
  1. 煤矿运输安全性评价的基于熵权的TOPSIS方法

    TOPSIS based on entropy weight for safety evaluation on coalmine transportation system

  2. 本文系统分析了公路大件运输安全性的影响因素,建立了运输车辆的可靠性、稳定性和通过能力模型,并在此基础上用VB语言开发出了公路大件运输计算机决策系统。

    In this paper , impact factors on safety of over-size transport are analyzed firstly . Then some models of reliability , stability and capacity of road are established , on the basis of which a decision making system for over-size transport is developed .

  3. 农村运输安全性系统的综合分析与评价

    Synthetic Analysis and Evaluation on the Safety System of Countryside Transport

  4. 煤矿运输安全性的可拓综合评价

    Extensible Synthetic Evaluation on the Safety of Coal Mine Transportation

  5. 大型构件海上运输安全性分析

    Safety Analyze of Large Goods Transport on the Sea

  6. 车辆超限、超载与公路运输安全性分析

    Safety Analysis of Over-size and Over-load in Road Transport

  7. 基于熵权的煤矿运输安全性模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation on safety of coalmine transportation systems based on entropy weight

  8. 农村运输安全性的数学模型的研究

    Study on Mathematical Model of Countryside Transportation Safety

  9. 附着摩擦与运输安全性

    Adhesive friction and Transporting Safety

  10. 液化气船装卸流程及海上运输安全性的研究

    Study on the Security of LG Handling Process and Shipping at Sea for LG Carriers ; transportation agent

  11. 交通事件检测是尽早发现公路运营中的事故隐患,提高运输安全性的重要技术。

    Traffic incident detection is an important and necessary technique to ensure that all incidents are found as early as possible and thus improving highway transportation safety .

  12. 介绍农村运输安全性系统的组成要素、特性及以系统主要素为参数的一定运输系统事故的数学模型。

    This paper introduces component parts 、 characteristics of countryside transport safety system , and a mathematical model of transport accident based on parameters from the main system components .

  13. 针对危化品运输安全性和气体传感器可靠性不高的问题,组建了一套用于半导体气体传感器的程控标定系统。

    In view of the problem of low reliability in security of dangerous chemicals transportation and gas sensors , a programmable calibration system for semiconductor gas sensors was constructed .

  14. 国际海事公约通过规范海上活动在保证国际贸易及运输安全性和公平性上起到了关键的作用。

    The International Maritime Conventions , by setting the standardization and regulation of maritime activities , plays an important role to guarantee the security and equality of international trade and transportation .

  15. 船舶在波浪中的稳性问题是海上运输生产安全性的重要方面,也是长期以来IMO和所有航运大国讨论和致力解决的重要技术问题。

    The stability of ship in waves is the important part of sea transport security , over the last decade , it is the focus of the discussion when IMO and most flag states investigated all means to enhance the safety of ships .

  16. ADS-B技术在空中交通管制工作中的广泛应用,对给航空运输的安全性、高效性、可靠性、灵活性带来巨大的改变,预示着空中交通管制监视技术将开启新的篇章。

    ADS-B technology in the air traffic control in the work of the extensive application in to the air transport security and efficient , reliable , flexibility is the change of air traffic control and monitoring technologies will be open a new chapter in our country .

  17. 重大件运输车辆安全性分析及基本流程框架图的建立

    Safety Analysis of Heavy-lift Vehicles and Construction of the Working Flow Chart

  18. 随着高速铁路事业不断的飞速发展,对其运输的安全性的要求越来越高。

    With the rapid development of the high-speed railway industry continuously , the transportation security demands more and more .

  19. 在企业对特种车辆的安全监控起到工至关重要的作用,很好的提高了车辆运输的安全性。

    In the special vehicle safety monitoring companies played a crucial role , can improve the safety of vehicle transportation .

  20. 考虑铁路运输的安全性和高效性,铁路轨道进行传输信号,对信号在轨道电路上传输和机车信号能正确显示的要求也越来越高。

    Its security and efficiency depend on the transmission of signals between track circuits and the accurate display of locomotive signals .

  21. 本文研究内容对危险品货物运输的安全性、系统性、高效性具有一定的实际意义。

    In this paper , it is practical significance for the transport of dangerous cargo in security , systemic , efficiency .

  22. 该评价方法及模型为我国易燃易爆物品道路运输安全可达性提供了一定的参考价值。

    The evaluation method and model for the safety of road transport flammable and explosive items accessibility provides a reference value .

  23. 它们的导管直径小、导管数量多、导管分布频率高,是对海滨盐渍环境的适应,保证水分在植物体内运输的安全性。

    The features of small vessel diameter , many vessel numbers and high vessel frequency ensure the safety for water transportation inside plant .

  24. 提出了OPC在进行宽带随机振动实验中必须面临的几个技术问题及处理方法,保证了OPC在运输中的安全性。

    Several engineering problems during OPC random vibration experiment were discussed and solving methods were pointed out . The safely of OPC in vehicle transportation can be guaranteed .

  25. 这些文件可以确保接收到的原材料和运输成品的安全性。

    These documents can ensure the safety of the received raw materials and transportation finished product .

  26. 民用机场是航班起降的区域,是航线的汇聚点,从整个航空运输系统的安全性和经济效益来看,新的调度算法在产生后都不可能直接在实际机场运作系统中进行实验。

    From the security of entire air transport system and economic benefits , the new scheduling algorithm can not directly be examined in the actual operation system .

  27. 开口石油闪点是表征该石油产品在使用、存储和运输条件下安全性的一个重要指标,用于鉴定油品及其它可燃液体发生火灾的危险性。

    Open cup flash point of petroleum is an important indicator under the condition of the use , storage and transport , which is used for the identification of oil and other flammable liquids .

  28. 最后总结船上所能用到了煤炭自燃后的扑救措施,为了进一步提高散装煤炭运输船舶的安全性,保证船货安全提供理论依据。

    And finally I draw a conclusion that the fire-fighting measures that can be used in the coal spontaneous combustion on board and provide a theoretical basis in order to further improve the security of the bulk coal transport ship , to ensure the safety of the cargo .

  29. 该计算直接涉及列车的运输能力和运输安全性。

    The calculate treats of the ability and safety of transport .

  30. 现代道路运输企业安全管理有效性分析

    Analysis on Safety Management Validity of Modern Road Transportation Enterprise