
  • 网络Athlete psychology;psychology of athletes
  1. 也正是这些问题一直捆扰着CUBA男子运动员心理训练的成效。

    Such problems have been frustrating the achievement of the psychological training of the CUBA male athletes .

  2. MC~2Study~(TM)对减轻优秀运动员心理疲劳和增强表象演练能力的研究

    Research on How MC ~ 2 Study ~ ( TM ) Reduces the Mental Fatigue and Improves the Imagination Ability of Elite Athletes

  3. 浅析篮球替补运动员心理状态对CBA主客场赛制主场优势的心理状态研究

    On Psychology of Basketball Substitute Players A Study on the Superiority of Psychology in Home Competition in CBA Games

  4. 我国男子20km优秀竞走运动员心理训练结构研究

    On the Psychological Training Structure and training of Elite Men 20km Walkers in China

  5. 采用日本运动心理学会会长德永斡雄研制的运动员心理竞技能力诊断量表(DIPCA-3),对高水平女足运动员进行问卷调查。

    Using the Diagnosis Measuring Scale of Psychological Competitive Ability ( DIPCA-3 ), a questionnaire was given to the elite women footballers .

  6. 11分赛制乒乓球运动员心理压力分析与调适对浙江省大学生篮球联赛(ZUBA)新赛制的构想

    Analysis and Adjustment of Ping-pang Athletes ' Psychological Pressure under the New Contest System of 11-point A Conception of a New Contest System for ZUBA

  7. 广东高校运动员心理健康水平的调查分析

    Preliminary Analysis on the Mental Health Level of Guangdong College athletes

  8. 健美操运动员心理变化的因素及心理训练

    A Brief Study of the Psychological Training of the Calisthenics Athletes

  9. 心理应激引起免疫抑制,不同状态焦虑特质及人格特质的运动员心理应激的免疫反应不同。

    Different personality characteristics have different immunity reaction of psychological stress .

  10. 篮球运动员心理放松练习方法

    A Study on Basketball Players ' Methods in Psychological Relaxation Training

  11. 少年儿童冰球运动员心理训练模式探索

    Exploration of the Psychological Training Mode of Children Ice Hockey Players

  12. 好莱坞演员孤独的心浅析篮球替补运动员心理状态

    Lonely Heart of Hollywood Stars On Psychology of Basketball Substitute Players

  13. 足球运动员心理技能训练简述

    A Brief Account of the Football Player 's Mental Skill Training

  14. 试析武术运动员心理疲劳的产生及其恢复

    Analysis on Reason and Recovery of Mental Fatigue of Wushu Athlete

  15. 幼儿女子体操运动员心理指标的判别分析

    The Discriminative Analysis of Psychological Parameters for the Infant Female Gymnasts

  16. 射箭运动员心理特征和心理训练探讨

    Discussion on Mental Feature and Mental Training of Archery Athletes

  17. 优秀女子散打运动员心理状态监测与训练

    Monitoring and Training of Psychological State of Female Free-Fighting Elite

  18. 浅析优秀运动员心理稳定性的形成

    On the Formation of the Psychological Stableness of Excellent Athletes

  19. 跳远运动员心理疲劳的成因与恢复手段研究

    A Study on Causing Psychological Fatigue of Long Jumpers and Recovering Means

  20. 女子摔跤运动员心理疲劳成因及恢复措施的研究

    Research on Causing of Wrestles ' Physiological Fatigue and its Rehabilitation Methods

  21. 棒球运动员心理应激及相关因素研究

    Study on Mental Stress and Correlative Factors of Baseball Players

  22. 心率变异性反馈训练对运动员心理疲劳调节的应用研究

    Effect of HRV feedback training on sportsmen 's mental fatigue

  23. 运动员心理应激及其中介因素的研究

    A study on psychological stress and mediation factors in athletes

  24. 对跳高运动员心理自控能力训练之略谈

    Probe into Ability of Mental Control of High Jump Athletes

  25. 运动员心理选材的遗传学基础

    The Genetical Foundation of Talent Selection in Sport by Psychology

  26. 对运动员心理健康及其影响因素的分析

    Analysis of Athlete 's Mental Health and Related Factors

  27. 大学生网球运动员心理技能研究

    Survey on Psychological Skills of College Student Tennis Athletes

  28. 对冰球运动员心理素质训练的研究

    Studies on Developing Psychological Qualities of the Ice-hockey Players

  29. 篮球运动员心理压力的成因与对策

    Cause and Countermeasures of Basketball Players ' Psychological Pressure

  30. 对十项全能运动员心理技能训练的探讨

    A Survey of Psychological Skill Training of Decathlon Players