谜团的关键。

    Her Bond girl is more than just a decoration . She 's the key to unlocking the film 's mysteries .

  8. 法国女演员贝纳尼丝•玛尔洛奖会是今年的邦女郎,在她旁边的是回归的男演员丹尼尔•克雷格,他被认为是为该系列电影带来新生命。

    French actress Berenice Marlohe will be this year 's Bond-girl alongside returning actor Daniel Craig who is credited with breathing new life into the franchise .

  9. 威廉王子和哈里王子周五表示他们对于女王在开幕式上变身邦女郎一事全然不知。

    Princes William and Harry were kept completely in the dark by the Queen 's transformation to Bond girl in the Olympic opening ceremony , they revealed on Friday .

  10. 她最成功的角色是在1962年的《007之诺博士》中扮演邦女郎(注:这是007系列的第一部电影)。这部影片给她带来了很多参与模特工作的机会,她长相也变得广为人知。

    She landed her breakout role in the 1962 James Bond film Dr. No. Her famous character in the movie led to many modeling opportunities and Andress face became internationally known .

  11. 符合完美邦女郎形象的包括在1979年上映的《登月计划》中饰演“妙算博士”的路易斯•智利,在1971年上映的《金刚钻》中饰演普兰蒂·奥图尔的拉娜•伍德。

    Those who fit the ideal type include Lois Chiles as Dr Holly Goodhead in Moonraker ( 1979 ) and Lana Wood as Plenty O'Toole in Diamonds Are Forever ( 1971 ) .

  12. 在1964年上映的电影《金手指》中,詹姆斯·邦德因为在将要亲吻的邦女郎眼中反射出在自己身后男子的影像化解了一场即将发生的袭击事件。

    In the 1964 film Goldfinger , James Bond thwarts a would-be attacker approaching from behind after seeing the man 's reflection in the eyes of the woman he 's about to kiss .

  13. 消息人士补充说,现在“邦女郎”这个词已经禁止使用:“我们都被告知,从今以后应该称呼她们为‘邦女士’。”

    The source added that the phrase ' Bond girls ' is now forbidden , saying : ' We were all told that from now on they are to be addressed as ' Bond women ' . '

  14. 丹尼尔·克雷格,在本部影片中依旧饰演007。他将与扮演最新邦女郎的法国女演员蕾雅·赛杜,还有制片人芭芭拉·布罗克里从本周二开始,进行一次为期长达三天的旅程。

    Daniel Craig , who plays 007 in the movie , will be joined by French actress Lea Seydoux , the latest Bond Girl , and producer Barbara Broccoli on a three-day tour in China starting this Tuesday .

  15. 最新一部007电影《007:幽灵党》将于11月13日在国内上映。最新邦女郎玛德琳斯旺(法国女演员蕾雅嬠岍灧)在影片中被赋予前所未有的重要性。

    Spectre , the newest chapter of the 007 saga , will be released on Nov 13 , and the latest Bond girl Madeleine Swann , played by French actress L é a Seydoux , is endowed with unprecedented significance .

  16. 此外,以前的邦女郎其实只是“邦女孩”,现在我们有了真正强悍、独立的“邦女人”。其中一个女人对他没什么兴趣,和另一个女人好上了;

    What 's more , where before there were only Bond " girls , " now we find strong , independent Bond " women . " One of them shows little interest in him and goes off with a woman instead ;

  17. 她的角色“是典型的邦女郎,十分性感,不过这次睡在邦德身边的玛德琳有点不一样。她不需要邦德,也不会等着他来救她,”赛杜对《邮报》说。

    Her character " was a stereotypical Bond girl , very sexy , but while Madeleine sleeps with Bond , this time it 's different . She doesn 't need him or wait for him to save her , " Seydoux told The Mail on Sunday .

  18. 鉴于之前许多邦女郎在007电影中如昙花般一现,随后便星途黯淡,玛尔洛和经纪人正努力确保她与众多一流演员合作,正如邦德电影是用来为她的国际演艺生涯铺路一样。

    And while many Bond girls fade into acting obscurity or fall into second-class flicks after making a 007 splash , Marlohe and her agents at ICM Partners are making sure the actress surrounds herself with top-flight talent as she uses the Bond movie as a launching pad for an international career .