  • state;nation;country
  • 国:友~。邻~。~交(国和国之间的正式外交关系)。~国(国家)。~人(本国的人)。


(国) state; nation; country:

  • 友邦

    friendly nation;

  • 邻邦

    neighbouring country;

  • 联邦

    federation; union


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 邦彪

    Bang Biao

  1. 爱尔兰自由邦成立于1922年。

    The Irish Free State came into being in 1922 .

  2. 现在有望在2月进行选举。在此期间,该邦继续由德里政府管理。

    It now hopes to hold elections in February . Meantime , the state will continue to be run from Delhi .

  3. 发生在孟加拉湾的飓风正威胁着印度东部各邦。

    A cyclone in the Bay of Bengal is threatening the eastern Indian states .

  4. 芳邦大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。

    Fontbonne is a liberal arts college , located in a residential suburb of St. Louis .

  5. 中国从来以礼义之邦著称。

    China has always been known as a land of propriety and righteousness .

  6. 他有经邦安国的才能。

    He has the ability to govern and give peace to the country .

  7. 数以百万计的灌溉井地下水水位均大幅下降,几乎每个邦都是如此。

    Millions of irrigation wells have significantly lowered water tables in almost every state .

  8. 很多人并不知道“冰书挑战”是由(印度)喀拉拉邦的一个名为“一村一个图书馆”的非政府组织发起的。

    Not many of us know that The Book Bucket Challenge is a drive started by One Library per Village , an NGO based in Kerala .

  9. 这对不愿意透露姓名的新人本来定于5月1日在印度北方邦举行婚礼。

    A bride and groom who wish to remain unidentified were supposed to have the wedding for their arranged marriage on May 1 in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India . Skeptical to test his knowledge during the ceremony .

  10. 独特翻转式结构,适用于各种尺寸IC邦定。

    Unique reversal structure suitable to various IC bonding .

  11. 基于HLA邦元结构的仿真引擎设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Simulation Engine Based on HLA Federate Template

  12. HLA邦元范型框架设计及其关键技术研究

    The Design and Essential Technologies Research of HLA Federate Wizard Framework

  13. 结果表明已克隆到邦2菌纤维素酶系中的内切葡聚糖酶基因(ED基因)片段。

    The results showed that the endoglucanase gene has been cloned .

  14. 它受到了欧洲委员会(EC)和哈里利亚纳邦政府的支持。

    It is supported by the European Commission ( EC ) and the Haryana state government .

  15. 一为邦员内部对象以及对象之间的关系,称为邦员业务逻辑模型,可用UMLprofile进行映射;

    One reflects the objects and their relationship in the same federate , it can be named federate logic model and can be mapped by UML Profile ;

  16. 时间控制是HLA邦元中最复杂的部分,当前国外的相关研究对这部分能力的支持都比较弱。

    Time management is the most complex part in HLA federate . The time control policy in current systems was often simplified .

  17. 其从,当用SWOT方式剖析了人邦汽车工业构建实拟研收组织的否行性。

    Secondly , this article uses SWOT method to discuss Feasibility of structuring virtual R & D organization of China 's automobile industry .

  18. 研究辅助HLA仿真邦元开发和邦元实现的支撑技术,是促进HLA在军事仿真领域应用和发展的核心。

    Therefore , the technology for supporting federate development progress is critical to generalize and develop the HLA technology in the military simulation domain .

  19. 胜邦给水用PE管材一般为黑色加蓝条,也可根据用户要求生产蓝色或其他颜色管材。

    Shenbon water supply PE pipes are in black with blue strips as standard , but blue pipes or other colors pipes can be ordered as a special requirement .

  20. 在形式化分析HLA邦元组成和约束的基础上,提出并实现了一个支持邦元程序开发的软件框架&邦元范型框架YH-FWF(FederateWizardFramework)。

    A federate wizard framework named YH-FWF was designed based on formal analysis of the composition and constraint of HLA federate programs .

  21. 这些磋商带来了来自一些顶级科学家的批评和来自民间团体和几个种植茄子的邦的政府的反对&包括那些已经种植了Bt棉花的邦。

    These uncovered criticism from some top scientists and opposition from civil society organisations and several brinjal-growing state governments & including those already growing Bt cotton .

  22. 印度环境与林业部(MinistryofEnvironmentandForests)说,焚烧秸秆会影响新德里的空气质量,但整顿还是叫停这一做法应该由邦政府决定。

    The Ministry of Environment and Forests says burning affects air quality in Delhi , but that it is up to the state governments to decide whether they want to regulate the practice or promote campaigns to stop it .

  23. 试验结果还表明,增施钾肥能有效地提高叶邦和软叶的粗白、总氨基酸、必需氨基酸及Vc含量,降低NO~-3含量和减小叶球的邦叶比,明显地改善叶球品质。

    The test results also show that K dressings can improve the head quality by increasing the contents of rough protein , vitamin C , all amino acid as well as essential amino acid ;

  24. 并通功研讨邦际上现行的电力行业儿同信做模型(CIM),道亮CIM非一类元数据模型。

    After studying and analyzing the current international common information model ( CM ) in power industry , the thesis points out that CIM is a metadata model .

  25. 他说,印度的另外三个邦喜马偕尔邦、古吉拉特邦和恰蒂斯加尔邦已经从该项目中获得启示,并任命了CDM官员设计类似的项目。

    Three more Indian states Himachal Pradesh , Gujarat and Chhattisgarh have taken a cue from the project and appointed CDM officers to design similar projects , he says .

  26. 路邦EN-1固化剂稳定土路用性能试验

    Test on Road Performance of Soil-Solidified Agent of Condensate EN-1

  27. 自从尼蒂什库马尔(nitishkumar)2005年出任首席部长以来,该邦已取得了巨大的进步。

    Since Nitish Kumar became chief minister in 2005 , the state has made palpable progress .

  28. 《印度教徒报》(TheHindu)报道称,北方邦、旁遮普邦、拉贾斯坦邦、哈里亚纳邦和北阿坎德邦全都“无视中央电力监管委员会(CentralElectricityRegulatoryCommission)要求遵守电网纪律、停止过度用电的强烈警告”。

    As The Hindu newspaper reported , Uttar Pradesh , Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Uttarakhand all " ignored strong warnings from the   .   .   . Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to maintain grid discipline and stop over-drawal . "

  29. 房地产机构世邦魏理仕(CBRichardEllis)的研究人员称,随着零售商在寻求扩张机时越来越多地将目光投向海外,中国和俄罗斯等新兴市场所拥有的外国品牌数量已超过美国。

    As retailers look increasingly abroad for expansion opportunities , emerging markets such as China and Russia are already home to more foreign names than the US , say researchers for the real estate agency CB Richard Ellis .

  30. 房地产服务公司世邦魏理仕(CBRichardEllis)5月29日发布的报告显示,东京内中心和外中心等其它传统办公场所,也在全球最昂贵的5个市场之列。

    Other traditional office locations such as inner central and outer central Tokyo were also in the top five most pricey markets , according to a report released on the 29 May by CB Richard Ellis , the property services company .