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  1. 本研究在蛋白筛选的基础上,利用酵母双杂交系统对病毒蛋白与寄主蛋白之间的互作做进一步的验证,并针对RSV编码的功能蛋白NS2,对其互作情况进行了研究。

    Based on library screening , the yeast two hybrid system was employed to further confirm the interaction of viral protein and host protein .

  2. 据美国调查机构PrinceAssoc.在2007年对身家3000万美元以上的富人所做调查,50%的受访已婚男性承认自己曾出轨。这与性学家对更大范围美国人所作做的调查结果相符。

    According to a 2007 study of people worth 30 million or more by Prince Assoc. , 50 % of of the male survey respondents who were married said they 'd had affairs . That 's about in line with findings for the broader American population , according to sexologists .

  3. 你的所作做为总有一种东西使我感到满足欢心。

    There 's something but the things you do , That keeps me satisfied .

  4. 这与性学家对更大范围美国人所作做的调查结果相符。

    That 's about in line with findings for the broader American population , according to sexologists 。

  5. 如果我们不去做我们应该作做的,那么我们就已经浪费了那个时刻,那成为了我们不再重复生命中永久的时间损失。

    If we don 't do the things which we ought to do , then we have wasted that particular moment which would remain a permanent loss of time from our life which would never come back .

  6. 本文对图像识别作了做了较为全面深入的研究。

    In this paper , image recognition is deeply researched .

  7. 作与做的两个三角分析

    An Analysis of " act " and " do " within " Two triangle " Hypothesis

  8. 这个测验你可以作(做)很多次,但在你重新开始测验前必须完成上一次测验的所有内容。

    You can take the quiz as many times as you wish , but you must go all the way through before retaking any questions .

  9. 他以自己稳定的财政作赌注去做风险这么大的交易是错误的。

    It was wrong to venture his financial security on such a risky deal .

  10. 乌拉圭女人同样也会作,还会做的更好,至少她们都是女人!

    Uruguayan women do the same thing and more , they 're women !

  11. 让我们继续作我们在做的事。

    Let 's just do what were doing .

  12. 作基督徒,做你的亲爱的妻子。

    Becoming Christian and your loving wife .

  13. 这不是一个刚性的体系,你要这样作或那样做。

    This is not some rigid system , where you have to do this or that .

  14. 以低钙饲料喂养大鼠10天,用活性钙胶囊作对照,做三天碳酸钙泡腾颗粒在大鼠体内的钙平衡代谢试验。

    Using basic food ( low calcium meal ) were fed to weanling rats for 10 days .

  15. 写文章或作演讲或做某种行为可能为起诉某人提供根据

    ( write or speech or act ) which can provide the grounds for bring an action against someone

  16. “难办啊,”比尔说,“那些模范父亲所做的事情换作我去做,我就犯法了。

    Pretty much all the things that make you a good father are now illegal for me to do .

  17. 本文主要介绍了合欢皮的主要成分及其作用功效,对其目前国内外所作的研究做一综述。

    This test introduced the major component and effectiveness , and summarized the study progress at home and abroad now .

  18. 我找到一本透彻分析相关年代的好书,书中附有多种图表,从而对其所作的分析做了更为详尽的阐述。

    I found a good book that thoroughtly analyzed the relevant time period and amplified its analysis with charts and illustrations .

  19. 尽管地方性组织在同艾滋病作斗争方面做了很大的努力,农村地区的艾滋病患者数量还是在增长。

    Despite all the efforts form the local organizations in battle against AIDS , the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing .

  20. 以后再谈六步格诗和喜剧吧,现在让我们继续讨论悲剧;但在此之前让我们把在已经探讨过的东西基础上所作的定义做个总结。

    Comedy for consideration hereafter , let us proceed now to the discussion of Tragedy ; before doing so , however , we must gather up the definition resulting from what has been said .

  21. 最后,本文对所作的工作做了一个总结,指出存在的不足及改进方法,为后续的研究设计作了指导。

    The some experimental results were given . Finally , the completed jobs was summarized in the thesis . The shortcomings and the methods that need to be improved were pointed out in the paper , which made some guidance for the further study .

  22. 文中对我国学者在这一领域中所作的卓越贡献做了简要介绍。

    The excellent works in this field contributed by Chinese scientists are briefly introduced .

  23. 佩妮:我也不敢相信你居然没看过《饭祷爱》(《美食祈祷和恋爱》亦作《一辈子做女孩》)。

    Penny : And I can 't believe you 've never read Pray , Love .

  24. 入有登忘的小用户,将正在三年外慢慢完成身份信作挖登农做。

    The old users without registration in three years , will complete identity information put up .

  25. 主要介绍了美拉德反应及简单叙述了影响美拉德反应的一些因素,以及美拉德反应产物对一些食品风味所作的一些贡献做了简单的介绍。

    This text mainly introduces Maillard reaction and the factors which affect the reaction , and the contribution Maillard reaction gifts some food .

  26. 最后青蛙问,咋回事?我告诉你了我是个美丽的公主,我会跟你住一周,作任何你想做的事。

    I 've told you I 'm a beautiful princess and that I 'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want .

  27. 用科技作挡箭牌可以算做是一种怯懦的分手方式,而与此形成对比的是,有4%的人甚至不说一声,就完全断绝与爱人的所有联系。

    While hiding behind technology might appear a cowardly way of splitting up , it contrasts with the four percent who simply drop all communication with their lovers without notice .

  28. 卵巢摘除术或假手术后21天,各组每只动物均任选一侧的上颌第一磨牙进行丝线结扎,对侧牙齿留作对照,不做处理,均以高糖软饮食饲喂。

    Twenty-one days after ovariectomy or sham surgeries , one of the upper mandibular first molars of each animal was randomly tied by silk ligatures to creat periodontitis , and the contralateral tooth was left unligated .

  29. 我起床,有时候忘记调闹钟,结果起床晚了,我从床上踉跄爬起;,我叫醒孩子,跟仆人打招呼,作准备;,做早餐。

    So , I get up and sometimes I don 't set the alarm and I get up late ; I stagger out of bed ; I wake the kids ; I greet the servants ; I get ready ; I make breakfast .

  30. 用该血清和三氯化铬、人血清白蛋白包被的O型红细胞作指示细胞,做凝集抑制试验,能区别人血(斑)和包括灵长类在内的各种动物血(斑)。

    The human blood ( or bloodstains ) could be distinguished from other primate animal blood ( or bloodstaius ) by the hemagglutination inhibition test which was carried out using the absorbed antisera and human serum albumin coated red blood cells as indicator cells .